Sunday, June 30, 2019

Toddler Dies From E. Coli Linked to Contact With Animals at San Diego County Fair


Low-Wage Workers Are Being Sued For Unpaid Medical Bills By A Nonprofit Christian Hospital That Employs Them

Low-Wage Workers Are Being Sued For Unpaid Medical Bills By A Nonprofit Christian Hospital That Employs Them
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare has sued many of its own employees over unpaid medical bills and garnishes their wages; its health care plan prevents them from going to competitors with better financial assistance.

June 30, 2019 at 08:21PM
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Saturday, June 29, 2019

What You Should Do If You're Stung By A Jellyfish — It's Probably Not What You're Thinking

What You Should Do If You're Stung By A Jellyfish — It's Probably Not What You're Thinking
Some good advice if you happen to get stung by a jellyfish while swimming this summer.

June 29, 2019 at 04:15PM
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Friday, June 28, 2019

Too Many Antioxidants Can Give You Cancer, And Other Facts About The Misunderstood Molecules

Too Many Antioxidants Can Give You Cancer, And Other Facts About The Misunderstood Molecules
And free radicals aren't always bad for you.

June 28, 2019 at 04:24PM
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'Very Smart People,' But A Keyless Car's Downside Killed Them

'Very Smart People,' But A Keyless Car's Downside Killed Them
For Sherry H. Penney, a former university chancellor, and her husband, James D. Livingston, a retired physicist, the 2017 Toyota Avalon was a sensible purchase.

June 28, 2019 at 03:15PM
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Democrats Confront Divisions Over Health Care in Debate


The 411 on Hand Expressing Breastmilk

Hand expression is a useful skill for any nursing mother.  It can relieve breast fullness, stimulate milk production, and provide milk for your baby. 

Getting Ready
First wash your hands well. Find a clean collection container with a wide mouth, like a cup. Or, you can express your milk into a spoon and feed it directly to the baby. Whenever possible, plan to express in a private, comfortable place where you can relax. Feeling relaxed enhances milk flow.

Find Your ‘Sweet Spot’
There are many ways to hand-express milk. Whichever technique you use, the most important part is finding your “sweet spot,” the area on your breast where milk flows fastest when your breast is compressed. Try different finger positions until you find it. If the dark area around your nipple (areola) is large, your “sweet spot” may be inside it. If it is small, it may be well outside it. When you find your “sweet spot,” you may want to put a small circle bandage on it to make it easier to find it next time.

Click HERE for a highly recommended video on Hand Expression

Do What Works Best
Always do what feels best and expresses the most milk. The following technique combines recommendations from the World Health Organization with other methods:

  1. Before expressing, gently massage your breasts with your hands and fingertips or a soft baby brush or warm towel.
  2. Sit up and lean slightly forward, so gravity helps milk flow.
  3. To find your “sweet spot,” start with your thumb on top of the breast and fingers below it, both about 1.5 inches (4 cm) from the base of the nipple. Some mothers find it helpful to curl their hand and use just the tips of their fingers and thumb. Several times, apply steady pressure into the breast toward the chest wall.  If no milk comes, shift finger and thumb either closer to or farther from the nipple and compress again a few times.  Repeat, moving finger and thumb until you feel slightly firmer breast tissue, and gentle pressure yields milk.  After you’ve found your “sweet spot,” skip the “finding” phase and start with your fingers on this area.
  4. Apply steady pressure on areas of milk in the breast by pressing fingers toward the chest wall, not toward the nipple.
  5. While applying inward pressure on the breast, compress thumb and finger pads together (pushing in, not pulling out toward the nipple).  Find a good rhythm of press—compress—relax, like a baby’s suckling rhythm.
  6. Switch breasts every few minutes (five or six times in total at each expression) while rotating finger position around the breast. After expressing, all areas of the breast should feel soft. This process usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

Expressing for Premature/Ill Babies

If your baby has to stay in hospital, it is important to start expressing your milk as soon as possible after your baby is born. In order to ensure that you produce plenty of milk, you need to express at least eight times over 24 hours, including during the night. Ask the hospital staff about holding your baby in skin-to-skin contact. This can help with bonding and keeping up your milk supply. If you are freezing milk because your baby is premature or ill, ask the staff caring for your baby for advice. 

If Needed, Adjust
Hand expression should feel comfortable. If not, you may be compressing too hard, sliding your fingers along the skin, or squeezing the nipple. If you feel discomfort, review the description above, and adjust your technique. It is important to find the method of hand expression that works best for you a Breastfeeding Counselor or Internation Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) may be able to help.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Thursday, June 27, 2019

YouTuber Etika’s Death Spurs Conversation About How Viewers React To Creators’ Mental Health Struggles

YouTuber Etika’s Death Spurs Conversation About How Viewers React To Creators’ Mental Health Struggles
Following the death of popular YouTuber Desmond "Etika" Amofah on Tuesday, friends, fans, and other creators have opened up about the toll that being an online personality can take on a person's mental health.

June 27, 2019 at 08:24PM
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HPV Vaccines Are Reducing Infections, Warts — and Probably Cancer

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Med Students Are Doing Vaginal Exams on Unconscious, Non-Consenting Patients

Med Students Are Doing Vaginal Exams on Unconscious, Non-Consenting Patients
The practice is still legal in 42 states despite decades-long ethical concerns. In the #MeToo era, things are starting to change.

June 27, 2019 at 08:02AM
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

For America's Public Health Officers, Questions Of Duty And Purpose

For America's Public Health Officers, Questions Of Duty And Purpose
The Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service is steeped in history, and nagged by charges of bloat, inertia and redundancy. Is that fair?

June 26, 2019 at 07:35PM
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Scabies Means Misery. This Pill Can End It.

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

‘It’s Gigantic’: A New Way to Gauge the Chances for Unresponsive Patients


Some New Books & One Free Book

I’ve got two new short stories – Good Christian Girl Gone Bad: Ganged by the Frat & A Dripping Exam.  Both will be available on Amazon for $0.99 till the end of June.  After that, they will go back to regular price of $2.99.

Feeding the Frat will be available for FREE from Wednesday June 26th till the end of the month.

Good Christian Girl Gone Bad: Ganged by the Frat


A short excerpt from Good Christian Girl Gone Bad:

Halfway through my second glass of red, Jack suggested we play strip poker. I’d never played before, but they were so keen, and I thought, why the hell not.

It turned out that I was not very good at strip poker. In fact, pretty soon, my pumps had gone, and my stockings were in a little pile on the floor next to me.

“Three Kings!” said Chad, laying down his cards, triumphantly. I looked at my pair of Aces and sighed.

“So…what does that mean?”

“It means your dress has to go.”


They all nodded. Well, if those were the rules…I stood, a little unsteady and began to unzip my dress. I felt it slacken, and with some difficulty, I managed to slip out of it, letting it slide down my body to the floor. I stood there, in my thong and bra, blushing bright red. All four of them were gazing at me, as though mesmerized. No-one said anything. It was a weird sensation!

“Wow,” said Jack, eventually.

I blushed again and sat down. Mark passed me the wine bottle and I took another swig, giggling when a little trickled down my chin.

“Let me get that,” said Jack. Before I realized what he meant, Jack had leaned over and licked the sticky trail of wine from my face. It was the most incredible sensation. I was blushing so much, and I felt my body turn all tingly from his touch. I didn’t know what to say, but Jack just smiled, kissed me lightly on the lips and then picked up the cards and began to deal.

A few minutes later, I was once again staring at a terrible hand. A pair of eights. Did I dare risk it? The wine was making me bolder though, so I took a chance. I called. Mark laid down a full house. I closed my eyes. Now what was I going to do!

“Sorry Chas, but that bra has to come off!” said Joe.

“I…I can’t…”

Continue Reading…

A Dripping Exam


A short excerpt from A Dripping Exam:

Dr Smith was not what I imagined. He was tall. I’m not sure how tall, but he had to be 6’5” at least. And he was young. Late twenties at the most, with thick, luxurious hair, narrow hips, broad shoulders and a healthy tan. It took me a moment or two to regain my composure before I could speak to him.

“So, Dana, isn’t it?” he asked, as I sat on the other side of his desk.

“Yes…yes…I’m Dana,” I said, gushing like a schoolgirl.

“I see from the notes your doctor sent through that you’re having a little trouble with your breasts. Soreness? Heaviness and swelling? And leakage, I am guessing.”

I nodded, flushing red with embarrassment.

“Well I’ve some experience of dealing with this kind of problem, so I am sure we can help you. But before we start, do you mind if I examine your breasts?”

“No, not at all,” I said, a little too quickly.

“If you could lie on the couch,” he said, smiling. I did as I was told, lying flat on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I could feel my heart pounding. Dr Smith approached and began to touch my breasts through my blouse. Instantly I felt tingles through my body. He probed and pressed and explored and the feelings I began to experience were so intense that I had to close my eyes and bite my lip to avoid giving a gasp or a yelp. To my shame, I could feel that my nipples were beginning to leak a little. And they weren’t the only part of me that was starting to moisten.

“Hmmm,” said Dr Smith, concluding his examination. “I think I can see the problem. The good news is that we can treat them right away. That is, if you’re willing and have the time.”

I nodded, unable to get my breath back from his touching.

“Excellent. If you’d like to follow me.”

Dr Smith opened another door at the back of his consulting room and led me down a polished, plush corridor to a room with a red door. He unlocked the door, stepped aside and ushered me in.

At first, I didn’t know what to make of the room. It was kind of small, with tiny windows. In the centre of the room was a metal frame, with two parts, top and bottom, creating a sort of three-sided corral, of the type that you might see cattle herded into at a rodeo. There were straps fixed to the frame, and beyond it, a strange looking machine with wires and tubes attached.

“I…what is this?” I asked, bewildered. Dr Smith smiled.

“Don’t be alarmed. It is an unusual set-up, I agree, but then many of these experimental appear to be unconventional at first. It’s all scientifically rigorous and safe, I assure you.”

I wasn’t entirely reassured but I reasoned that if my own doctor had referred me here, it had to be legit. My faith began to waver, however, when Dr Smith told me I would have to undress.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m afraid clothes will make the treatment process impossible. It’s quite alright, I’ve seen thousands of people naked. You are completely safe here.”

A voice in my brain was telling me that I should probably just leave. But another voice was reminding me that my breast ‘problem’ had to be treated. And then there was the fact that Dr Smith was the most attractive person I had ever seen in my life.

Continue Reading…

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Judge Halts Treatments at Florida Stem Cell Clinic


Risk for Dementia May Increase With Long-Term Use of Certain Medicines

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

The Insulin Racket

The Insulin Racket
Insulin is a 100-year-old drug whose wholesale price has tripled in ten years. The reasons why explain everything wrong with America's broken prescription drug market.

June 25, 2019 at 05:06PM
via Digg

More Milk Please?

Hey there Momma, are you boobies not cooperating with you and the milk is not enough yet for you little one?

As a first time mom (2 years ago), I was pretty scared that I won’t be able to provide mill for Zelda because during latching time, I had only little amount of milk. My boobies were engorged but the milk was a bit little. 2 years after, I’m still breastfeeding my first born Zelda and now feeding my second born Geralt, both at the same time.

So I want to share my quick tips on how I was able to sustain my milk all these years. This is based on my own experience and it may not be effective to some other moms.

As a Mom, I know our body gets lack of sleep and a bit stressed especially if you’re a first time mom.

SLEEP is very important

Again, S L E E P!

When the baby is sleeping, try to get some sleep at the same time too. That’s what everyone has been telling me, so I did. It helped my body to recover from pregnancy to the CRAZZZZYYYY MOMMA FREAKIN PAIN of labour and CS operation. Yes I did trial labour but it wasn’t successful so I ended up doing CS when I gave birth to Zelda and another CS though it was scheduled already for Geralt.
Sooo sleep is very important for to keep us sane.

Let your baby have unlimited latch. I usually breastfeed my babies every 2-3 hours or whenever they want and for about 20-30 minutes. It’s not spoiling them, it’s natural because they need it.

Take care of yourself as well because it really has a big impact on your milk supply. As much as possible ear healthy food and drinks.

Drinking lactating drinks and vitamins helps a lot too! What really helped me to lactate more is drinking M2 Malunggay Tea.

M2 Malunggay Tea really helped me produce more milk and it serves as my vitamins as well.


1. It Has A Lot Of Antioxidants
2. Help Combat Malnutrition
3. It Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels
4. It’s Anti-Inflammatory
5. It Strengthens The Immune System
6. It Increases Milk Supply For Moms
7. It Helps Lower Cholesterol

And M2 Malunggay Tea has this and its DELICIOUS!!!

By the way, this is me drinking M2 Malunggay Tea in a tumbler haha!

There you go, again this is based on my own experience but I hope it can help a bit.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Monday, June 24, 2019

Drug Companies Are Focusing on the Poor After Decades of Ignoring Them

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Arsenic in Bottled Water Prompts a Product Removal: How Much Is Safe?

By EMILY S. RUEB from NYT Health

A Boy Who Had Spinal Surgery in the Womb Stands on His Own Two Feet


What It's Like To Have Lyme Disease Forever

What It's Like To Have Lyme Disease Forever
My experience with the disease began shortly after my wife and I bought a home in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York.

June 24, 2019 at 11:23AM
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The Perverse Logic Of GoFundMe Healthcare

The Perverse Logic Of GoFundMe Healthcare
A third of the money raised on GoFundMe in 2017 was for medical expenses. This isn't surprising, given that the United States has the highest over-all health-care costs in the developed world.

June 24, 2019 at 10:18AM
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Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Link Between Psychedelics, God Encounters And Mental Health

The Link Between Psychedelics, God Encounters And Mental Health
New research suggests having a mystical experience may have long-lasting benefits.

June 23, 2019 at 05:58PM
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The Astronaut Who Got A Cold In Orbit

The Astronaut Who Got A Cold In Orbit
The Apollo astronauts might have been in peak physical condition, but that doesn't mean they didn't suffer all sorts of health complaints. In space, no one can hear your sneeze.

June 23, 2019 at 02:02PM
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Yentl Syndrome: A Deadly Data Bias Against Women

Yentl Syndrome: A Deadly Data Bias Against Women
The science of medicine is based on male bodies, but researchers are beginning to realize how vastly the symptoms of disease differ between the sexes — and how much danger women are in.

June 23, 2019 at 11:43AM
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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Gardening Is The Cure For Pretty Much Everything

Gardening Is The Cure For Pretty Much Everything
I joke that my plants are "my sons," "my co-workers," "my therapy animals," but it’s not entirely untrue.

June 22, 2019 at 10:01AM
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Friday, June 21, 2019

Milk Supply

The third day of my daughter’s life we were supposed to go home from the hospital. Instead we had to stay because they said her breathing was too fast. They observed her, had me nurse her, tried to get me to pump to bottle feed her, took an X-ray of her and then finally we gave her formula and observed her for a few more hours before they said we could go home.

After a few days we went to our first pediatrician visit where a lactation consultant told me I had low milk supply and should use more formula than what the hospital told me to use. On my next visit they upped it up even more.

I struggled with breastfeeding and giving her formula. Then I finally received my breast pump and struggled with that too. But through this experience I learned that no matter how you feed your baby, as long as they’re fed and happy that is all that matters.

Still my goal was to breastfeed her. It took a few weeks but I was finally able to do this. She’s been doing great so far! Lots of wet diapers and a happy smile. I’m slightly concerned about her weight gain and spitting up but I think with several doc visits pushing formula and weight gain quickly it has messed with my mind and she’s fine.

When it comes to breastfeeding it isn’t easy though. One way I’ve tried to help my supply is by eating homemade lactation cookies and drinking drinks with electrolytes like body armour and Gatorade.

The above picture show what I might usually get during a pumping session. But yesterday after eating several cookies and a few body armour and Gatorade, plus a lot of water and calories, I finally got the most I’ve ever gotten before:

I got nearly 4 oz total and was so shocked and happy about it. It might sound crazy to people who don’t breastfeed but this really is something I take pride in.

So if you have trouble with low supply I would say eat lactation cookies, stay hydrated and up your calories and hopefully you’ll see a difference too!

Off to rest now since I’m feeling sick.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

New Sex Drug for Women to Improve Low Libido Is Approved by the F.D.A.


Veterans Agency to Offer New Depression Drug, Despite Cost and Safety Concerns


The Case For An 8-Hour Work Week

The Case For An 8-Hour Work Week
Robots may be coming for your job, but a new study finds we don't need to work that much anyway.

June 21, 2019 at 05:07PM
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'Phones Cause Teens To Grow Horns' Is A Dumb Tech Moral Panic

'Phones Cause Teens To Grow Horns' Is A Dumb Tech Moral Panic
Some amount of young people may have tiny bones growing from the base of their skulls. But don't freak out.

June 21, 2019 at 01:10PM
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Ranking Sugars By How (Un)healthy They Are

Ranking Sugars By How (Un)healthy They Are
White Sugar? Honey? Agave? Which is least likely to turn me into a hyperactive, diabetic maniac spiraling toward sugar-induced violent crime?

June 21, 2019 at 11:31AM
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Ghost Networks Of Psychiatrists Make Money For Insurance Companies But Hinder Patients' Access To Care

Ghost Networks Of Psychiatrists Make Money For Insurance Companies But Hinder Patients' Access To Care
It took months of networking for me to finally find a therapist. I later found out that my experience was commonplace, possibly deliberate, and that inaccurate provider lists have a name: ghost networks or phantom networks.

June 21, 2019 at 09:14AM
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Thursday, June 20, 2019

About the Idea That You’re Growing Horns From Looking Down at Your Phone …


The Best Abortion Ever

The Best Abortion Ever
In my rural California county, it used to be impossible to get an abortion. When I was 41, I needed to have two.

June 20, 2019 at 09:15AM
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The Social Power Of Sleep

The Social Power Of Sleep
Sleep isn't just good for your health  —  it's good for society.

June 20, 2019 at 08:16AM
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When Music Makes You Sick

When Music Makes You Sick
Before my brain injury, my entire life had a soundtrack. Now, I'm basically allergic to sound.

June 20, 2019 at 07:41AM
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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Black Leaders Denounce Juul’s $7.5 Million Gift to Medical School


E-Cigarette Exploded in a Teenager’s Mouth, Damaging His Jaw


Boarding Now: Parents of Children With Food Allergies


School for Girls

School for Girls
Years after recovering from anorexia, a letter to the high school friend she idolized, and explores how hunger, love and envy shaped — and ended — their relationship.

June 19, 2019 at 10:35AM
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Here's The Correct Way To Set Up Your Desk According To An Ergonomics Expert

Here's The Correct Way To Set Up Your Desk According To An Ergonomics Expert
A poorly set-up work station could lead to a lot of pain after eight hours of work. Here are some tips to avoid that.

June 19, 2019 at 09:55AM
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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Scrutinizer of Aging, Dies at 84


What It Feels Like To Die From Heat Stroke

What It Feels Like To Die From Heat Stroke
Your head is pounding, your muscles are cramping and your heart is racing. Then you get dizzy and the vomiting starts. Heatstroke kills thousands of people every year. This is what it feels like — and how to know when you're in danger.

June 18, 2019 at 08:36PM
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A Thoughtful Documentary About Intellectual Disability, Love And Sexuality

A Thoughtful Documentary About Intellectual Disability, Love And Sexuality
Married couple Hava and Paul struggle to find a group home that will accept both of them together.

June 18, 2019 at 08:36PM
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Beets Are Endurance Athletes’ Favorite Root

Beets Are Endurance Athletes’ Favorite Root
Nitrates in beets have made them popular among exercisers, but the benefit may be even greater for less active people.

June 18, 2019 at 07:16PM
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Just How Did Insulin Get So Expensive?

Just How Did Insulin Get So Expensive?
How on earth did insulin become so expensive that Americans are forced to effectively do cross-border drug runs?

June 18, 2019 at 05:02PM
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Jon Stewart Slams Mitch McConnell Over 9/11 Bill On The Stephen Colbert Show

Jon Stewart Slams Mitch McConnell Over 9/11 Bill On The Stephen Colbert Show
Stewart went on Colbert last night to respond to the senator's excuses for the half-empty hearing on the 9/11 victim fund last week and McConnell's comments that Stewart was "bent out of shape."

June 18, 2019 at 10:21AM
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Vaccine Injury Claims Are Few and Far Between


By the Numbers: Vaccines Are Safe


Monday, June 17, 2019

Meth In The Morning, Heroin At Night: Inside The Seesaw Struggle of Dual Addiction

Meth In The Morning, Heroin At Night: Inside The Seesaw Struggle of Dual Addiction
The number of heroin addicts reporting methamphetamine as a secondary substance problem has been rising. In 2014, 14% of heroin users entering rehab in San Francisco said meth was also a problem. Three years later, that percentage increased to 22%.

June 17, 2019 at 10:51PM
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A Chronicle Of The Anti-Vaccination Movement

A Chronicle Of The Anti-Vaccination Movement
This is a story about the pernicious claims borne out of a single, discredited scientific paper in 1998.

June 17, 2019 at 06:54PM
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Why Some Women Are Questioning Hormonal Birth Control

Why Some Women Are Questioning Hormonal Birth Control
I took the Pill every day for 13 years without knowing much about it. Until three months ago, when I quit.

June 17, 2019 at 12:46PM
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