Thursday, January 12, 2017

Til Papdi - Sesame Seed Wafers

Sankranti or Pongal is just around the corner and we are busy with the preparations, most important of which is preparing sesame seeds balls, fudges and wafers to be offered to the Sun god. Sesame seeds provide the much required warmth and vitality in the merciless winter months and tradition has ensured that these are consumed out of compulsion, if not out of choice.

However, once you try these crispy, sweet wafers, the warm, earthy flavours will stay with you for a lifetime.  These wafers are a variation to Til Laddoos or Sesame Seeds Toffees (recipe link here). I tried these, as these are easier for small children to eat. This is a versatile snack and can easily be sneaked into your child’s tiffin box or used as a travel snack. Your family will love you for these. You can use both black and white sesame seeds for these. The square fudges above are made from black sesame and the round ones from white sesame.


  1. Sesame seeds (black) – 2 cup
  2. Jaggery – 1 cup
  3. Water – 2-3 tbsp


  1. Wash the black sesame seeds thoroughly and dry in the sun for 1-2 days, as it contains a lot of dirt. If you are using white sesame seeds, you can omit this step
  2. Dry roast the sesame seeds till they pop a little and release a pleasant aroma. Keep aside
  3. Heat jaggery in a thick bottomed pan along with water to a syrup consistency.
  4. Once three string consistency is reached, add the sesame seeds, mix and remove from heat. To check if the consistency is right, take water in a tumbler and drop a little of the syrup. If it mixes with the water, cook a little more. If it forms a ball before dropping into the water, proceed with the next step
  5. Remove from heat and immediately transfer the sesame mixture to  greased tray/ platform and roll into a thin wafer using a greased rolling pin
  6. Cut into thin strips/ squares. Cool and store in an airtight container
  7. Cutting the wafers before they cool completely is vital. Once they cool, they become hard and it will be difficult to cut them then



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