Sunday, December 1, 2019

A New Spell

Hermione Granger BE/booty/lac~

“Okay,” Hermione said, steadying her breath; she was trembling with anxiety. “This spell should make me as attractive as I want…” She’d always been self conscious, even in adolescence, and now in her late twenties, her feelings hadn’t changed. She recited a few words for the spell and pointed her wand at herself; the bolt of light shot from her wand to her body.

The witch began to change instantly, all over. Her lips thickened up a little, not excessively, but enough to be noticed. In seconds, she had plump, kissable lips. Hermione ran her tongue over them, feeling the welcomed thickness. She couldn’t dwell on them, however, as the rest of her body was transforming more intensely. Her sweater was straining around her bust- she had never been busty, so she had quickly outgrown her small bra.

She reached behind herself and fought with her bra clasp, all the while losing space to breathe. With a loud bang the garment snapped in two and Hermione gasped for breath before pulling the bra from her top. Standing up straight, she was shocked to see two head-sized tits stretching out her sweater; the brunette snuck her hands under the knitted shirt and groped a breast in either hand, moaning openly at the pleasure coursing through her.

Hermione quickly gasped but resumed her moaning as her nipples leaked, her newly-produced milk flowing into her hands and dripping down her arms. She impatiently pulled her sweater over her bust, grinning at the obviousness of her lactation–not to mention her huge tits–and slipped out of her skirt as well, for the first time noticing her fat ass. The witch stumbled backwards as her legs wobbled from the sensations wracking her body, but slowly dragged herself to the bathroom.

Growing tits hanging over the porcelain wall into the bathtub, Hermione gladly milked herself as her curves continued to exaggerate. Her booty swelled half again as wide as her shoulders, giving her an unmistakable pear shape if it weren’t for her even larger tits. She let her armfuls of boob gush milk; she didn’t even care as she felt her nipples lay against the bottom of the tub, she just wanted to keep growing and fill the tub with milk…

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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