Friday, June 21, 2019

Milk Supply

The third day of my daughter’s life we were supposed to go home from the hospital. Instead we had to stay because they said her breathing was too fast. They observed her, had me nurse her, tried to get me to pump to bottle feed her, took an X-ray of her and then finally we gave her formula and observed her for a few more hours before they said we could go home.

After a few days we went to our first pediatrician visit where a lactation consultant told me I had low milk supply and should use more formula than what the hospital told me to use. On my next visit they upped it up even more.

I struggled with breastfeeding and giving her formula. Then I finally received my breast pump and struggled with that too. But through this experience I learned that no matter how you feed your baby, as long as they’re fed and happy that is all that matters.

Still my goal was to breastfeed her. It took a few weeks but I was finally able to do this. She’s been doing great so far! Lots of wet diapers and a happy smile. I’m slightly concerned about her weight gain and spitting up but I think with several doc visits pushing formula and weight gain quickly it has messed with my mind and she’s fine.

When it comes to breastfeeding it isn’t easy though. One way I’ve tried to help my supply is by eating homemade lactation cookies and drinking drinks with electrolytes like body armour and Gatorade.

The above picture show what I might usually get during a pumping session. But yesterday after eating several cookies and a few body armour and Gatorade, plus a lot of water and calories, I finally got the most I’ve ever gotten before:

I got nearly 4 oz total and was so shocked and happy about it. It might sound crazy to people who don’t breastfeed but this really is something I take pride in.

So if you have trouble with low supply I would say eat lactation cookies, stay hydrated and up your calories and hopefully you’ll see a difference too!

Off to rest now since I’m feeling sick.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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