Friday, April 29, 2016

Lactation Training

Tomorrow, I’ll finish a lactation training course designed by the World Health Organization. I have learned so much already in the two days I’ve spent at this course. I’ve been surrounded by such amazing, dedicated women– doulas, IBCLCs in training, La Leche League leaders, and more. All of us are dedicated to helping women reach their breastfeeding goals. The resources available to help with breastfeeding success on Hill Air Force Base and Davis, Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, and Cache counties have just grown by about a dozen women.

I’m working on putting together a list of resources, including IBCLCs, chiropractors, tongue tie revision experts, peer groups, and more as part of my “homework” from the course. I should have it available soon (and I’ll link it here when it’s finished).  If you have any input on what you’d like to see on this list, please let me know!

The other part of my homework was to practice hand expression. It’s a skill every breastfeeding mother should know, and can even remove the need to purchase a pump, even for some working moms. My baby is 18 months old and still nursing but we’ve been working to slow down, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.


Not too bad for ten minutes work. I’m a little out of practice, but it’s a skill that you don’t really forget. Every woman finds a slightly different method that works for her, but this is a great place to start. I am so excited to have even more skills and knowledge to offer, and I can’t wait for what tomorrow will bring!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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