Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mish mashy update

  1. So, the big news is a C Section is booked!!! Stevie’s birth is now set, provided she doesn’t have her own ideas, for Monday the 16th November, as in LESS THAN FOUR WEEKS AWAY! So excited!
    Basically we had our final scan and consultant appointment yesterday at 35w3d. Remarkably after having only shifted 2mm in 14 weeks from 18w-32w, in the 3 weeks from 32w to 35w the placenta moved to a very safe 11.8cm from the cervix. Which is kinda funny because SSIL had now set herself up to have a C Section.
    But, then they looked at the growth and, well, Stevie is gonna be a big bubba! Her head was measuring in the 97th percentile (it’s her massive brain, clearly inherited from me haha!) and measuring 39w5d!! SSIL blanched when they said that, and basically said “I am not pushing that out”. Ha! Stevie’s tummy was measuring 38w4d and her femur 36w. SSIL’s fundal height at her last MW appointment was also 39 and well she certainly looks heavily pregnant! So due to Stevie’s overall weight, estimated already at almost 7lbs…still with 4 weeks to go, SSIL is now having, for definite (unless, as I say, Stevie has an earlier birthday in mind!), a planned C section.
  2. With four weeks to go we finally started (and have almost finished) the nursery! I might post some pictures once it is finished. I am not one for ‘themes’ but we inadvertently have gone for a rainbow and balloons ‘theme’, ha! I just wanted splashes/accents of really bright colours set against the lovely dove grey walls and it kinda turned into rainbows and hot air balloons/balloons as a very vague theme.
  3. I had my work leaving do/baby shower. Dax and I were both ‘celebrated’ and it was really lovely, even if I had resisted the idea for well most of the pregnancy! I only caved to my admin girl a few weeks ago and she did a lovely, subtle job. We had a nice meal out after work and there were Peppa Pig balloons (she reckons I will be getting to know Peppa soon haha!) and wrapping paper, with sparkly pink stars all over the table. We received some lovely gifts including a bouncy chair, some cute clothes and a GroEgg. We really enjoyed it and felt spoiled and cared for. It was surreal and awesome.
  4. Continuing on the work vein today I am on my third to last day of work! I finish on Friday and I could not be happier about that! Here is to a year off work, whoo hoo!!
  5. The house is almost finished and by almost I mean we have only some finishing touches in the kitchen to complete! This is the culmination of 2.5 years hard graft on a renovation that has almost broken us both financially and emotionally. Dax bless him is beyond exhausted, his job having become a nightmare too recently. But in just two weeks we will be DONE!!!
  6. We have a new midwife. Our lovely one, E, has sadly gone off on long-term sick. We had a wobbly moment last week where we suddenly were hugely concerned that without her on-call we would be thrown to the wolves again on the birth day. Well, on Sunday SSIL got a call from a lady in another practice who is close colleagues with our lovely E and who she contacted directly to ask her to take on our case. The new one, S, sounds awesome. She called SSIL on a Sunday and said she had read through everything pertaining to our case and that if SSIL was happy for her to take us on she would ‘do everything in her power to ensure it all goes smoothly on the day for everyone’. When SSIL called her yesterday to let her know the section date S told SSIL that she was off to see the Head Honcho Madwife, the one responsible for the dumbfuckery, right there and then to ensure she understands our birth plan and what needs to happen and who needs to be aware! I kinda love how much of a bulldozer this new lady is and I hope she is as good as her word.
  7. Lactation continues to go well. I am up to 8.5oz/240ml a day now and increasing slowly but surely every day. I added in a pump at 3am which, oddly, I find easier than my 6am pump! I am still really enjoying the fact that I am making milk for Stevie.
  8. As I am spending so much time with her and she has seen more of my boobs than my husband, I have named my Spectra Ermintrude after the Magic Roundabout cow. I love her.
  9. Did I mention that I am finishing work this FRIDAY?

Ta ta for now.

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