Sunday, December 23, 2018

Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal lactation Cookies - Lactation Nation !


Ever since becoming a mom, I did not think that I would have any issues with the golden drink babies love so dearly. The Milk Supply! Well , that may not be the exact word they call it, but it’s the words that come out my mouth every time I see my little one enjoying his meal for that precious moment during his day.

First off, let me make this clear as ice. Not every mom may struggle with the low amount of milk that some of us” other moms” may go through. It sucks, but it’s apart of what we have to deal with from our body. I wish I could produce those 2 or 3 full bottles of milk that some moms can make. This all started when my son turn 3 months old when I noticed the lack of milk that was being produced. I researched foods to avoid that will decrease your milk supply, supplements, and it got over whelming. I can tell you one thing. Did I find my answer to any food to stay away from? The answer is No. What I did find was instead of finding foods to avoid, find what will actually increase it. That is almost everyone favorite , cookies! I honestly never thought I was going to have the time to make or bake any cookies. Not with my 3 month old crying every time I left him alone for a bit.

So I found what worked for me and may even work for you mommas out there. Did these cookies make my milk supply increase to almost a full bottle? No, but it did help me get about 3 to 4 onces per breast side every few hours when I pumped. Remember, this is to help you , so don’t give up if your milk isn’t exactly were you want it to be. Ok…let me stop rambling and get to the point. First thing first, here are some steps you will need to do before even THINKING about walking into that kitchen without making sure baby is occupied.

Step 1 : Make sure baby is fed and diaper is changed.

Step 2 : Put baby in a Boba wrap or some sort of front carrier, rocker, or bouncy.

Step 3 : WASH HANDS and get started! :)


2 Tbs Flax Meal

1/4 cup water

1 cup cane sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup coconut oil OR butter

2 Cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

5-6 tbs Reduced Bitterness Brewers Yeast

3 Cups Oats

2 eggs or Bananas if your vegan

1 tsp vanilla


Pre heat your oven to 375.  Mix the flax meal with 1/4 cup of water and set aside.

Next mix all your dry ingredients in a large bowl (flour, oats ,salt ,baking soda, and brewers yeast).

Cream or mix together the sugars and oil (or butter). Once this is mixed well, add ins your flax mixture, vanilla, and your eggs.

Then slowly add in your dry mixture 1 cup at a time to get the perfect consistency.

Lastly, bake at 375 for 13 minutes.

Hope you all enjoy!


Lactation chocchip cookie.jpgIMG_20180527_170646.jpg

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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