Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jenny Shares


It had been three days since the birth and Jenny was only now regaining a sense of calm.  The days leading up to it had been so hectic, as her gynecologist had wanted her to undergo some more tests to make sure everything was OK.  Doing it in a foreign country had made the experience even more awkward.  She had been living in India for almost two years now, but she still felt like a foreigner, and even more so with more personal issues like doctor’s appointments dealing with her lady parts.  Luckily, her water broke during one of those gynecologist appointments and they quickly admitted her to the hospital.  She gave birth shortly after that, and despite her labor being on the short side, it was truly one of the hardest experiences she had had as a woman.  But now she was finally settling in her new role as a mother.

Her husband Philip had been at her side the whole time, and she loved him for that, but he couldn’t really understand what she was going through.  Plus she knew the baby wasn’t his, and all throughout the pregnancy she had worried how exactly to tell him.  She had anxious dreams, with nightmare scenarios where she would be delivering her baby and her lover, the indian man by the name of Arjun, would burst through the door of the delivery room and claim the child was his in a fit of rage.  None of that happened in reality. Her husband was by her side through the birth and the medical people were the only the other ones in the room.  It HAD been a little awkward when her baby, a healthy boy, proved to have a very dark complexion and a cute dark head of baby hair.  As Jenny was getting ready to do some explaining to her husband, her obstetrician had magically saved the day, noting the baby’s dark skin and stating it was “typical” of little babies to have darker skin.  He had even pointed at her husband saying “He will be grow up to be a tough boy like daddy.”  She didn’t know how right he was about the dark skin, but she wasn’t about to question it.

Her husband, caught in the enthusiasm of the day, had smiled proudly at the doctor’s comment, and hadn’t said anything more about the boy’s color, even though both he and Jenny had very fair complexion.  She of American and he of English nationality, they both clearly had anglo-saxon and scandinavian ancestry.  Jenny knew that the reason her son had darker skin and dark hair was because he was Arjun’s child.  She was thankful that the obstetrician had made the comment, but did he also suspect?  She wasn’t sure.  He was an Indian man who had been very professional with her throughout the pregnancy, and at no point did she see any hint of impropriety in his demeanor or comments.  But she did wonder whether he knew somehow.

They had decided to name the baby Francis, after Philip’s father, a mutual decision that they had made at the very beginning of the pregnancy.  Jenny was adamant that she would breast-feed, and she and baby Francis were finally getting the hang of it, after a few false starts in the first couple of days.  In fact it was just during a breast-feeding session, three days after the birth, that Rajesh, the father of her Indian lover, had decided to pay her a visit.

This was unexpected.  Both Rajesh and his wife Ritu had been very warm to her ever since she and Phil had moved to India, helping her learn and understand the culture.  Ritu’s demeanor had cooled considerably once she understood that her son Arjun was regularly having sex with Jenny.  She obviously disapproved and probably thought she was a slut, but she had never said anything terribly nasty – at least not directly to her face.  Rajesh instead had always been very nice to her, almost too much.  He would take every opportunity to ask her if there was anything he could do for her, or how he could help her, even after his wife’s Ritu had changed her behavior.  Jenny wondered whether Rajesh knew his son was having a relationship with her, but up to that point he had never said anything to indicate that.  In fact, the day after Francis was born, the Indian couple had even paid her a congratulatory visit.  They were very effusive with the baby, praising his healthy look and taking turns holding him.  Her husband Phil was there when they stopped by and he beamed with pride at their comments.

Today, however, she was alone with baby Francis, breast-feeding him, when Rajesh knocked on her door and quickly entered the hospital room.  Jenny hastily made sure that her breasts weren’t showing, as the Indian man hadn’t really waited long for her to answer.  She smiled at him and he smiled back, asking “How is our baby doing today?” with a warm smile.  “Oh, he is doing really great, thank you,” she answered happily.  Rajesh looked at the baby as he was sucking away.  “Wow, he is really thirsty, isn’t he?” he said with a surprised look.  “Yes, he’s gonna a big boy!”, answered Jenny blushing a little when she saw the direction of his gaze.  “I’d say,” replied the Indian man, “he seems to be really enjoying himself.”  Jenny felt a little awkward, breast-feeding her child in the company of this male acquaintance, with no one else in the room, him staring directly in direction of her chest, but she decided to go with it.

“Well, how are YOU feeling, more importantly?” he asked her directly.  “Oh, I am ok, honestly.  Just still very tired after – but I’m getting good rest.” “Good, good.”  Despite the warm comments she could tell that the Indian man had something else on his mind, and how well she and her baby were doing was really of secondary importance to him.  “My son Arjun sends his best wishes!” he blurted out after a pause.  Jenny swallowed hard when he said that, very unexpectedly, and stammered a “Th-thank you, I hope he is doing well,” in return.  She blushed profusely at the mention of her lover, and embarrassed she looked down at her baby, who oblivious to all of this was happily drinking her mother’s milk.

“Where is your husband?” Arjun asked her looking around the room.  “He had to leave for the afternoon for a work thing – he’ll be back later,” Jenny replied almost defensively.  “You know, it’s very important that fathers spend a lot of time with their babies when they are first born – to form a strong bond.”  “Oh, he has been by my side the whole time,” she defended him, “I think he’s going to be a great dad.”  “Sure, sure – but he is not here now!” said the older Indian man.  What is he implying with this, thought Jenny.  She started feeling a little irritated at Rajesh – this was not his place to make such comments.

“You know, my son Arjun hasn’t seen the little baby yet – he could really help you!” Jenny smiled nervously.  “Oh, of course he would be more than welcome to come visit!” she answered.  “Oh, I’m sure he would be very welcome,” countered Rajesh with a very impertinent smile.  What does he mean by that, thought Jenny.  The older man was staring at her directly, his expression now much less kind and much more charged.  He had seen that expression before.  As an attractive blonde, blue-eyed, Western woman in India, she had often been the target of a lot of attention by strangers, usually men.  Her lover’s father was alternating his gaze between her face and her chest, covered by a blanket as she was feeding her baby.  She stared back at him, trying to be defiant, but feeling rather vulnerable.

“You know, Jenny, I know where baby Francis comes from…”  The Indian man just dropped that bomb, but Jenny pretended not to understand, replying “Oh he has not been to the nursery yet, today. They are probably going to take him there in just a few minutes, actually.”  Rajesh did not go for it.  “You know what I mean, Jenny…”  “What? I’m sorry, I don’t follow you,” answered the American woman.  “Little baby Francis, here, has an Indian dad!” Rajesh said with a broad smile.  “What are you saying??” Jenny replied, blushing furiously and getting very incensed.  “I’m saying what is the truth.  I know that my son has been fucking you, Jenny.”  “Wh-” Jenny was speechless for a few seconds, not believing what she had just heard him say, then managed to answer, “How dare you?? How dare you say such a thing?”  “Like I said, it’s the truth.  Arjun has been telling me about you since you two started – he told me everything!  Such a good son.”

Jenny’s face was crimson.  She truly did not know what to say.  Her baby kept suckling away at her left breast while she tried to collect her thoughts.  If Arjun’s dad had just suspected, it would have been one thing.  But Arjun had apparently told Rajesh everything!  And what did he mean by “everything?”  Did he include details of their encounters – oh my God – how awfully embarassing!  And now she would have to tell her husband.  Ruin the birth of his first son after just a few days with this terrible secret.  It was all a mess!  “What- what do you mean – I…” Jenny was not finding it easy to converse, the torrent of thoughts and emotions swirling around in her head.

“Don’t worry, my dear Jenny, your secret is safe with me,” Rajesh stated with a fatherly smile.  Jenny swallowed, looked down for a few seconds at her baby, then looked back at him, now almost feeling gratitude mixed with anger for the Indian man.  Did he really mean it?  He was not gonna tell her husband?  Jenny felt relief, and answered weakly “Th-thank you.  I’m so glad to hear that,” she said, sighing heavily.  “Of course, of course,” Rajesh answered, reaching out and placing his hand on her right shoulder, massaging it gently, “I only want the best for you and your baby.”  The physical contact surprised her, as Rajesh had never touched her before, but she decided to not put up a fuss.

“Thank you, Rajesh, your family has always been very good to me,” the American woman smiled at him, still stinging from the accusation of merely minutes before, but trying to salvage the situation.  “Yes, we want you to experience the best of India, like I always said.”  The Indian man kept massaging her shoulder, looking down at her baby as he suckled at her nipple, her privacy kept by the blanket.  “Of course, I would hope that you would be kind to me in return,” Rajesh slipped in.  Here it is.  This is why he’s here, Jenny thought with dread.  “What do you mean exactly?” she shot him a look.  “Well, a woman with your generous attributes could certainly make a man quite happy.  And a man of my age doesn’t have many needs,” he smiled down at her, his expression looking quite lecherous.  “I’m not really sure what you are implying,” Jenny said angrily, “but I am a married-”  She stopped abruptly when Rajesh quickly moved his hand down to her chest, cupping her right breast, which was covered by the blanket and her gown, and groping it.  Jenny was speechless, startled by the intimate move, and before she could reply the Indian man brought a finger to his nose, the universal sign of keeping quiet.

“Shhh, Jenny, no need to worry.  I will not ask much of you – in return for my silence,” he told her as he gently groped her breast, feeling its contour and softness, while her baby kept feeding away on the other one.  Jenny was truly humiliated, and tried to regain the upper hand, “How dare you – I – I’m going to tell Arjun!”  The indian man laughed heartily, keeping his hand on her tit.  “Oh, no need.  I will tell him myself when I get home.  My son and I have no secrets you see!  You and your husband, on the other hand…”  Jenny was fuming.  This situation had clearly degenerated.

Just then baby Francis decided he had had enough and stopped feeding.  Jenny recomposed herself, taking an opportunity to sit up and pat her baby on the back to help him digest.  Rajesh gave her room and removed his hand, letting her take care of her child.  Francis made a few cute burps after a little patting, looking as if he was almost asleep.  A few minutes later a nurse came into the room.  She wanted to see if Jenny wanted her to take Francis to the nursery, so she could get some rest.  The Indian nurse smiled at Rajesh, giving him a quizzical look, but when she had walked in nothing inappropriate had been going on.  Thank God, thought Jenny, this way Rajesh will be forced to leave.  “Yes, thank you – I really would love to get some rest.”  The nurse nodded and quickly drew the curtains in her hospital room to darken it, before gently transferring Francis to a baby carrier and leaving the room with him.

Jenny expected Rajesh to follow her out, but it was not to be.  The Indian man smiled at the nurse as she left – did she see him check out her rear end?  Jenny wasn’t sure what that lecherous man was thinking.  But he had just stood by her bed smiling, watching her as she closed the door, as if he had every right to be there.  After the nurse left, he turned back towards Jenny.  “Now, where were we?” he said, reaching back with his hand and obscenely and openly groping Jenny’s breasts.  The new mother gasped.  “It’s ok, my dear Jenny, I just want you to be a little more friendly.”  Jenny tried to push his hands away, but she knew he had her in a bind, and not wanting her husband to find out the truth she felt trapped.  She pursed her lips, miffed, while the Indian man massaged her tits at leisure.  After a few minutes of groping, broken only by occasional murmurs of approval by Rajesh, the man walked over to the hospital room door and locked it from the inside.

Jenny was afraid of what would come next.  “Dear Jenny, listen, I want to see more of you – show me…”  He started pulling down the blanket, and undoing the fastening that held the gown over her breasts.  With quick, irritated moves, Jenny helped him, despite her reluctance, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible.  The man gasped when Jenny revealed her beautiful milky tits to him.  Her breasts were already normally quite large, but they had grown even bigger during pregnancy, and now they were starting to fill with milk.  Rajesh found the Western woman very attractive, though he secretly thought she was a true slut for letting him and his son do such things to her.  He ogled her pink nipples, then roughly pawed her tits with both hands, really wanting to get a good feel.

The American blushed a deep shade of crimson as Rajesh played so obscenely with her tits.  To her embarassment her nipples were starting to get hard as the Indian man massaged them.  Rajesh seemed to really enjoy pulling on them and twisting them gently between his fingers.  Pretty soon, given her state, both nipples started leaking milk, and Jenny was truly flustered.  “Ohhhh – Jenny – look!  Mother’s milk – nothing better in the world!” exclaimed Rajesh.  He rolled one nipple between his two fingers, spilling several drops of milk, which he brought to his lips and tasted with his tongue.  “Mmmmmmm – delicious!  Your tits make a wonderful product, Jenny!  You and Arjun are going to have a strong son!”

Jenny looked up at him, trying her hardest to give him a scolding look, while he kept groping her big breasts at leisure.  Her big boobs were now very wet with her milk from all the squeezing and stimulation.  “You have really wonderful heavy tits, Jenny! Congratulations to your good American stock!” Rajesh teased her, pawing at her chest.  Jenny blushed outwardly and inwardly at the crude comments.  “But even a man needs a little attention sometimes…” the Indian man said, looking down at his crotch with a smile.

The new mother had not been paying attention, trying to keep her eyes away from this whole ordeal, but the Indian man had a very obvious erection sticking out from his pants.  When she caught a glimpse of it, she gasped, thinking how wrong and lecherous this whole thing was becoming, the older man obviously aroused and groping her naked breasts in her hospital room.  Rajesh decided to push it a little further, and with one hand he slowly guided her right hand towards his crotch, placing it on his throbbing erection.  Jenny didn’t look up at him, but it was pretty obvious what he wanted.

“Don’t be shy, little Jenny – give your friend Rajesh a little fun now!”  As she wasn’t moving, he quickly pulled down his zipper and fished out his cock, which he placed in her hand with a smile.  “Go ahead Jenny – show me American love!” he said with enthusiasm.  She looked at his penis, which reminded her of Arjun’s.  It was dark and very hard, obviously very excited by her.  It wasn’t as big as his son’s, she thought, but obviously this didn’t make the man any less horny.  He was obviously older, but still well endowed.  “Come on – come on – slut – start pumping!” Rajesh commanded her more roughly, pinching one of her nipples roughly to punctuate his request.  Fuming at the insult Jenny started jerking the man’s hard dick, noticing how wet with precum the head already was.

As she stroked his cock her hand would come in contact with his thick pubic hair, which also reminded her of his son’s, her lover.  Rajesh was obviously older, but his cock seemed to be very well equipped still.  A strong, masculine scent emanated from the Indian man’s crotch, and Jenny could not deny that a part of her was getting quite aroused by this whole experience.  She kept pumping his dick, while Rajesh would hold onto her naked tits, rubbing and pulling her nipples, as breast milk kept trickling out.  He had rested his balls and crotch on the edge of her mattress, obscenely presenting his cock to her.  She kept pumping and pumping, feeling his penis grow in her hand, warm to the touch, the glans glistening with juice and pointing in her direction.

At one point he wrapped his hand over hers, and helped her jerk his cock, making her go faster but also pointing it towards her bare chest.  Rajesh was moaning as his excitement grew, and Jenny was afraid people would hear him despite the closed doors.  “You American sexy slut – ohhhh!” Rajesh would moan ,and call her nasty names in English as she jerked him off, humiliating her further.  At times he would use words in his language, which she didn’t understand but was sure were referring crudely to her or parts of her anatomy.  But a part of her mind was also quite turned on by all of this, including the abuse.  This was something that she couldn’t quite understand, but she had felt similarly with Arjun.  The idea of being considered a slut by these men was part of the excitement for her.  Yes, the main feeling was irritation and anger at the man for pushing her to do this, and it would not be something that she would easily come to terms with.  But the humiliation gave her a twinge of excitement.

Now, however, she was focused on trying to make the Indian man come as fast as possible, to hopefully get him out of her room.  Rajesh in turn was bucking back and forth in her hand, with such long pushes and strokes that at times the head of his cock would thrust forward and brush against her right breast, mixing his precum with her breast milk.  The man was clearly getting very close to coming, and his balls would bounce against her hands with each thrust.

At one point her cell phone started ringing.  Jenny had no intention of answering it, but Rajesh noticed a female face appear on the display.  It was her sister, calling Jenny from the USA.  In his excitement, this was enough to set him off.  With a deep, guttural moan the Indian man had a very powerful orgasm, thrusting powerfully into Jenny’s breasts as he came.  The woman looked down as he came, seeing him pointing his dick at her breasts, feeling the warm semen splashing over them.  Incredulous she saw spurt after spurt of hot cum land on her breasts and nipples, as the man emptied his balls completely on the new American mother.  Jenny could not quite believe how much sperm Rajesh had in him, as he kept spilling more semen on her.

Eventually it stopped, and Rajesh just stood there by her bed, panting, his spent dick resting wetly on her mattress.  Jenny was looking down at the mess on her breasts, still rather upset, when Rajesh leaned down, lifted her face toward him and kissed her on the mouth.  With the kiss he slipped his tongue deeply, far between the new mother’s lips.  After this Jenny was thoroughly humiliated and shocked, but also afraid someone would catch them in the act.  She quickly reached for a towel by the side of her bed and began cleaning Rajesh’s seed from her breasts as well as she could, knowing a shower would be the first thing she would take after he left.

The Indian man caressed her head affectionately, and while she was looking down at the mess on her breasts, he turned her face gently but firmly towards him.  “My dear, Jenny, thank you!  That was just the right gift for a new grandfather!”  Befuddled by his comment and good mood, Jenny shot him an angry look.  “Please leave or they will see us!” she exclaimed.  “Of course, of course, don’t worry.  This will be another one of our little secrets!”  He picked up her hand, kissed the back of it and then slipped his cock back in his pants, pulling up the zipper.  “My sweet daughter-in-law, I will see you soon when you get back home.  We will have a big feast for you!”  With that he turned, readjusted his pants a bit, unlocked the door and left, smiling mischievously as he closed it behind him.

Jenny hastily finished wiping his cum off of her chest with the towel.  The whole room smelled like it, and she better clean up quickly or her husband would wonder.  But she had to get out of bed slowly, as she was still sore from giving birth just a few days before.  As she headed towards the bathroom, she promised herself she would tell her a sister about this whole situation.  Better to have sympathetic ear to gather her thoughts on what to do next.  In the bathroom she quickly took her gown off, and climbed into the shower, feeling sticky from the man’s seed.  The warm water on her breasts felt wonderful.

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