Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 2

Today was Mom Support Group Day! For those of you who do not have a group, I highly recommend one. I have an online support group which has been a lifesaver when I have had a question about Ian, “Is this rash normal?”, “Baby Bjorn or Ergo Baby?”, “Will he EVER stop crying???”. I’ve also recently started going to the support group at the hospital I delivered at. It’s run by a lactation consultant who answers questions big and small.

Side note: all of the LCs I’ve encountered have been incredible! Breastfeeding is hard. There have been plenty of days I’ve broken down crying because I just couldn’t get Ian to latch correctly, or my milk supply was goofy or it hurt so much. Between the LC hotline and the weekly breastfeeding support group they have helped me through whatever crisis I’m having and somehow miraculously gotten Ian back on track. I’m so grateful and I don’t think I could have made it this far without them.

Anyway, even if I don’t have anything going on in my life, it’s always nice to just be able to go out, nurse if I need to with no judging or awkwardness, let Ian play with other babies and just be able to hang out with other people who know what it’s like. “I understand what you’re going through” is such a powerful and cathartic phrase. Most of the time I don’t need someone to try and solve my problems. I just want someone to truly listen and understand and possibly give me a hug. And that’s exactly what the support group does!

And sometimes I get donuts afterwards : )

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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