Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to induce lactation

The key is nipple and areola stimulation, and consistency.

Multiple manual stimulation sessions daily, with the help of your loving husband over time, and you’ll soon start seeing a few drops.

Breast milk works by supply and demand. The more stimulation, the more a woman body will respond to the need for milk.

Pumping can do the trick but some women report how breast and nipple unfriendly this technique gets. Plus having to carry the equipment around is no fun.
I read from a woman who said an electric pump worked for her.

Herbs help increase supply. Popular ones include Fenugreek – 3 capsules, taken 3 times a day with food, and Blessed Thistle – same regimen.

And finally, I have seen domperidone’s marked effects. I think it should be a last resort, but it definitely yields results.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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