Thursday, August 8, 2019


Obviously Metroid would be a better game if Samus had giant tits. We all know that.

Samus’ power armor ejected her as the power-up ran through her zero suit. “What the hell?” she shouted as she hit the floor, rolling onto her back to angrily face the now vacant suit. “Why did it-” She cut herself off as she pulled herself up onto her hands and knees, feeling her bust sway a little more than usual. Straightening to sit on her feet, the blonde looked down, shocked to see the blue material of her jumpsuit stretching more than usual.

The bounty hunter had to admit she was pretty busty to begin with, but nowhere near this size. Her blossoming tits were beginning to take up all the space she had, and Samus pawed at the zipper along the back of the suit as she gradually lost room to breathe. Finally getting a hold of it, she pulled it down, releasing the pressure around her bust. Samus pulled her arms out of the tight suit. Sitting, breathing heavily, her breasts continued to grow larger when Samus noticed something else- the suit seemed to be pulling itself off. 

Rolling onto her butt, Samus realized that wasn’t entirely correct: she was growing out of the suit, growing taller as well as bustier. She held up her head-sized tits, letting out a soft moan, as she watched her body lengthen, the shoulders of her suit slowly sliding down past her armpits as her booty started to appear over the end of the zipper. Awkwardly standing up, Samus stumbled a little as the increasingly ill-fitting suit still clung to her a little. She kicked it off, leaving herself naked, and slipped, tumbling onto her side and rolling onto boobs.

Samus mewled a little as her bodyweight pressed into her tits, the basketball-sized endowments beginning to leak. The blonde looked down, placing a hand on one nipple. Observing the white liquid, she was just as perplexed by her newfound lactation as she was everything else. Flipping over onto her back, Samus wrapped up her armfuls of boob, reaching her hands to her plump, milky nipples. Going with it just for the moment, Samus was milking herself before she even realized what she was doing, even as she continued to grow bustier and taller.

Flushed, a grumbling moan escaped her, and Samus reopened her eyes to see the power suit that had so rudely ejected her from it. Reluctantly taking her hands off her tits and standing, she realized for the first time just how tall she was; the top of her armor barely came up to elbow level. Bringing herself back to reality, Samus tried to get into her suit’s readout files to figure just what the heck that power up was…

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