Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sick Kids, Shed Demolition and Shovelling my own Sh!t! and DIY crafts

The past week has been filled with a lot of bodily fluids. Both of the kids have been sick, literally for several days. Max started around midnight on Saturday and continued every hour for the next 48. Luke was better and was once every 8 hours or so from Sunday night. Today (Thursday) was the first day they have both been back to school all week, so we are a bit behind with what we had planned.

Anyway, before we had all the sickness in the house we decided to demolish a rotting old garden shed that, like with most things around here, we had been meaning to get rid of for 15 years!

Old Rotten Shed

The old shed

To start with we removed the glass and then the roofing felt to make it a bit easier and safer for pulling down:

Remove the glass from the shed

Glass removed

Then the whole family set about breaking apart the structure:

Everybody getting stuck in.

Everybody getting stuck in.

Once we got to a point where one of the ends had come off we had a bit of a problem:

Shed is leaning

The Leaning Shed of Resthivet

The shed was leaning in a rather precarious way. The green tank you can see in the picture is the oil tank for the central heating, which would not have taken nicely to being dropped on. So we had to break out the Land Rover which meant 2 people were very happy:

Happy Boys

Happy Boys

As they got to do this:

The process was repeated for all of the sides and the roof before everything was broken up. This left us with a nice space where the shed used to be:

Empty space where the shed was.

Shed no more!

And with all the wood broken up and burning it meant we could have some toasted marshmallows for tea:

Toasting Marshmallows

Toasting Marshmallows

We woke up yesterday (April 1st) to this:

Snow in April

Snow In April!

Clearly some kind of April Fool’s joke?

Then today I got to go and shovel excrement as our Septic Tank has filled up:

Fixing the Septic Tank

Can you imagine the smell?

The whole time we were away nobody thought to empty it, and now we are back it has filled up quite quickly. This means it has overflowed and covered the entrance where it will be emptied from. I found the breather pipe today by flushing the toilet and seeing where the water was coming from. Tomorrow I have to find the main entrance, lovely!

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