Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lactation cookies

Hi everyone!

Things are steamrolling along at TFW headquarters! Today we received our beautiful gift vouchers, and we’ve also just added our yummy apricot and dark chocolate lactation cookies to our online store!

Designed as a snack that’s easy to reach when Mum is breastfeeding her gorgeous bub, these cookies contain ingredients that are traditionally associated with increasing milk production, known as ‘galactagogues’.  Including ingredients such as brewer’s yeast, oats, LSA mix (linseed, sunflower and almond for the uninitiated), puffed quinoa and anise, they are both wholesome and a little bit decadent, with just a drizzle of dark chocolate for an antioxidant boost.

They act by boosting milk supply once your milk has come in (and if Dad happens to sneak one, we can guarantee that he will enjoy it, but he will not be able to take over breast-feeding duties, sorry, mums)!  April Wood, acupuncturist, childbirth educator and doula, would like us to let you know that “…these will increase milk supply, and that they are not recommended until after your milk has come in.”

Of course, breastfeeding is individual to each new mama, and if you have any concerns, please contact your Maternal and Child Health Nurse or Australian Breastfeeding Association branch.

If you’d like to find out more about galactagogue ingredients, head over to our helpful resources page.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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