Wednesday, October 24, 2018

November Meetings

Hi everyone! We have booked our November meeting schedule, which will be twice a week due to your survey responses.

Our first meeting of November will be on the 14th from 1-2PM with Dr. Trish Zornio, Behavioral Neuroscience faculty at UC Denver and prospective US Senate Candidate 2020.

Our second meeting (hopefully featuring lunch!) will be Nov 30th 1-2PM and will be a social hour where we can catch up about work and how our babies are doing!

As usual meetings are in room 10017 of RC2 with a NEW TIME 1-2PM.

Happy pumping!

To print off and circulate the November flyer: Nov_MandC_2018

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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