Friday, July 28, 2017

When "Natural" isn't "Better"

I’ve recently stumbled upon an article that covered a story where a lactating mother substituted her own breast milk in a recipe that she then SOLD AT HER CHILD’S BAKE SALE. No disclosure was given about the substitution…but really what should the “disclosure” even say? “Don’t worry guys. You’ll thank me”? Really? The jury is out on whether cow’s milk is “good” for human consumption at all, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide. What I CAN say is that breast milk is not intended to be sold. Like ever. It’s not intended to be “substituted” for ANYTHING when you are baking for the general public. If you want to go ahead and make your children “wholesome” breast milk cookies and cakes, I applaud you. That sounds like something you’d be really good at. If your husband or other consenting adults feel like their coffee is “missing that little something”, squirt away.  The actual point of this is the concept of REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS. Reasonably, I should not expect to find a human byproduct in my food. Reasonably, I should only expect to find food stuffs in my food that are FDA approved. Reasonable expectations brings me to the concept of “liability”. What if, heaven forbid, someone was to consume your wholesome glandular treat and fall ill? Could it have been the flour? No, that was FDA regulated. Could it have been the eggs? No, those were FDA regulated too. Scroll down the list of other ingredients…no, they were all FDA regulated, save one: THE BREAST MILK. It doesn’t even matter if that was the culpable substance or not, you’d better bet your bottom dollar that this would be the bone of contention in any court. So here’s a thought: before you add your “liquid gold” to a recipe and give it to unsuspecting people…just don’t. You’ll thank me.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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