Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Breastfeeding in the first hour

I have recently embarked on the journey to become a lactation consultant as breastfeeding and the benefits thereof (to mom and to baby) is something I am very passionate about. I will try to share new information as I go along,as it helps to place everything together in my head as well.

Well to start at the very beginning,one will have to start at the beginning of life. The first hour of life is a golden hour concerning breasfeeding, as it has been proven that the quicker the baby moves through different stages in order to wake up and latch onto the mother’s breast,the more successful  the breastfeeding journey will be. A good supply if milk needs to be worked on from the first minute,and if the baby can not latch right away,hand expression is the answer.

As a baby is held on the chest immediately postpartum, her heightened sense of smell will make her search for the scent of her mother’s milk,which is unique to the mother and known to the baby as she has become accustomed to the smell in utero. Breastfeeding is an instinctive act for all mammals to give protection to their yong and protect them from problems later on as too little milk. Close contact between mother and baby is the single most important aspect at this stage.


How to use one’s hands in aiding your little one to breastfeed can be explained as follows:

The baby needs to use his or her chin and jaw to massage the nipple deeply,and not with a close or superficial gril which yields much less milk.If given uninterrupted time on their mothers’ chests most babies manage this instinctively,although other babies may need assistance. One can use your one hand to shape the breast,and with the other hand bring the baby’s head closer as soon as the mouth is wide open in order to guide them and get an adequate latch.


The frequent expression or removal of early milk will trigger a good supply later.Hand expression may prove more effective than a pump to remove the early,creamy first milk. Hold the hand in a C shape with the nipple between the thumb and other four fingers.Press back towards the chest wall as you bring the thumb and other fingers together and relax.Try to compress the finger tighter each time.One can practice this a few days before delivery.


To ensure that the baby receives enough calories are frequent small feedings of early milk.Initial weight loss is normal in the first few days. Weight gain and plenty of breast milk nappies will follow the initial weight loss especially if one expressed frequently in the early days. One can never breast feed too much or too often. If a baby is still hungry he or she will continue to suck after being removed from the breast. To prevent more than normal weight loss or jaundice in the first few days of life,feed her again or spoonfeed her or him until content. It will not interfere with breastfeeding and most likely increase breast milk production.


If the baby is not a strong breastfeeder the mother is in the perfect position to use her hands. It is important to begin soon so baby can have the first milk,and the mother will be bound to have a good milk supply in the future. Premature babies as well as caesarean birth babies especially needs helping hands. Caesarian birth babies,even when placed on the chest directly after birth may need longer than an hour before being ready to feed.Be patient and follow their cues.

Small and premature babies(<37 weeks and <2.7 kg) are often sleepy babies and take a while to ‘wake up” before they become strong breastfeeders. Until then,             pay attention to boosting milk production and offering milk. Hand express tiny drops and finish breastfeeding with milk from a spoon. Premature or caesarean birth babies can be compared to a vegetable garden-with hands cultivate a rich supply,and the baby will blossom into a natural breasfeeder.

In separated mothers and babies,the first hours also matters most. The critical signal to produce plenty of milk is early and frequent removal of colostrum. The partner of the mother ould also help to get this process started. Oxytocin/Labour hormone makes hand expression very effective and having a second set of hands on board will be of much help. Remove early milk frequently and from the beginning. Do not worry too much about catching each drop-the more milk out,the more milk will be in later. A small towel with the excess milk can be placed beside the baby to remind him or her of the mother’s scent.Whatever milk is able to be caught,is to be given to the baby as soon as possible.Express two to three hourly as it establishes a good supply when the baby is ready to breastfeed.

Deliveries are uncertain,but by using one’s hands in the first hour,one can accomplish the three goals:

A:Attachment-help the baby with a comfortable latch

B:Breastmilk production-Signal the breast to make plenty of milk under all circumstances

C:Calories-Ensure the baby receives the first milk when it comes most easily.


Understanding these three points especially matters most in the first hour after birth.

from lactation « WordPress.com Tag Feed http://ift.tt/2mJ8jma
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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