Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Currents: March 2015 and DIY crafts

Hello everyone!

We’re already one quarter of the way through 2015, and I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by! Before we know it we’ll be picking out pumpkins to carve and apples to smother in caramel (well, I know I will). But I’m getting ahead of myself. For now, here are my March favorites.


Current: Book

There’s a bit of a story behind my favorite book this month. When I was about 15, my then boyfriend introduced me to the Percy Jackson series. These books are a little like Harry Potter, except they focuses on Greek mythology, and include Roman further into the series. And they’re a lot more humorous; I remember laughing so hard once that I ended up losing the candy I was eating (TMI? Maybe.). I started reading the first book one rainy fall night and didn’t put it down until I was finished. Since then, I read every book of both series (the first five books are a separate series than the second five, for some reason). This one is the last in the second series, and I am completely heartbroken that it’s over.


Current: Tea

One word: classic. This is the first tea I ever drank, and I thought it was awful. I’ve grown up, and so have my taste buds. Well, sort of. I’ll only drink it if I douse it in flavored creamer first. At the moment, cinnamon bun is what’s being used. Sound gross? It probably would be to some people, but I think it’s heavenly.


Current: Food

I’m going with a classic this month. When I was a kid, I could devour a whole box of these in a day or two. Now that I’m older and am actually affected by sweet things, I’ve toned it down a bit. Though you couldn’t tell with how many boxes I bought while I was in the States..


Current: Activity

When I was about 10, my Grandma helped me sew a bag for my heritage fair project (for those of you who don’t know, it’s a little like a science fair, but it concerns skills/jobs that your family has done in the past). Then when I was about 17, I had the urge to sew again. I began visiting my Grandma to use hers and have her help me with my projects (lets face it, I definitely sewed the wrong pieces together more than once). Once I got good enough that I didn’t completely destroy a beautiful piece of fabric, I was given my Grandma’s old sewing machine. I love to sew, but I’ve hardly made any time in the past few months. Now that this semester is almost done, I’m beyond ready to start something new.


Current: Lotion

Now I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this, but I have an absolutely embarrassing amount of lotions and body butters. So of course, while shopping around at forever 21, I had to find this. The only reason I ended up buying it was because it’s honeysuckle scented, and it smells exactly like the honeysuckle bush we’ve had in our yard since I was about 5.


Current: App

This isn’t exactly new, but I’ve only just rediscovered it. I’ve always been one of those people who loves the rain; the sound it makes on the windows, the smell of wet earth, and the dark clouds that come along with it. So naturally, I get a little bummed when it’s sunny every day for four months. This app is my cure for that. It has different sounds you can choose from, like raindrops on canvas, or the sound of it hitting a porch roof. Bonus: it’s great to meditate to.

Stay wonderful, xox.

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