Monday, April 6, 2020

10 things nobody told me about being a new mom

So this week, this post is going to be short and sweet. I’ve been doing alot of reflecting since becoming a new mom and I’ve realized that, even though I have a great support system, and have been receiving alot of advice since I’ve been pregnant ” both solicited and unsolicited”, there have been a few seemingly minor things that I was never told about that has changed my life so far. So let’s dive into 10 things nobody told me about motherhood.

1. Dark sheets are a no go – leaking breast milk plus my sleek dark grey sheets? They definitely do not get along

2. Boobs leak just from thinking about the baby – If I was out for too long and started thinking about my son , or looked at his picture on my lockscreen i would start leaking milk.

3. I’d have alot of laundry to do thanks to leaking breasts – because my breasts leaked so much especially at night, I’d have to change my top several times throughout the day

4. Breastmilk has an unpleasant smell- although, seeing that you will be covered in it 24/7 the smell will grow on you

5. You and your baby will wake up in a pool of milk every morning – of course this is only if you bedshare, if you don’t, only you will wake up in the pool of milk

6. Mosquitoes will prefer your baby – I’ve noticed that they don’t pay much attention to me or my husband anymore, but they like to hang out on the mosquito net over our son’s crib

7. Your baby will demand your attention – I’m an only child, as such i thought that my baby would just hang out and chill for the first few weeks of his life, wrong. He always wanted me in his face.

8. If you nurse you will eat more than you did while pregnant – I visit the kitchen atleast 10 to 15 times a do. Nursing makes you feel like you are STARVING.

9. Coffee in your breastmilk will stimulate your baby, meaning little to no naps – I’m still learning to cope with this one

10. You will gain a level of selflessness you never knew you were capable of – this one is self explanatory ♥️

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