Sunday, May 19, 2019

Lucy Stevens and the Pokemon Lab

The gal in Detective Pikachu sure is a cutie pie. Here’s a request I got for a BE/lac with her.

“The torterra are still normal sized, though…” Lucy said, her voice drifting quieter. The young blonde woman rested her hand on the wall of the enclosure and felt a prick in her palm. “Ouch! What?”

Her eyes were drawn to the computer panel above where her hand had been. Human female test subject present… Beginning test… Growth serum delivered it read. Lucy’s eyes flitted between the exposed hypodermic and her palm, quickly but reluctantly accepting what had happened. “Psyduck! Go find help! I’m gonna see if there’s a way to stop… whatever it’s going to do to me!” Her psyduck waddled through the lab, looking for Tim and pikachu, trying to avoid a headache.

Lucy felt a tightness in her chest and began to worry. “What’s… happening to me?” she asked to no one. The reporter’s red hoodie and black turtleneck began to stretch as Lucy stared down at herself, trying to figure out if this was actually happening or if she was just hallucinating… she brought one hand to her chest, the other braced against the wall, arm straight and elbow locked.

On contact, her seemingly insane hypothesis was proven true, and Lucy gently pressed her hand into her chest more, feeling the soft and growing flesh squish underneath it. As her bra constricted around her, Lucy quickly pulled her hoodie off to see her bust stretching the shirt underneath. The black shirt followed the sweatshirt quickly, piling on top of the heavier garment. Lucy’s jaw dropped as she saw her previously-meager breasts now overtaxing her bra; her boobs were now definitely beyond handfuls, even.

Pulling at her bra, it was clearly too tight for Lucy to unhook the clasp. “Come on, come on…” she whispered as it restricted her breathing, the band now stretched tight by her swelling tits. “Just… pop… off…”

Lucy grimaced as the pain of her bra mounted, until she took in a huge breath as the clasp broke and the cups flew away from her breasts. The reported bent over with her hands on her knees, sucking in air, even as she felt herself still growing steadily. Slowly standing straight, Lucy saw her reflection in the defunct monitors, and she could barely believe it as she watched her boobs continue to grow.

Another sensation creeped into her mind; it had been slowly strengthening but overshadowed by the pain from Lucy’s bra. Her tits felt full, as if there was more than just her flesh in there. She was barely aware of her breast growth tapering off, leaving her with breasts slightly larger than her head. More distracting was how they felt; as she squeezed them, Lucy’s plump nipples leaked a few drops of liquid.

She let out a sharp moan, unbidden, her hands impulsively beginning to milk herself. Lucy tumbled onto her knees, sitting on her feet as she quickly got more and more into the act. Her hands moved from her boobs with nary a thought as two pumps from the wall moved towards her, latching themselves onto her nipples and firing up. Lucy’s arousal skyrocketed as the machine milked her, and she squeezed her boobs to try and help out…

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