Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ask Well: Is Swimming in Pools Safe During Pregnancy?


Running in Cuba

By LELA MOORE from NYT Health

Health Agencies Confirm Zika Has Caused Microcephaly

Health Agencies Confirm Zika Has Caused Microcephaly
Leading health agencies say there's now scientific consensus the Zika virus can cause microcephaly — a condition in which babies are born with very small heads and brain damage.

March 31, 2016 at 07:57PM
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Six Months Pregnant and Asking, ‘Am I Depressed?’


The Calming Revelation Of Segmented Sleep

The Calming Revelation Of Segmented Sleep
Back when segmented sleep was common, the period between “first” and “second” sleep inspired reverence. I had usually approached the post-­midnight hours full-sail, by staying up. Waking into them is different, childlike. The time feels freer.

March 31, 2016 at 02:20PM
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Drugs You Don't Need For Disorders You Don't Have

Drugs You Don't Need For Disorders You Don't Have
Inside the pharmaceutical industry's campaign to put us all to sleep.

March 31, 2016 at 10:11AM
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My Trip to Doha, Qatar - Part Two

Doha, Qatar is a fast growing, modern city on Doha Bay, with scenic parks, majestic skyscrapers and the Corniche Promenade - places I found so beautiful and inspiring. During [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Emergency Over Ebola Has Ended, W.H.O. Says

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

Checking on Bullying at the Doctor’s Office

By JESSICA W. TSAI, M.D. from NYT Health

What would happen if you didn’t drink water? - Mia Nacamulli

What would happen if you didn’t drink water? - Mia Nacamulli
Without water, you wouldn't be able to function properly as your energy, mood levels, and blood pressure would drop. In other words: drink up!

March 30, 2016 at 09:53PM
via Digg

Milk sharing

When I was not a mom yet, I will admit, i was probably pretty ignorant to alot of issues that motherhood presents. One in particular is milk sharing. If you  would have ask me 5 years ago maybe even 3 (after my daughter was born!) If I knew what milk sharing was, I can say with all honesty that i would have had no clue.

Since I didn’t breastfeed my daughter for long, I can admit that I didn’t know much about breastmilk in general. I tried pumping but looking back now, truely didn’t put in time or effort it required.

When my son was about 6 months old I can across a mother in need of donor milk, I didn’t really know her expect that we had friends and generally the same interests in common. I had a decent freezer stash and remember thinking, “it would be really nice to help her out!”. I went to my freezer stash, and dug out 60  ounces. The mother would I was donating to was out of town and traveling in to the area, I met a family member of hers and the deed was done.

I really can’t even begin to tell you how I felt in that moment. I beamed with pride that I not only provide the nourishment for my own child but helped feed another, even if it was only a few days. I beleive its goes without saying that I didn’t donate for the credit, but sometimes in the shuffle of life especially in parenthood it’s easy to feel unappreciated. I know that this mother genuinely was thankful for this gift of liquid gold and knowing that it helped her daughter was really special moment  for me. Anyone who has ever had or wanted to pump knows how much time, dedication and love goes into each and every pumping session, and it certainly isn’t something that comes easy for all lactating mothers.

It is truly a a selfless act to donate and as weird as it may sound, I offer it up to any mother in need. Don’t get me wrong, I do not think that there is anything wrong with formula or giving it to your baby, I also think that’s it’s great for whoever needs it for whatever reason. With that being said, I think that’s why milk sharing is so important. If you have the extra supply and the means, I promise milk sharing will be a rewarding exprience for all parties involved.  You can do it informally or privately, through an organization such as Eats on Feets and Human Milk for Human Babies and a more formal setting such as a milk bank.


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Laser Hair Removal Is Weird, But It Looks Totally Bizarre In Slow Motion

Laser Hair Removal Is Weird, But It Looks Totally Bizarre In Slow Motion
The Veritasium boys and Physics Girl team up in this video to show you that laser hair removal is sort of like a shootout at O.K. Corral.

March 30, 2016 at 04:30PM
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F.D.A. Eases Requirements on Abortion Pill Label


Exercise Makes Our Muscles Work Better With Age


My first post

Let me start by introducing myself, my name is lindsey. I am a mother of two, wife, and an all things baby related advocate. I have a strong passion for birth, babies and breastfeeding and all things in relation to. It only seemed right to name my blog, The B Word, an ode to my favorite things.

So who am I? I am a mother of a four year old and a 10 month old. Being a mother is hands down the best thing I have ever done in my life. I am a stay at home mom, so my day literally begins and ends with my children but i truely wouldn’t have it any other way. As much as I whole heartedly love being a mother and enjoy my children to the fullest, i am ready to delve into my professional being and find my passion outside of the home.

I graduated college in 2014 when my daughter was 2 1/2 years old. i obtained an associates degree in early childhood as well as a bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sceince. I have been working with children since 2010 and I have been a nanny since 2012. After graduating, I knew that I wanted to be involved in some shape or form with children but I wasnt sure what my exact calling was.

In may of 2015 my sweet and beautiful son arrived into the world at 2:09 am after what most, including myself, would consider a textbook natural (hospital) childbirth. I knew, without any doubt, I wanted to breastfeed from the moment I become pregnant. I didn’t breastfeed long with my daughter and it was one of my biggest regrets. I was determined to make it work, to give my child the best start to life. My determination and drive to give my child this start was all the motivation I needed for my success. I realized a few months after his birth that I had I not been so adimant I may have not overcome the hurdles I faced along the way.

I am excited to share my journey with you, as well as future journeys regarding all of my favorite “B” words. Hope you enjoyed the first of many!


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

My Trip to Doha, Qatar

Some business trips take me to the most interesting places - I just recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Doha, Qatar in the Middle East. The purpose [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sitting Increases the Risk of Dying Early


A grown-up approach to treating anorexia

A grown-up approach to treating anorexia
Adults with anorexia often have distinctive traits that lock them into a destructive relationship with food. Carrie Arnold discovers how those same traits could help them escape it.

March 29, 2016 at 11:48AM
via Digg

Ask Well: Can Vinegar Aid Weight Loss?


My Easter Celebration

Easter is such a fun holiday and mine was extra special because I got to share it with my daughter, Alexis, her beautiful children, Jude and Truman, and [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

What happens when a manly man has to go to the doctor

What happens when a manly man has to go to the doctor
Machismo, the driver of so many questionable decisions made by men, is a fickle thing. Sometimes, a little bit of it — a tinge of toughness — doesn't seem to hurt. In sport, for instance. Or maybe negotiation. Other times, it turns out, it can do more harm than good. Like, say, when it comes to caring for one's health.

March 29, 2016 at 06:51AM
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Beyond cell wars

Beyond cell wars
I know that it’s good to have lots of antibodies, stuck on special cells, or circulating in the blood. These are "good guys," protecting me from a whole collection of bad things that can happen to a body. But it feels like a fiction that conceals as much as it reveals.

March 29, 2016 at 05:18AM
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Monday, March 28, 2016

Vietnam’s Battle With Tuberculosis

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

The Benefits of Spicing Up a Breast-Feeding Mother’s Diet

By PERRI KLASS, M.D. from NYT Health

Time for Outdoor Spring Chores

We’ve been pretty lucky here in the Northeast - the weather has been mild enough to continue our long list of outdoor chores, and that’s good news for everyone [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Saving Grace: How I saved my breastfeeding

      I always like to start talks on breastfeeding by saying, if you are a formula feeder you are not a failure. I by no means have anything against it. Breastfeeding is a privilege not a requirement.


From day one I was blessed with a child who would gulp milk down like it was no ones business. She had a painful latch due to being tounge tied (see blog) but we got that fixed. After the fact she had trouble feeding. She was use to a small tounge with a shallow latch. This new tounge drew the nipple farther into her mouth causing a gag reflux. As if that wasn’t bad enough she had silent reflux or really really bad gas. She would bow her back anytime I tried feeding her. I tried every position, nipple sheilds, and every other thing I could find on the on the internet.

Nothing was working. My milk supply went from engourged painful DD’s to small barley getting by C’s. I felt like a failure not because at 4 months I thought we were done breastfeeding. I tried giving her formula and it made her gas worse. She is dairy intolerant as well as a few other things. I’d wake up to her covers in vomit choking in her sleep. Which I know people have tobtest and try to find the right one, even the expensive soy and dairy free.

I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to cry all of the time. Not getting sleep, taking tons of pills, drinking mothers milk, water as much as possible. I felt like I made wrong decisions as a first time mom. I thought I failed my husband. How were we going to pay for $30 small 2 day worth of formula? That still made her sick even though it was special. Why weren’t my prayers being answered.

We decided to go to visit my mother who’s in another state. I wanted to invest in a hand pump for the trip there. I couldn’t feed her myself and every 2 hours she drank 4-7 ounces. The drive is about 7 hours. I didn’t know what to do.

We went to Target and purchased a evenflo hand pump. A small $20 pump. I honestly thought that we might be waisting our money. But here is my saving grace. With me pumping manually. I was able to draw so much more milk out, at least 2 ounces extra. My breasts we’re being stimulated enough like it was when she would feed from me!!!

The more I used this little thing the more milk I noticed was coming in. I’m able to pump in half the time, and get double the amount now. I haven’t appreciated full leaky boobs in too long! Once again emotional me wants to cry because this cheap little pump saved me. Its my best friend.


All I can say is before you give up. Try to express manual. I don’t know if its just that pump or if others work better or worse. But please spread the word. I couldn’t find help anywhere.

Here is my scedual if anyone wants to know. Talk to your doctor and see what’s best for you.
1.Fenugreek 3 times a day
2. Prenatal once a day
3. Mothers milk once
4. Hydration
5. Eat laction cookies or granola
6. Hand pump every day every 2 hours
7. At night electronic pump every 3

She also feeds from me at night time, as long as she’s sleepy.

I hope this helps some of you. Happy breastfeeding – L

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

How to Stop Overprescribing Antibiotics

How to Stop Overprescribing Antibiotics
When prescribed unnecessarily for nonbacterial infections like the common cold, as they too often are, antibiotics provide no benefit and create problems. Clearly, we need to get doctors to prescribe them more selectively. But how can this be done?

March 28, 2016 at 04:42AM
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Sunday, March 27, 2016

On C.T.E. and Athletes, Science Remains in Its Infancy


9-year-old Girl Finishes Bulldog Challenge

9-year-old Girl Finishes Bulldog Challenge
Milla was the the youngest competitor to complete the 24-hour Bullfrog challenge, which is an obstacle race designed by U.S. Navy Seals and includes running 36 miles, swimming an eight kilometer course and 25 obstacles, for six laps. Dang.

March 27, 2016 at 08:35PM
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The New York Times

The New York Times
Two men entered the ring for their first professional fight. Then something went wrong.

March 27, 2016 at 05:50PM
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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Silent Twins: The Haunting Case of the Gibbons Siblings

Silent Twins: The Haunting Case of the Gibbons Siblings
One of them had to die, so the other could live a normal life.

March 26, 2016 at 11:09PM
via Digg

The Only Girl at Her Science Camp


A New VR Program Lets You See Proteins That Could Be Causing Cancer

A New VR Program Lets You See Proteins That Could Be Causing Cancer
The folks over at Popular Science decided to try out IPM VR, software created by scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine for the Oculus Rift VR headset.

March 26, 2016 at 01:06PM
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'I Wanted to Die': How Birth Control Pills Can Ruin Your Life

'I Wanted to Die': How Birth Control Pills Can Ruin Your Life
Historically, women have been expected to bear both children and the burden of preventing unwanted pregnancy. But even the most common, "safest" contraceptive methods can cause serious side effects.

March 26, 2016 at 01:06PM
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Easter Preparations at the Farm

Many of you often ask how I decorate my home for special occasions. I’ve always enjoyed holidays, but they’re even more fun now with my grandchildren, Jude and [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

TB cases increase in U.S. for first time in 23 years

TB cases increase in U.S. for first time in 23 years
For the first time in 23 years, the number of cases of tuberculosis — one of the world's deadliest diseases — rose in the US last year.

March 26, 2016 at 07:12AM
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Fruits and Vegetables to Fight Cataracts


Lactation Two-Layer Brownies

I was motivated to come up with this recipe because I have received many good feedback from family and friends whenever I bake my regular brownies for them. They love it for the texture (chewy, moist and fudgy) and the taste (bittersweet and chocolatey). Pair this with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you will be in heaven! It’s perfect!

So, I attempted and did an experience on converting my regular brownies into a milk-making brownies. Even more ambitious, I did a double-layer lactation brownie with the oat layer and the brownie layer. Both layers are equally loaded with galactagogues: rolled oats, flaxseed meal, brewer’s yeast – all known to increase the milk of breastfeeding mummies.


These brownies definitely work on me! Every time I take a piece for breakfast, I can feel my breasts getting harder. Tried and tested, sure boost! My husband will always be the one trying out my bakes and he loves this one too. It tasted like regular brownies you won’t be able to taste any “extra” ingredients thrown in them. It’s a mommy’s treat with lots of nutritious benefits!

These lactations brownies are always open for order!

  • Pack of 10 at $10
  • Pack of 25 at $22
  • Pack of 25 brownies + 500g cookies at $42

The regular brownies are open for order too!

  • 1 whole brownie (plain) at $18 (Serves 16 – 20)
  • 1 whole brownie (walnut) at $20 (Serves 16 – 20)

Regular Brownies

Self collect at Hougang/ Seletar Mall. Delivery can be arranged for $50 and above (you may mix with other bakes).

For order before 30 April 2016, you will be entitled to a 10% discount! Send in your orders to or leave a comment below!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

How drug laws aimed at pregnant women penalize their children

How drug laws aimed at pregnant women penalize their children
Sensational media coverage of babies’ drug withdrawal will lead to more mothers losing custody of their children. But research suggests a change of custody often leaves children even worse off.

March 26, 2016 at 03:06AM
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Lactation Chocolate Chips Cookies

If you have known me personally, you will understand how eager I wanted to get my milk supply up for my baby boy. I had so much difficulty catching up with his demand. Then, I attempted to try all sorts of milk boosters recommended by other mummies – the green papaya soup, fish soup, fenugreek, papaya, milo, oatmeal… You name it, I tried it and none work for me.

Until one day, I came across this thing called, the lactation cookies! Did I mention… these yummy goodies work, miraculously! My boobs got filled up faster than usual – I was so happy. It’s a mummy’s thing – we will do whatever it takes for our baby.

So here I am… sharing my tried-and-tested lactation bakes with you! It is up for sale too! Do email me at to order.


These cookies are packed with fibre and galactagogue properties! It is also full of Omega Fatty Acids and B Vitamins! Anyone can eat lactation cookies, even daddies, since they are high in nutrients that everybody needs. It is also important to keep ourselves hydrated especially with such sunny weather in Singapore. Drink lots of waters, mummies and daddies!

If you are wondering what is in these cookies, they are:-

organic rolled oats, organic flaxseed meal, organic brewer yeast, flour, chopped almond, chocolate chips, eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla extract.

Adopting healthier option in using less sugar and butter make my cookies different from others. The guilt of popping cookies is greatly reduced! Less guilt, more happiness! There’s also more texture to my cookies with bits and pieces of oats, nuts, chocolate chips in every bite…

This lactations cookies are always open for order!

  • Trial pack of 250g at $12
  • 500g at $22
  • 1kg at $40

Self collect at Hougang/ Seletar Mall. Delivery can be arranged for $50 and above (you may mix with other bakes).

For order before 30 April 2016, you will be entitled to a 10% discount! Send in your orders to or leave a comment below!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Friday, March 25, 2016

A New Spin on Senior Living

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

Robert De Niro Defends Screening of Anti-Vaccine Film at Tribeca Festival


Seeking Painkillers in the Emergency Room


C.D.C. Offers Guidelines for Delaying Pregnancy After Zika Exposure


When Friends Are ‘Like Family’


Marlboro Kicks Some Ash

Marlboro Kicks Some Ash
To use iQOS, a smoker inserts a tube of tobacco that looks like half a cigarette into a device about the size of a fat ballpoint pen. The tobacco is skewered on a metal blade that heats it to about 500F, a third the temperature of a burning cigarette, providing a dozen or so puffs.

March 25, 2016 at 01:10PM
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Goodbye Experience Project


I have been neglecting my logs of late, partly because real life has been unbearably awful for a number of reasons that I won’t go into here, but also because I had got very distracted by a fantastic social media website I stumbled upon called Experience Project.

I had only been on Experience Project for about a month, but it was the best (online) fun I had ever had, and it was, and still is for now, my absolute favourite place on the internet.

I originally joined EP to find friends (preferable female, as I’m married so not looking for a partner) to chat about ANR/ABF and inducing lactation, and there were literally hundreds of groups on this topic on EP, and it was a really nice, friendly place where you could be open about the topic.

Unfortunately, Experience Project announce this week that it is pulling the plug and its virtual doors will close on 21st April. I can’t tell you how sad and disappointed I feel about this; since, although I have Twitter and Facebook I haven’t enjoyed them for a while (and I hate facebook’s tyranny, what a bunch of bleepers), and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere comparable to EP to go to.

RelateToThat seems like the best of a bad bunch. I hope that, if they have a huge influx of new members migrating over from EP, the owners will make some investment and improve the site, as it’s not a patch on EP currently.

I don’t believe the given reasons for EP’s demise, ie trolls and government demands and interference. Anonymity, until facebook came along and ruined everything, was a cornerstone of internet safety, and there is no way that ever site that allows anonymity will have to change. Every single forum that I know of or have ever been part of allows anonymity.

No, I think it’s just a cowardly smokescreen for the fact that EP hasn’t attracted enough advertising revenue or supporter funding, and most importantly, the founder and owner has lost interest. I won’t say how disgusted I am that he did nothing to address the issues or ask supporters and members what we wanted or allow us to suggest solutions.

But there it is. The announcement claims the website and data will continue to be there even though we won’t be able to post anymore. For as long as that’s true, my profile is MrsChakotay.

I had originally planned to post a story in ever single group I joined (over 1000 at the last count) but that doesn’t look possible now, although I might have a good try while I still can. I am toying with the idea of using my EP group titles as potential topics for this blog. We’ll see. I won’t get bored or lost for ideas anyway.

I’d like to thank all my lovely EP fans and friends for making my EP experience a good one (as an aside, I only really had one bad experience, and that was being judged and unfriended by a fellow Christian who wasn’t comfortable with ME being comfortable with MY sexuality, but I’m just going to laugh about that and let it be. Each to their own.). And so I’d like to invite you to join me on Twitter, Facebook, RelateToThat or here on WordPress. I hope we will keep in contact one way or the other.

Yours, Kathryn.



from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

The Spring Burlap Removal Project at the Farm

This year’s spring burlap removal project is complete. Every autumn, for as long as I’ve been gardening, I’ve covered all my boxwood shrubs, various winter-sensitive plants, and outdoor [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

A Masterclass for new moms!

How does a workshop customised for new moms and mums to be sound? Great! Right? Mompreneurs and industry experts along with experienced moms have come together to organise this one of a kind workshop which will give you a first hand experience of what lies ahead in the parenting journey. Tag your partner along so that he gets a sneak peak too!

Why should you attend this workshop?

All babies want to be carried but you as a full time caregiver may have limitations.Wearing your baby can be considered as a full upgrade of the precious time you spend with your little one. Baby wearing primarily improves the quality of life for the caregivers as well as new little. Having experienced the benefits of babywearing for themselves, two of India’s top Babywearing brands,  Almitra and Cookiie Baby Carriers come together to bring you a workshop like never before.


A beautiful soft structured carrier by Cookiie


A gorgeous wrap by Almitra

You get to learn from the Indian babywearing industry leaders and cloth diapering experts how making a choice to wear your baby and using eco friendly diapers can make life convenient for you and your baby. Meet parents who have been wearing and cloth diapering their little ones right from their infancy.
Some of the primary reasons, new parents are giving babywearing and Cloth diapering a warm welcome are listed below.
• Babywearing gives you freedom to explore life with the little one. You get two free hands and a whole lot of options, while keeping baby safe at all times.
• You and baby can bond better with baby learning how you interact with the world and reading your expressions.
• Wearing your baby excercises some of the core muscles of our body. A happier baby and a fitter you !
• Wearing baby improves lactation and learning nursing cues
• You nurture happier, calmer babies…its that simple !
• Wearing promotes a secure attachment development between caregivers and babies
• It decreases colic, fussiness, reflux in smaller babies
• Holding baby closer enhances neuro functions, brain development and early learning.
• Most of all it keeps you happy ! Wearing your baby is known to release oxytocin – the famous love hormone and decrease stress hormones in the caregiver and babies.
• Cloth Diapering is the most natural and pocket friendly way for baby’s diapering requirement.
• You contribute to the environment and your baby’s wellbeing.
• Breastfeeding lessens risk of breast cancer and post partum depression in younger mothers.
• Breast fed babies are protected against diseases with natural antibodies being passed on from mum to baby.
• Ensures a consistent and safe nourishment for growing babies.

Join them this Easter Sunday to know more and experience the benefits of babywearing, breastfeeding and cloth diapering yourself.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What Happened When I Went Undercover at an Anti-Abortion Conference

What Happened When I Went Undercover at an Anti-Abortion Conference
I've been on pro-choice marches and protests, but I wanted to see the abortion debate up close from the other side. At least, that's how I ended up at a training day in London for anti-abortion activists.

March 25, 2016 at 01:54AM
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One Traveler May Have Brought Zika to the Americas in 2013

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Favorite Moment of a First-Year Doctor

By DHRUV KHULLAR, M.D. from NYT Health

Zika Virus Isn't the Problem With the Rio Olympics; Tropical Games Never Work

Zika Virus Isn't the Problem With the Rio Olympics; Tropical Games Never Work
The XXXI Summer Olympics are set to kick off on August 5. For that reason, news organizations around the globe are asking whether a viral outbreak could affect the games. The real question is whether the International Olympic Committee jeopardized the games by deciding to hold an Olympics in the tropics in the first place.

March 24, 2016 at 10:16PM
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