Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Influential Health Fund Reboots Its Search for a Leader

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2lkJSb4

Born in the '90s? Your colon cancer risk could be rising

Born in the '90s? Your colon cancer risk could be rising
According to a new study, rates of colon and rectal cancer are rising sharply for those under 55, even though overall rates are decreasing.

February 28, 2017 at 06:45PM
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The Mother Of One Of The Columbine Shooters Shares Her Story

The Mother Of One Of The Columbine Shooters Shares Her Story
Eighteen years ago, Sue Klebold's son Dylan and fellow student Eric Harris killed twelve people before taking their own lives. Ever since, Klebold has been plagued with questions about what she missed about her son's mental health.

February 28, 2017 at 05:38PM
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Development Of The Human Face 

Development Of The Human Face 
If you're ever feeling down about yourself, remember that every beautiful human being started out with a clumpy snake face.

February 28, 2017 at 12:38PM
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Guatemala syphilis experiments worse than Tuskegee.

Guatemala syphilis experiments worse than Tuskegee.
Seventy years ago, American researchers infected Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea, then left without treating them. Their families are still waiting for help.

February 28, 2017 at 11:44AM
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A Medicine That Blunts The Buzz Of Alcohol Can Help Drinkers Cut Back

A Medicine That Blunts The Buzz Of Alcohol Can Help Drinkers Cut Back
A medicine long used to help people addicted to opioids quit their drug habit can help alcoholics and other heavy drinkers cut back, too.

February 28, 2017 at 09:46AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lgrTCK

How to induce lactation

The key is nipple and areola stimulation, done consistently.

Multiple manual stimulation sessions daily, with the help of your loving husband over the course of some few weeks should result in at least a few drops. It varies from woman to woman. It takes some much longer while others, especially those trying to relactate, can almost readily start producing.

Breast milk production works by supply and demand. The more stimulation, the more a woman’s body will respond to the need for milk. Patience and tenacity are crucial.

Pumping can do the trick but some women report how breast and nipple-unfriendly this technique gets. Plus having to carry the equipment around is no fun.
I read from a woman who said an electric pump worked for her.

Herbs help increase supply. Popular ones include Fenugreek – 3 capsules, taken 3 times a day with food, and Blessed Thistle – same regimen.

And finally, I have seen domperidone’s marked effects. I think it should be a last resort, but it definitely yields results.

from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2m2XQ5x
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

The People Who Help You Die

The People Who Help You Die
India comes near the bottom of the global league in access to end-of-life care, but one doctor is looking to change that by helping the terminally ill die with dignity and comfort at home.

February 28, 2017 at 08:15AM
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This Homeless Man Stopped Thousands Of People Becoming HIV-Positive

This Homeless Man Stopped Thousands Of People Becoming HIV-Positive
In the space of 12 months, the number of gay men in London being diagnosed with HIV dropped by 40%. Across England it was down by a third. And in large part, Greg Owen was to thank.

February 28, 2017 at 07:43AM
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Neuroscience Will Break Our Theory of Moral Responsibility

Neuroscience Will Break Our Theory of Moral Responsibility
In the Texas tower shooter's autopsy in 1966, a small tumor was found in his brain — and it might have been at least partially responsible for his rampage. As our understanding of neuroscience progresses, will our understanding of criminal justice change with it?

February 28, 2017 at 06:33AM
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A Trip to the Florida Everglades

If you ever get the opportunity, I strongly encourage you to visit the extraordinary Florida Everglades. Last week, while in the area for the annual South Beach Wine [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog http://ift.tt/2mzAhyV
via crafterdiy

Monday, February 27, 2017

Life Span of South Korean Women Is Headed Toward 90

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2lrzO0A

Deadly, Drug-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Pose Huge Threat, W.H.O. Says

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2m2Nu5M

I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.

I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.
Asked earlier this month about the most important person in her life, Ginsburg, who was widowed in 2010 and lost a close friend with the 2016 death of Justice Antonin Scalia, responded, “My personal trainer.”

February 27, 2017 at 12:10PM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lgs3Kj

The Dirty Dozen: UN Issues List of 12 Most Worrying Bacteria

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2l4YkJ7

Neurosurgeon Explains What Actually Occurs During Brain Surgery

Neurosurgeon Explains What Actually Occurs During Brain Surgery
With his calming voice and affable demeanor, we would feel totally comfortable letting Dr. Foltz place a giant vibrating needle into our skull.

February 27, 2017 at 10:25AM
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John Oliver Steamrolls The GOP For Pretending They Have A Better Healthcare Strategy Than Obamacare

John Oliver Steamrolls The GOP For Pretending They Have A Better Healthcare Strategy Than Obamacare
"Republicans have happily complained about the flaws in the law, taken no responsibility for fixing them and, in fact, have often undermined the whole thing. But that time is now over. It is their turn to present a plan and the clock is ticking."

February 27, 2017 at 09:19AM
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When should I give my baby solids?


Milk Monday
Milk Moment by Sacred Milk:

When should I give my baby solids?
The intestinal tract of babies is permeable (open) until they are about 6 months old. What does this mean? It means whatever baby eats has an open door into their blood stream until their intestinal tract closes. Why is this important? Baby’s body is designed to consume and digest only the milk of its mother until their bodies are mature enough (the intestinal tract is closed) to introduce other foods. When babies eat foods or artificial baby milk containing non human proteins and other components their body isn’t ready to digest, these substances damage their gut, enter the bloodstream and cause allergic and/or inflammatory responses.


A baby shows outward signs they are ready for solids:
+ Baby is sitting up on his own
+ Baby can pick up food with the pincer grip- using the thumb and his forefinger
+ Baby can chew and swallow- does not thrust out food with his tongue


For more information on beginning solids, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, published by LLLI, Baby-Led Weaning: Helping Your Baby Love Good Food by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett, and My Child Won’t Eat! by Dr. Carlos Gonzalez.

Photo credit: Alexandra DeFurio, Elena Rego, and Tnah Louise

from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2m28xW6
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

My Collection of Begonias

My collection of begonias continues to expand. I have long loved begonias - with their bold, beautiful foliage and delicate flowers, it’s hard to resist such an amazing [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog http://ift.tt/2lfod46
via crafterdiy

Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to induce lactation

The key is nipple and areola stimulation, and consistency.

Multiple manual stimulation sessions daily, with the help of your loving husband over time, and you’ll soon start seeing a few drops.

Breast milk works by supply and demand. The more stimulation, the more a woman body will respond to the need for milk.

Pumping can do the trick but some women report how breast and nipple unfriendly this technique gets. Plus having to carry the equipment around is no fun.
I read from a woman who said an electric pump worked for her.

Herbs help increase supply. Popular ones include Fenugreek – 3 capsules, taken 3 times a day with food, and Blessed Thistle – same regimen.

And finally, I have seen domperidone’s marked effects. I think it should be a last resort, but it definitely yields results.

from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2levGjR
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Men Who Work Out Have Superior Sperm

Men Who Work Out Have Superior Sperm
A simple change in lifestyle may be all some guys need to get their swimmers back in shape.

February 26, 2017 at 03:00PM
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Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Adults a Medicaid Work Requirement Would Leave Behind

By ABBY GOODNOUGH from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2lH4def

Lactation Muffins


Yes, you read that title correctly. This recipe is for lactation muffins. You may find this odd for RT Baker Box, but R recently had a baby, and is trying her darndest to produce sufficient milk for him. In combination with regular pumping and healthy diet, it seems that R has been successful. As part of R’s diet, she has included some galactagogues. These are herbs or medications that increase one’s milk supply. Now, there are a ton of lists with different herbs or foods that all claim to fall under this galactogogue umbrella. I am no scientist or lactation expert so I encourage you to do your own research and find what you feel will work best for you. We’ve simply chosen a few ingredients from the array of lists and have incorporated them in our recipe.


I will note that I had intended to try a lactation cookie, but I felt that this option was more to my liking as there is less fat and sugar….less guilt.


The recipe is simple and quick, and did we mention its ONE BOWL. R needed a recipe that could potentially done one handed and wouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes to put together and 20 minutes to bake. In her experience this is equivalent to the length of time baby takes before his first rouse from his morning nap. The base is a banana muffin recipe, where we’ve simply added our powerful galactagogues!


In this case, the milk friendly ingredients we’ve incorporated are

  • Flax Seed Meal
  • Fenugreek Tincture
  • Oatmeal
  • Debittered Brewer’s Yeast



These items may be found in your grocery store or certainly your nearest whole foods or organic market. The ones you may not be familiar with are Fenugreek and Debittered Brewer’s Yeast.


Fenugreek is part of the pea family and has very pungent and aromatic seeds. The tincture has a bitter taste and is similar to celery with a slight maple hint. It has little effect on the flavor in this recipe.


Brewer’s Yeast is an excellent course of protein and B-vitamins. It is produced by separating the yeast after fermentation during beer production. The yeast is then roller dried and debittered. I did was unable to find non-debittered yeast, but read to only use the debittered option. If you have ever had a very bitter beer you might understand why we don’t want that bitterness in our baking.


Once you find these special ingredients you should be ready to bake!



  • 2 large or 3 medium over ripe bananas
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbs plain or vanilla yogurt
  • 1 tbs vanilla
  • 2 tbs fenugreek tincture
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup large flake oats
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¼ cup flaxseed meal
  • ½ teaspoon salt


  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • ½ cup dried cranberries



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line a tray of 12 muffins with muffin cups. If you don’t want to make muffins you can also make this in a loaf pan.
  3. In a medium size bowl, mash the bananas with the egg, yogurt, and vanilla. Mix until well combined.
  4. Add the sugar to the banana mixture and mix until well combined.
  5. Add the flour, oats, baking soda, baking powder, flaxseed meal, and salt. Mix until partly combined and add any of the optional chocolate chips, walnuts, or cranberries. img_1848Mix until there is no longer any dry flour in the bowl. Do not over mix or your muffins will be very dense.
  6. 6.Scoop the batter into your muffin cups. I fill mine to the rim as they don’t rise to the point where they will overflow your tins.img_1849
  7. 7.Bake for 15-20 min. I insert a toothpick into the largest muffin when i think they’re about ready. If the toothpick comes out clean (without any batter on it), then you’re muffins are ready. If you have more baking experience you can also do the touch test. If you lightly press on the top of the muffin and it springs back, then your muffins are ready.
  8. Let cool and enjoy!img_1853

I enjoy these with a little bit of butter or just on their own. The best part about these is that even if you’re not lactating you can enjoy them. R’s husband eats them and isn’t any wiser to the galactagogues. R’s hoping to keep it that way!img_1854


from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2lV2jaQ
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Here's What To Do If You Get A Laceration

Here's What To Do If You Get A Laceration
This is the least-boring educational video you'll ever watch.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lUA4sP

Runs in the Family

Runs in the Family
New findings about schizophrenia rekindle old questions about genes and identity.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGBvbL

Rhythm is Like Crack for Your Workout

Rhythm is Like Crack for Your Workout
Drummer Kiran Gandhi uses beats to keep her brain and body in shape.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGsOhj

Indian Moms Know How To Cure A Damn Cold

Indian Moms Know How To Cure A Damn Cold
This 5-ingredient recipe might be familiar to people who grew up in turmeric-happy households.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lUJ0OL

How To Undo The Damage Of Sitting All Day

How To Undo The Damage Of Sitting All Day
What props you up at work holds you down in life. Fight back.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGgait

Hepatitis Country

Hepatitis Country
Inside America's Hep C epidemic.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
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Here's What To Do If You Get Impaled

Here's What To Do If You Get Impaled
Useful for the end of times OR your next camping-trip disaster.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGpPWk

All The Trump-Era Changes That Affect Your Health

All The Trump-Era Changes That Affect Your Health
Unfortunately, there's enough material to update regularly.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
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The Cancer Almanac

The Cancer Almanac
For decades, science has classified cancers by the organ or system in which they begin. That taxonomy is slowly being replaced — but it’s still the indispensable way to understand the odds.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lO7ybT

The Improvisational Oncologist

The Improvisational Oncologist
In an era of rapidly proliferating, precisely targeted treatments, every cancer case has to be played by ear.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2mlXWmu

Why Succeeding Against The Odds Can Make You Sick

Why Succeeding Against The Odds Can Make You Sick
For African-American strivers, hypertension and other health problems may be linked to racism, not race.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
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I'm Black And My Doctor Should Be Too

I'm Black And My Doctor Should Be Too
On the relevance of race in modern healthcare.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
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How Drug-Resistant Bacteria Travel from the Farm to Your Table

How Drug-Resistant Bacteria Travel from the Farm to Your Table
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria from livestock pose a deadly risk to people. But the farm lobby won't let scientists track the danger

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lCO7Cb

How Politicians Are Making Abortion Less Safe

How Politicians Are Making Abortion Less Safe
They say they want fewer later abortions in America, but their new restrictions have led women to get abortions later in pregnancy. Behold how they've "protected" women.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2kUXoH2

Not White, Not Rich, And Seeking Therapy

Not White, Not Rich, And Seeking Therapy
Even for those with insurance, getting mental healthcare means fighting through phone tag, payment confusion, and even outright discrimination.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
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Here's What Chinese Moms Make For Your Health

Here's What Chinese Moms Make For Your Health
This snow fungus soup is good for your soul (and tastes better than it sounds).

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGodM8

The Silent HIV Crisis Sweeping The American South

The Silent HIV Crisis Sweeping The American South
What it's like to be black, gay, and HIV-positive in the south.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGkJcL

Are Rich People Already Infusing Themselves With Young Blood?

Are Rich People Already Infusing Themselves With Young Blood?
Inside the latest longevity pseudoscience.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGozCu

Tom Brady Is Gwyneth Paltrow

Tom Brady Is Gwyneth Paltrow
He's building a lifestyle brand based on pseudoscience and magic underpants.

February 25, 2017 at 08:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lGxtjk

Photos of My Farm Using a Mavic Pro Drone from DJI

Many of you often comment on how much you enjoy seeing photos of my Bedford, New York farm - I know you'll love these beautiful aerial views. Recently, [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog http://ift.tt/2lGnSsT
via crafterdiy

Friday, February 24, 2017

Running is the Worst Way to Get Fit

Running is the Worst Way to Get Fit
If you want to be in shape, skip the 10K training and sprint — but don't jog — to the nearest weight room.

February 24, 2017 at 10:11PM
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Big Pharma Quietly Enlists Leading Professors to Justify $1,000-Per-Day Drugs

Big Pharma Quietly Enlists Leading Professors to Justify $1,000-Per-Day Drugs
As it readies for battle with President Trump over drug prices, the pharmaceutical industry is deploying economists and health care experts from the nation’s top universities, without always disclosing their corporate ties.

February 24, 2017 at 05:01PM
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Doctors Consider a Last Best Hope for Obese Teenagers: Surgery

By GINA KOLATA from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2mloVyA

Massive Brain Scan Study Reveals 4 ‘Biotypes’ of Depression

Massive Brain Scan Study Reveals 4 ‘Biotypes’ of Depression
Figuring out the neural machinery that underlies the condition.

February 24, 2017 at 01:04PM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2mthcxo

Gorsuch Staunchly Opposes ‘Aid in Dying.’ Does It Matter?

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health http://ift.tt/2lMwMHp

Sworn to Secrecy, Drugstores Stay Silent as Customers Overpay

Sworn to Secrecy, Drugstores Stay Silent as Customers Overpay
Eric Pusey has to bite his tongue when customers at his pharmacy cough up co-payments far higher than the cost of their low-cost generic drugs, thinking their insurance is getting them a good deal.

February 24, 2017 at 08:58AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2kUb4lL

A New Peacock Arrives at the Farm

My gorgeous flock of peafowl continues to expand.   As many of you know, I've grown quite fond of peafowl. I have two adult peacocks, three adult peahens, [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog http://ift.tt/2lyAjZq
via crafterdiy

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Social Media Is Driving Americans Insane

Social Media Is Driving Americans Insane
If you pull out your phone to check Twitter while waiting for the light to change, or read emails while brushing your teeth, you might be what the American Psychological Association calls a “constant checker.” And chances are, it’s hurting your mental health.

February 23, 2017 at 05:39PM
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Meet the Man Who Wants to Eradicate Hangovers by 2050

Meet the Man Who Wants to Eradicate Hangovers by 2050
Scientist David Nutt believes a chemical called “alcosynth” is the secret to drinking without regret.

February 23, 2017 at 04:24PM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2kRNy91

Long-winded speech could be early sign of Alzheimer's disease, says study

Long-winded speech could be early sign of Alzheimer's disease, says study
Research finds distinctive language deficits in people with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to dementia.

February 23, 2017 at 09:33AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2mi3UUr

Cleaning the Ducts at the Farm

We’re getting a head start on spring cleaning around the farm. One of the responsibilities of being a homeowner is to make sure all the major appliances are [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog http://ift.tt/2lJb9rw
via crafterdiy

What Would Happen If You Just Stopped Cutting Your Nails?

What Would Happen If You Just Stopped Cutting Your Nails?
Next to brushing your teeth or shaving, trimming your nails is just one of those basic hygiene rituals you just kinda do. But what if you just stopped?

February 23, 2017 at 07:35AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lJcn61

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

PB Chocolate Banana Lactation Shake

Delicious way to increase milk supply. Full of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals!

PB Chocolate Banana Lactation Shake


1 cup ice cubes

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or milk of choice)

1 packet chocolate-flavor Carnation Instant Breakfast

1 medium banana

1 Tbsp ground flaxseed

1 tsp brewer’s yeast*

3 Tbsp PB2 or PBfit**


add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth


*Brewer’s yeast can be found in the organic or “health food” section of most grocery stores

**PB2 or PBfit can be found by the regular peanut butter in most stores. It is expensive, so regular creamy peanut butter can be substituted, but will decrease protein and increase fat content and calories.


PB Chocolate Banana Lactation Shake PB Chocolate Banana Lactation Shake

Brewer’s yeast and flaxseed are the key lactation-boosting ingredients in this recipe. No research has conclusively shown that these have an affect on milk production, but many people do feel that they work. Regardless on their direct impact on lactation, they are both nutritious additives – both providing calories and protein – with the Brewer’s yeast providing B vitamins and the flaxseed providing heart-healthy fats. Both are important for a lactating woman. That being said, I do not recommend going any higher than 1 tsp of Brewer’s yeast per recipe – it has a very strong and unappealing taste that can only be masked when added in small doses.

from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2mmP9zL
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

The Black Plague: When A Single Sneeze Would Kill An Entire Family

The Black Plague: When A Single Sneeze Would Kill An Entire Family
Forensic investigator Shiya Ribowsky explains why few diseases have caused so much death and destruction as the bubonic plague.

February 22, 2017 at 02:22PM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lpW3GU

Stanford Researchers Develop The Fastest Brain-To-Computer Hookup That Allows Typing For People With Paralysis

Stanford Researchers Develop The Fastest Brain-To-Computer Hookup That Allows Typing For People With Paralysis
Stanford University investigators have surgically implanted tiny sensors in the brains that that pick up the electrical activity of individual neurons, giving paralyzed people newfound access to communication.

February 22, 2017 at 12:41PM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2lpnbpg

Should I Be Taking Vitamin D?

Should I Be Taking Vitamin D?
Why it may never be possible to recommend that everyone take a supplement — as much as people want to believe.

February 22, 2017 at 11:35AM
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Will Forte Tells A Hilariously Gross Anecdote About Suffering An Infection After A Tumble On A Booze Cruise

Will Forte Tells A Hilariously Gross Anecdote About Suffering An Infection After A Tumble On A Booze Cruise
Take it from Will Forte: When your leg starts "trickling" a clear liquid, it's time to see a doctor.

February 22, 2017 at 09:28AM
via Digg http://ift.tt/2mbZzTx