Monday, December 31, 2018

When Doctors Serve on Company Boards


Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Season of Turmoil


What We Learned From A Year Of Americans 'Risking It' Without Insurance

What We Learned From A Year Of Americans 'Risking It' Without Insurance
Their stories from the trenches reveal a broken health insurance system that is increasingly out of reach.

December 31, 2018 at 08:03AM
via Digg

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Fentanyl Is Exploding — And Heroin Addicts Are Becoming Reliant On A Nasal Spray To Reverse ODs

Fentanyl Is Exploding — And Heroin Addicts Are Becoming Reliant On A Nasal Spray To Reverse ODs
And drug addicts are far more likely than first responders to save each other with Narcan, since they are often actually shooting up with the person turning blue.

December 30, 2018 at 06:00PM
via Digg

Saturday, December 29, 2018

In Rehab, ‘Two Warring Factions’: Abstinence vs. Medication


My Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips

Hey you! Yes, you, the overly tired mother to a new baby. This post is specifically for those of you who are struggling to establish a nursing relationship. I’d like to share a little about my journey, as an unintentional ‘Dairy Queen’.  I have now been breastfeeding for 818 days. Yes, that adds up to 2 years,  2 months and 24 days. But who’s counting? And before you ask, no, I didn’t originally set out to become that mom…You know the one who’s still breastfeeding her almost 3 feet, tall toddler.  Yet, here I am!

During my pregnancy, I actually never gave much thought to whIMG_20150906_164621ether or not I’d nurse my child. I just figured I’d cross that bridge once I got there. I gave birth via c-section, therefore my baby was not able to nurse immediately. I was whisked off to a recovery room and baby went to the nursery. Once we were reunited, my milk had still not come in. In addition, I had no clue about getting him to latch on. Luckily my instincts kicked in and I requested a breast pump from the nurses. My intuition paid off because the pump provided just enough stimulation and suction to get things flowing. Those first drops of liquid gold provided my baby with the nourishment he needed.

Since my labor and delivery didn’t go as planned, I feel that our nursing relationship has somewhat compensated for that. The bond we’ve built through breastfeeding has been incredible. Providing such intimate comfort and nourishment for my son has been truly an honor and privilege. The World Health Organization recommends, “exclusive breastfeeding starting within one hour after birth until a baby is six months old.” However, “globally, less than 40% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed.” In a society where extended breastfeeding is hardly the norm, I am fortunate to have made it this long. My husband has been my greatest, steadfast supporter. His encouragement helped to keep me going through some of the toughest times.

So here are my top 5 tips for a thriving nursing relationship:

  1. Patience – Be patient with yourself and your baby. This is a learning process for both of you. Frustration may set in but remember that most good things take time. Eventually, you two will iron out the kinks!
  2. Practice – I was on the verge of giving up when I finally decided to reach out to a lactation consultant. She showed me which positions were best, among other magical tips!  After that, things progressed smoothly. I just had to keep at it. Nurse on demand. Practice will eventually pay off.
  3. Determination –Thankfully, I never had supply issues. Our pediatrician would joke that I didn’t just make milk, I made cream. Even still, determination is a requirement for many nursing moms. Consuming foods like oatmeal, carrots, garlic, lactation cookies, fennel, nuts, green papaya, sesame seeds, and ginger have been known to boost milk production. Also water, water, water! Stay hydrated. There are also special teas, like Mama’s Milk Tea by Earth Mama Angel Baby, which can help.
  4. Don’t Give a F*ck – Whether your baby is 2 months old or 2 years old, you can guarantee that you’ll be given the side eye anytime you nurse in public. Unfortunately, you will sometimes even get “the look” while surrounded by family and friends. It’s best to just continue on being the rock star that you are and feed your baby! Cover or no cover, do what works best for you and your child.
  5. Increase Your Pain Tolerance – The first three months were the most challenging for me, personally. I didn’t like the sensation whatsoever, in fact, sometimes it downright hurt! Your nipples may crack or even bleed if you’re one of the lucky ones. And then your baby grows teeth! Ouch. Can’t forget engorgement either. If you don’t nurse or pump often enough, your breasts will become so full with milk that they will throb and ache.

The good news is that if you follow these 5 tips you will be well on your way to success. I have loved the special bond from nursing. But let’s be real, breastfeeding can also be a personal sacrifice. Sometimes it is uncomfortable. Often it’s time-consuming. It can also be quite physically limiting. Not to mention my breasts will be forever transformed. Most days I just want my boobs back to myself! It is definitely a compromise but a very worthwhile one. Your baby’s health and needs are your number one priority. So cherish them and this special time!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Father’s Milk

Father’s Milk – a thing of the future? In an encyclopaedia of 1909, I found the statement that

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Friday, December 28, 2018

The WWII Battle Against Venereal Disease And Prostitution

The WWII Battle Against Venereal Disease And Prostitution
American service members were contracting STIs at unprecedented rates, and the US government felt it had to do something about it.

December 28, 2018 at 01:13PM
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Man With Cystic Fibrosis Finds Out He Is Receiving A Lung Transplant, Has The Most Joyful Freak Out

Man With Cystic Fibrosis Finds Out He Is Receiving A Lung Transplant, Has The Most Joyful Freak Out
Kevin has not only been battling Cystic Fibrosis since birth but also experienced an unfortunate and unrelated brain injury several years ago. Finally, good news as Loyola University offers him a second chance at life.  (The transplantation was a success.)

December 28, 2018 at 11:05AM
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An Eerie Short Encapsulating What It Feels Like Living With Lifelong Insomnia

An Eerie Short Encapsulating What It Feels Like Living With Lifelong Insomnia
"I imagined that the onslaught of sleep would look like the snuffing out of a candle. It seemed a kind of death."

December 28, 2018 at 06:57AM
via Digg

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal lactation Cookies - Lactation Nation !


Ever since becoming a mom, I did not think that I would have any issues with the golden drink babies love so dearly. The Milk Supply! Well , that may not be the exact word they call it, but it’s the words that come out my mouth every time I see my little one enjoying his meal for that precious moment during his day.

First off, let me make this clear as ice. Not every mom may struggle with the low amount of milk that some of us” other moms” may go through. It sucks, but it’s apart of what we have to deal with from our body. I wish I could produce those 2 or 3 full bottles of milk that some moms can make. This all started when my son turn 3 months old when I noticed the lack of milk that was being produced. I researched foods to avoid that will decrease your milk supply, supplements, and it got over whelming. I can tell you one thing. Did I find my answer to any food to stay away from? The answer is No. What I did find was instead of finding foods to avoid, find what will actually increase it. That is almost everyone favorite , cookies! I honestly never thought I was going to have the time to make or bake any cookies. Not with my 3 month old crying every time I left him alone for a bit.

So I found what worked for me and may even work for you mommas out there. Did these cookies make my milk supply increase to almost a full bottle? No, but it did help me get about 3 to 4 onces per breast side every few hours when I pumped. Remember, this is to help you , so don’t give up if your milk isn’t exactly were you want it to be. Ok…let me stop rambling and get to the point. First thing first, here are some steps you will need to do before even THINKING about walking into that kitchen without making sure baby is occupied.

Step 1 : Make sure baby is fed and diaper is changed.

Step 2 : Put baby in a Boba wrap or some sort of front carrier, rocker, or bouncy.

Step 3 : WASH HANDS and get started! :)


2 Tbs Flax Meal

1/4 cup water

1 cup cane sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup coconut oil OR butter

2 Cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

5-6 tbs Reduced Bitterness Brewers Yeast

3 Cups Oats

2 eggs or Bananas if your vegan

1 tsp vanilla


Pre heat your oven to 375.  Mix the flax meal with 1/4 cup of water and set aside.

Next mix all your dry ingredients in a large bowl (flour, oats ,salt ,baking soda, and brewers yeast).

Cream or mix together the sugars and oil (or butter). Once this is mixed well, add ins your flax mixture, vanilla, and your eggs.

Then slowly add in your dry mixture 1 cup at a time to get the perfect consistency.

Lastly, bake at 375 for 13 minutes.

Hope you all enjoy!


Lactation chocchip cookie.jpgIMG_20180527_170646.jpg

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Boobalon - Part 6

The continuing collaboration between cecethecowgirl and I. Contains the usual breast expansion, butt expansion, lactation, cowgirl, and slow bimbofication.

“Finally, we’re free of those god forsaken mountains.” Lerissa sighed in relief, leading the party past the last rocky outcropping.

It had taken them three long days and nights to navigate the winding canyons and mountain passes separating the starting realm from the next. Three out of four wished for nothing but another town where they might find even a brief respite, while Gladys was as willing as always to soldier on. Kira was especially looking forward to a soft surface to rest her boobs on, as opposed to the cold, hard ground, or Ruby’s face.

Ruby dropped down from the ledge she was balancing on, her bust bouncing heavily. “So Lerissa, what’s up now? Isn’t this supposed to be a whole new world or something? Filled with all sorts of new, and sexy, monsters?” She giggled and licked her lips.

“I hope this place isn’t too much harder than before.” Kira whined from atop Gladys’ shoulders, burying her face in her own cleavage.

Gladys laughed heartily, nearly knocking off her rider. “Ah, but where would the fun in that be squishy?”

“I’d rather just get through here alive,” she whined, slumping down further.

Lerissa rolled her eyes and procured her map from her cleavage. “From what I can gather this next region is known as Hentaitia.”

“UwU. Hentai you say?” Ruby giggled and bit her plump lip, grinding her thighs together.

Gladys slapped her on the back of the head as Lerissa continued. “According to the guide everything here is either based on Japanese culture or… I can’t believe this, anime.”

“Nooooooooooo.” Kira nearly fell off of Gladys with her exaggerated slouch. “We’re all gonna get turned into catgirls or something.”

“I wouldn’t mind if you were a big titty kitty.” Ruby winked, causing the elf to blush. “Ooh, maybe we’ll find some tentacles!” The rest of the party groaned.

“I don’t think Kira could handle any tentacles- even just seeing them,” Lerissa said.

The vampire stuck her tongue out as the elf huddled against Gladys for “protection”.

“Look alive girls. It looks like we’ve found a rest stop.” A building came into view on the edge of the horizon. It was built right next to a hot spring, a cloud of steam rising perpetually into the air.

“Looks like a bath house to me.” Lerissa commented, stowing away her map and guidebook.

Ruby nearly leapt for joy. “A bath house? Hell yeah! Time for some fan service-y filler!”

Kira groaned, mental images of her being milked for days straight appearing in her head. Along with the images came a slight blush as she remembered how good it felt. “Well, let’s go, I guess,” Kira sighed. She took a step forward and stopped suddenly, staring at her chest. “Uhhh?” She took another step. “Is it just me or are my ud- my boobs really jiggly?”

Their rogue giggled and poked one of the cow-elf’s boobs. “Yep, you’re even jigglier than usual. Must have something to do with us being in hentai land.” She cupped her own breasts and bounced them up and down, moaning at how good it felt.

Lerissa rolled her eyes and lead the squad into the bath house, surprised to find someone working the counter, especially someone like this woman

“Greetings, Adventurer-sama! How can I help you today?”

“Floating my boobs in that water might be nice…” Kira mumbled.

“We’d like to stay here for a night or two. Do you have an inn, or just the hot springs?” The tiefling asked, already pulling a bag of coin from her cleavage.

The lady nodded. “Yes dear. I’ll have two rooms prepared. I’m sure you don’t mind sharing?” She winked, pulling a strand of long, obsidian hair from her face.

Lerissa and Kira blushed simultaneously. “Not at all. How much will it be for the two nights?”

“Oh, don’t worry about payment, I couldn’t charge a group of beautiful, young girls like you.” She pursed her lips and walked away, gesturing for them to follow. She lead them to a hall of doors and pointed at two on either side of. “These are yours. The spring is open 24/7. If you need anything, feel free to ask.” With that she bowed and ventured deeper into the bath house, quickly disappearing from view.

“My back is sore,” Kira whined. “I’m heading to the springs to rest.”

“I’ll join you!’ Ruby giggled, rubbing her hands together mischievously.

“As will I.” Gladys stated simply, lifting the squishy elf into her arms as Ruby clambered onto her back.

Lerissa yawned. “I’m gonna hang back here. I could really use a nap.” She waved the rest of them off and proceeded into the room she’d be sharing with Ruby. She knew she probably wouldn’t get a chance to sleep all night with that vampire.

The trio of bathers navigated their way to the bath house, finally stumbling upon the door outside. As they opened it the steam from the bath hit them like a wall of pleasure, instantly refreshing them and refilling their health and mana bars.

Suddenly a voice cut through the cloud. “Huh. I didn’t expect anyone else to stumble upon this little slice of heaven.” It was followed by a cute giggle.

“Who’s there?” Kira squeaked.

“Just lil’ old me.” The voice giggled again. The girls could feel a mystical force pushing away the clouds, revealing the figure within. She was tall and slender, while sporting the kinds of curves common in Boobalon. Her snow white hair contrasted with skin the color of the rose petals. “The name’s Aki.”

“Hiiiiiiii,” Kira purred, little heart emojis fluttering around her.

“Hey good lookin’. What’s cookin’?” Ruby winked, shooting finger guns at the blood elf.

Aki rolled her pure green eyes, or at least tried to. “Are you two gonna join me and your friend, or are you just gonna stand there and gawk?” She cupped some water in her hand and let it flow over her full breasts.

Ruby’s nose comically exploded with blood as she stripped off her clothes in a single move, just about diving into the water. She maneuvered next to her new friend, wrapping her arm around a shoulder. “I’m Ruby, but you can call me the woman of your dreams,” she purred.

Kira trailed after Aki, almost in a trance, sighing as she entered the warm water, and again as her tits began to float before her.

“Nice flotation devices, squishy.” Ruby giggled, pulling the elf towards herself and sitting her on her lap. “This is my squishy elf friend, Kira. And that tower of power over there is Gladys.”

“My boobs are magic,” Kira whispered, still entranced.

Aki giggled and pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. “Well, it’s nice to meet you three. How long have you been in Hentatia?”

“Like, twenty minutes.”

“Really? Then I guess you might be interested in a guide.” The blood elf smirked.

Gladys laughed. “Do you have one you’d like to recommend?”

“It just so happens that I’m available for hire. And for the low, low price of a night alone with the vampire here.” She winked, reaching beneath the water to pinch Ruby’s vast butt and getting a happy purr in return.

Kira slumped, disappointed. “Okaaaaaayyyy…”

Aki giggled and tweaked the elf’s fat nipple. “Don’t worry Kira. I’m sure you and I will end up spending plenty of time together.”

“Especially if you get grievously wounded,” Gladys stated, not realizing Kira’s shyness about her abilities. “She’s our healer. Her milk will bring you back from the brink of death.”

The blood elf licked her lips. “Oh, I’ll definitely be spending time with those magic titties then.”

Kira blushed as much as a dark elf could, burying her face in her hands.

Ruby smirked and moved Kira off of her lap, taking hold of Aki’s hand. “Come on babe. I wanna make sure that you get paid as soon as possible.” The duo rushed off towards the rooms, no doubt planning on displacing Lerissa.

Kira hmphed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I think it’s time I went to bed as well squishy. Are you coming?” Gladys asked, rising out of the water.

“Nah, I think I’m gonna soak a bit longer.” The dark elf, sighed, leaning back against the edge of the pool. A while after Gladys left, Kira noticed an alluring scent floating through the steam, and she felt herself relaxing even more as the smell wafted through her.

Through the steam, Kira heard someone walking through the pool towards her. “Ruby?” she called out, not thinking of anyone else who would smell so… alluringly.

“No, pet, just me,” the woman purred. Kira finally realized it was the woman from the entrance to the bath house, but something was different about her. The elf felt almost hypnotized as she looked at the woman’s hair; it was so long and dark and lustrous.

“Hiii,” she whispered. Kira moaned quietly as the woman began stroking her with her hair, eventually settling on the dark elf’s massive breasts. “M… m… mooo…”

Some of the seductress’ hair reached towards Kira’s thick horns, stroking them and holding on to the elf cowgirl. Kira’s face dissolved into pleasure, her mouth hanging open with her tongue lolling out, her eyes rolling upwards, and her cheeks blushing. Her moans grew louder and louder, as did her moos, especially as the kejourou’s hair finally reached her nipples.

“N-noooo,” Kira weakly complained as the hair wrapped around the thick nubs and began to pull on the teats. “N-n-moooooooo…” Kira’s milk began to quickly flow from her udders, flooding the hot springs. She was nearly screaming her moos as she lost any ability to fight back against the kejourou’s actions. As she milked Kira, the energy pouring from the young elf was charging up the kejourou, blowing up her own curves. From an average-for-Boobalon size, they pumped up, stretching out her kimono before the garment reformed around the swelling bust and butt.

STAT MAXED: COW! flashed across her screen, and Kira’s already-gigantic tits began to swell more, filling with more milk as she grew more space to contain it. Her horns became one of, if not the, most noticeable part of her face, and her lengthy tail splashed in the water as Kira could barely contain her first milking-climax of the night. “Ohhhh-moooo-don’t-mooooo-stooooop! Moooooo!” she shouted, uncaring for how loud she was.

Her udders displaced much of the water in the springs as she grew; what wasn’t forced out was mixed with her thick cream, the scent mingling with the woman’s. With the milking seeming unending, the woman was still blowing up, bigger and bigger, quickly making a play to rival Lerissa. She stroked Kira’s horns still, keeping the elf woman in a constant state of sexual euphoria, her facial expression unchanging for the duration. “M-moooo! Milk my- my udders! Mooooo!” Kira screamed.

“What the fuck is going on out here?” Lerissa shouted, bursting through the paper door, her hands cloaked in flames.

Aki followed after her, completely naked, though she wielded a katana and looked ready to use it. “Isn’t that the lady who runs this whole place?” She asked.

Kira moaned in pleasure as the kejourou turned to face the newly arrived pair, her massive breasts swaying weightly. Two strands of hair continued to milk Kira as the others spread out like tentacles, preparing to strike. “Why don’t you two run inside and leave me and my cow alone?” She asked, her voice sweet as honey.

Lerissa through her fire, singing the ends of two hair tentacles. “Not gonna happen bitch. That’s my friend and she’s coming with me… er… us.” She looked at the blood elf next to her for confirmation.

Aki nodded and lowered her blade, charging at the demoness and aiming for her stomach. She was no match for the strengthened demons hair though. It snatched her off the ground before she could strike, lifting her into the air and holding her naked body spread eagled. “Guess it’s up to you, warlock.”

The tiefling rolled her eyes. “When is it not…” She said under her breath. She prepared another pair of fireballs, sending one hurtling towards the demoness’ face as the other sailed off who knows where.

The kejourou blocked the flames with her hair. “Your little magics are no match for me, half-demon.” She hissed, not that it still didn’t sound like the most beautiful music.

Lerissa struggled to dodge as the monster unleashed strike after strike with her hair. “Gotta… think… of something.” She said to herself through gritted teeth. Finally, after nearly a minute of close calls, an idea flashed through her mind. Taking a page out of the succubus handbook she willed mana into her breasts and pulled open her robes, baring her breasts to the demoness, along with Aki who nodded, impressed.

The move wasn’t enough to totally enthrall the much more powerful succubus, but it was enough to force her to loosen her grip on the blood elf warrior who struck out with her blade. She shaved the kejourou’s head clean, the hair losing its color and luster as it fluttered to the floor. “End it now!” She shouted, leaping to grab Kira.

Lerissa took a deep breath and unleashed a stream of fire, not letting up until the demoness in front of her was nothing but pixels. DEMON SLAIN. STAT UP: SUCCUBUS  flashed across the warlock’s face. She groaned as her horns grew longer and sharper while her wings grew somewhat larger. Weight piled itself onto her curves, the effect compounded by a LEVEL UP. Her breasts neared the size then Demoness had gotten too, yet they were still eclipsed by Kira’s massive pair.

“Are you okay Kira?” Aki asked, not even phased as a LEVEL UP forced her body even curvier, squarely putting her in both the realms of boobalicous and bootylicous.

“I could, um… I don’t think I’ll need to be milked for weeks now… Otherwise I think I’m doing okay… Was anyone hurt?”

Ruby and Gladys rushed out to join the rest of the girls, Ruby just as naked as Aki and Gladys wielding her axe. “What kinda kinky fun did you three get up to out here?” Ruby asked with a giggle.

“And why was I not invited?” Gladys frowned, returning her axe to her back.

Kira giggled and rose to her feet. “I could ask you and Aki the same thing.” She nodded towards Ruby’s larger chest and the ruby tattoo adorning the right boob.

The vampiress just stuck her tongue out and tossed Aki what must have been her clothes. “Nothing much happened. Your warlock friend and I just slayed the demonic owner of this fine bathing establishment.” She smirked.

“That, and Kira getting milked into submission,” Lerissa said nonchalantly.

“You shush!!” Kira shouted, grabbing her robes and pulling them on, unable to cover her plump nipples.

As the three nude adventurers reclothed themselves Lerissa and Aki finally were introduced to each other. “A samurai eh? And Ruby’s already paid your ‘fee’, whatever that means?”

Aki nodded and sheathed her blade. “Yep. I’m at your service, as long as you keep me paid up.” She winked at Kira and Ruby.

“You know, come to think of it, Aki, I’m feeling kinda full all of a sudden…”

Gladys picked up the cow-elf and slung her over her shoulder. “There’s been enough shenanigans for tonight, squishy one!” She ordered, a grin creeping onto Lerissa’s lips.

“Just a little more shenanigans, pleeease?” Kira flailed her arms and legs, unable to get out of Gladys’ hold.

“NO!” Lerissa shouted, pinching the bridge of her nose. “We’ll spend the night here, and we’re leaving first thing in the morning, so get some damn sleep.”

“Yes, mommy.” Ruby mocked, heading inside.

Aki was all set to follow her but was stopped by Gladys. “Seperate rooms.” Kira, Ruby, and Aki pouted in unison.

“What are we gonna do with these three?”

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

The Complete History Of The Autopsy

The Complete History Of The Autopsy
From Caesar to Michael Jackson, Paul Revere to Napoleon: A look at how, after someone dies, we figure out why.

December 27, 2018 at 01:23PM
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Can Engineering Bacteria Help Treat Genetic Diseases?

Can Engineering Bacteria Help Treat Genetic Diseases?
A pill containing millions of bacteria ready to colonize your gut might be a nightmare to many. But it may become an effective new tool for fighting disease.

December 26, 2018 at 03:39PM
via Digg

This Ex-Dentist Is Rooting Out Big Sugar’s Secrets

This Ex-Dentist Is Rooting Out Big Sugar’s Secrets
For decades, companies worked to cast doubt on whether sugar harms — until Cristin Kearns started digging up the dirt.

December 26, 2018 at 01:28PM
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'God Created Everything. Testicles Too'

'God Created Everything. Testicles Too'
Getting to the bottom of what it means to be a man at the twenty-fifth annual Testicle Festival.

December 26, 2018 at 08:49AM
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Monday, December 24, 2018

Marburg Virus, Related to Ebola, Is Found in Bats in West Africa

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Planned Parenthood Is Accused Of Mistreating Pregnant Employees

Planned Parenthood Is Accused Of Mistreating Pregnant Employees
Employers that champion women face accusations of discriminating against their pregnant workers, showing how widespread the problem is in American workplaces.

December 24, 2018 at 10:19AM
via Digg

Is Your Blood Iron Too High?

Is Your Blood Iron Too High?
Elevated iron is at the center of a web of disease stretching from cancer to diabetes.

December 24, 2018 at 08:02AM
via Digg

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal lactation Cookies - Lactation Nation !


Ever since becoming a mom, I did not think that I would have any issues with the golden drink babies love so dearly. The Milk Supply! Well , that may not be the exact word they call it, but it’s the words that come out my mouth every time I see my little one enjoying his meal for that precious moment during his day.

First off, let me make this clear as ice. Not every mom may struggle with the low amount of milk that some of us” other moms” may go through. It sucks, but it’s apart of what we have to deal with from our body. I wish I could produce those 2 or 3 full bottles of milk that some moms can make. This all started when my son turn 3 months old when I noticed the lack of milk that was being produced. I researched foods to avoid that will decrease your milk supply, supplements, and it got over whelming. I can tell you one thing. Did I find my answer to any food to stay away from? The answer is No. What I did find was instead of finding foods to avoid, find what will actually increase it. That is almost everyone favorite , cookies! I honestly never thought I was going to have the time to make or bake any cookies. Not with my 3 month old crying every time I left him alone for a bit.

So I found what worked for me and may even work for you mommas out there. Did these cookies make my milk supply increase to almost a full bottle? No, but it did help me get about 3 to 4 onces per breast side every few hours when I pumped. Remember, this is to help you , so don’t give up if your milk isn’t exactly were you want it to be. Ok…let me stop rambling and get to the point. First thing first, here are some steps you will need to do before even THINKING about walking into that kitchen without making sure baby is occupied.

Step 1 : Make sure baby is fed and diaper is changed.

Step 2 : Put baby in a Boba wrap or some sort of front carrier, rocker, or bouncy.

Step 3 : WASH HANDS and get started! :)


2 Tbs Flax Meal

1/4 cup water

1 cup cane sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup coconut oil OR butter

2 Cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

5-6 tbs Reduced Bitterness Brewers Yeast

3 Cups Oats

2 eggs or Bananas if your vegan

1 tsp vanilla


Pre heat your oven to 375.  Mix the flax meal with 1/4 cup of water and set aside.

Next mix all your dry ingredients in a large bowl (flour, oats ,salt ,baking soda, and brewers yeast).

Cream or mix together the sugars and oil (or butter). Once this is mixed well, add ins your flax mixture, vanilla, and your eggs.

Then slowly add in your dry mixture 1 cup at a time to get the perfect consistency.

Lastly, bake at 375 for 13 minutes.

Hope you all enjoy!


Lactation chocchip cookie.jpgIMG_20180527_170646.jpg

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Celebrity Trainer Runs Down How He Transforms Actors Into Superheros

Celebrity Trainer Runs Down How He Transforms Actors Into Superheros
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December 23, 2018 at 07:08PM
via Digg

The Artists Turning Illness Into Comics

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December 23, 2018 at 09:00AM
via Digg

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Why We Don't Have A Hangover Cure Yet

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December 22, 2018 at 12:20PM
via Digg

A Chinese Artist's Humanizing 19th-Century Portraits Of Disfigured Patients

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December 22, 2018 at 11:16AM
via Digg

We've Got The Screen Time Debate All Wrong. Let's Fix It

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December 22, 2018 at 10:15AM
via Digg

Thursday, December 20, 2018

12 People Hospitalized With Infections From Stem Cell Shots


What We Learned in 2018: Health and Medicine


Juul Closes Deal With Tobacco Giant Altria


The Role Of Video Games In A Children's Hospice

The Role Of Video Games In A Children's Hospice
For children facing life-limiting illnesses, adaptive technology allows them to feel independent and express themselves.

December 20, 2018 at 07:51AM
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Bullet Lodged in His Knee. Then the Injuries Really Began.

By GINA KOLATA from NYT Health

Top Cancer Doctor Resigns as Editor of Medical Journal


Juul May Get Billions in Deal With One of World’s Largest Tobacco Companies


A New Disease Is Testing Us For The Next Global Epidemic

A New Disease Is Testing Us For The Next Global Epidemic
As perplexing to diagnose as it is to treat, acute flaccid myelitis is demonstrating how difficult it can be to understand and predict any new disease.

December 19, 2018 at 05:19PM
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Can Parkour Teach Older People To 'Fall Better'?

Can Parkour Teach Older People To 'Fall Better'?
The sport isn't just about extreme jumping. It also focuses on balance and agility, which are important for avoiding injury as people age.

December 19, 2018 at 05:19PM
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The Leading Causes Of Death In The US From 1999 To 2016, Visualized

The Leading Causes Of Death In The US From 1999 To 2016, Visualized
We're all going to die; the only question is how. This animated visualization might give you a clue.

December 19, 2018 at 09:19AM
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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Judge Seeks Monitoring of CVS and Aetna During Antitrust Review


Allergan Halts Sales in Europe of Textured Breast Implants Linked to Rare Cancer


Gynecological Tools Throughout The Years, In Photos

Gynecological Tools Throughout The Years, In Photos
The complexities of these objects and their stories — the children they delivered, the women they protected and those they didn’t — played on this photographer's mind throughout her research.

December 18, 2018 at 10:06PM
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How to Help Teenagers Quit Vaping

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

Addicted to Vaped Nicotine, Teenagers Have No Clear Path to Quitting

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

Dying To Be Big

Dying To Be Big
After a shocking death made headlines, the question remains: Why do men risk their lives getting silicone injections?

December 18, 2018 at 02:39PM
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I Read 1,182 Emergency Room Bills This Year. Here's What I Learned

I Read 1,182 Emergency Room Bills This Year. Here's What I Learned
A $5,571 bill to sit in a waiting room, $238 eye drops, and a $60 ibuprofen tell the story of how emergency room visits are squeezing patients.

December 18, 2018 at 12:32PM
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Food Shaming Is The Worst Holiday Tradition

Food Shaming Is The Worst Holiday Tradition
In the same way that we learn how to grasp a fork, use a napkin, or master chopsticks at the family dinner table, we also learn a set of moral judgments and hierarchies surrounding food, and the bodies it builds.

December 18, 2018 at 09:26AM
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Monday, December 17, 2018

An Island Nation Starts an Experiment: Vaccines Delivered by Drone

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

The World Needs a Urine Test for TB. But It’s Already Here.


Study Shows Big Rise in Teen Vaping This Year

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

Prepare For The Smart Home Fitness Revolution

Prepare For The Smart Home Fitness Revolution
Forget wearables. The next wave of exercise tech includes home fitness machines that respond directly to you.

December 17, 2018 at 04:40PM
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Why We Still Don't Know How Many NFL Players Have CTE

Why We Still Don't Know How Many NFL Players Have CTE
If you wanted to know the true prevalence of CTE among NFL players, you'd have to check the entire population of NFL players for CTE.

December 17, 2018 at 03:25PM
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When Report Cards Go Out on Fridays, Child Abuse Increases on Saturdays, Study Finds


Rule 34 Gallery

Rule 34 Gallery – Porn Gifs

Rule 34 Gallery
balloons, funny, furries, if you can dream it bang it, lactation, porn, pornography, rule 34, weird stuff, WTF

#Balloons, #Funny, #Furries, #IfYouCanDreamItBangIt, #Lactation, #Porn, #Pornography, #Rule34, #WeirdStuff, #WTF

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Sunday, December 16, 2018

An Extremely Cute Interabled Couple Discusses Love And Disability

An Extremely Cute Interabled Couple Discusses Love And Disability
Shane Burcaw, who is diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, has been dating his girlfriend Hannah for three years. Together they dispel common myths about interabled intimacy.

December 16, 2018 at 07:00PM
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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Health Law Could Be Hard to Knock Down Despite Judge’s Ruling