Sunday, January 7, 2018

Who do you trust?

Trust: noun // reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. // confident expectation of something; hope. ( )

Everyone has a different way of trusting. Some put their faith in the mechanics to fix their cars while others prefer to do it themselves to be sure it’s done right. Some parents have no issues leaving their children with babysitters while others have very strict rules on who can watch the kids. The list can go on and on, literally. But that’s not the kind of trust I’m talking about today, the trust I wanna talk about is how we trust God.

I’d be lying if I said I have no worry in the world because I trust Him. I worry a lot, ask anyone. My worrying can get out of control sometimes, I know that, but I firmly justify that with telling people ‘I’d rather be a worrier than a non-worrier.’ I’m the mom knowing my kid is strapped in the car seat correct, I’m the mom knowing my child isn’t going to run across the parking lot when feet hit the ground. I’m the mom knowing my child is breathing while I sleep because of the monitor. Do I still worry about those things? HE*L YES! Now I know that kinda contradicts itself, things are never certain. Until it comes to God. He is the ONE thing in this world that is perfect, good, and trustworthy!

Tonight I needed a reminder about trusting God. The device that monitors my child’s breathing at night is acting up and I’m finding myself frantic and upset because I put so much faith, trust in the Owlet. After getting the 5th alert that the readings weren’t clear I caught myself thinking ‘well God here’s your chance. I’m trusting you.’

Woah. Hold up. What did I just think?

Yep. Wow.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind I knew I needed to do some praying and self looking.

God doesn’t have to ‘prove’ anything to us. He’s shown us we can trust him. He sent his only son down here to die a terrible death so that WE didn’t have to. If that doesn’t shout trustworthy, idk what would. Even though He doesn’t have to prove anything to us, he still does. A few weeks ago while I was driving this -crazy- lady pulled out in front of me to try and cross the traffic flow I was in. So many thoughts went through my head in that split second. -The kids in the back, the traffic next to me, are my brakes gonna stop quick enough, ugh insurance is gonna go up.- In that scary moment though God showed me I could trust him. I was able to avoid every outcome ending in an accident that could have, should have, happened. Actually to be honest, I shouldn’t have been able to avoid all of it. God did that for me.

We as sinful humans tend to forget throughout our daily, hectic lives how amazing of a God we have. I know I need to practice trusting Him more, I bet we all do.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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