Monday, March 28, 2016

Saving Grace: How I saved my breastfeeding

      I always like to start talks on breastfeeding by saying, if you are a formula feeder you are not a failure. I by no means have anything against it. Breastfeeding is a privilege not a requirement.


From day one I was blessed with a child who would gulp milk down like it was no ones business. She had a painful latch due to being tounge tied (see blog) but we got that fixed. After the fact she had trouble feeding. She was use to a small tounge with a shallow latch. This new tounge drew the nipple farther into her mouth causing a gag reflux. As if that wasn’t bad enough she had silent reflux or really really bad gas. She would bow her back anytime I tried feeding her. I tried every position, nipple sheilds, and every other thing I could find on the on the internet.

Nothing was working. My milk supply went from engourged painful DD’s to small barley getting by C’s. I felt like a failure not because at 4 months I thought we were done breastfeeding. I tried giving her formula and it made her gas worse. She is dairy intolerant as well as a few other things. I’d wake up to her covers in vomit choking in her sleep. Which I know people have tobtest and try to find the right one, even the expensive soy and dairy free.

I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to cry all of the time. Not getting sleep, taking tons of pills, drinking mothers milk, water as much as possible. I felt like I made wrong decisions as a first time mom. I thought I failed my husband. How were we going to pay for $30 small 2 day worth of formula? That still made her sick even though it was special. Why weren’t my prayers being answered.

We decided to go to visit my mother who’s in another state. I wanted to invest in a hand pump for the trip there. I couldn’t feed her myself and every 2 hours she drank 4-7 ounces. The drive is about 7 hours. I didn’t know what to do.

We went to Target and purchased a evenflo hand pump. A small $20 pump. I honestly thought that we might be waisting our money. But here is my saving grace. With me pumping manually. I was able to draw so much more milk out, at least 2 ounces extra. My breasts we’re being stimulated enough like it was when she would feed from me!!!

The more I used this little thing the more milk I noticed was coming in. I’m able to pump in half the time, and get double the amount now. I haven’t appreciated full leaky boobs in too long! Once again emotional me wants to cry because this cheap little pump saved me. Its my best friend.


All I can say is before you give up. Try to express manual. I don’t know if its just that pump or if others work better or worse. But please spread the word. I couldn’t find help anywhere.

Here is my scedual if anyone wants to know. Talk to your doctor and see what’s best for you.
1.Fenugreek 3 times a day
2. Prenatal once a day
3. Mothers milk once
4. Hydration
5. Eat laction cookies or granola
6. Hand pump every day every 2 hours
7. At night electronic pump every 3

She also feeds from me at night time, as long as she’s sleepy.

I hope this helps some of you. Happy breastfeeding – L

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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