Thursday, March 1, 2018

Breastfeeding friend and start4life campaign

So one afternoon I was browsing Facebook when I saw an advert on the Start4life page. It was looking for breastfeeding mums to appear in some social media. I messaged them saying I was interested not thinking I would hear anything back.

In the mean time I started this blog and opened up my instagram to share my experiences as a Mum. I have never really done anything like this before. I am a confident person in real life and have experience talking to groups and delivering a message in my work life. However for different reasons a lot of that is no longer in my life, mainly as I am now on maternity leave and uncertain of my future. So starting this blog and putting a bit of me out there has been nerve racking and emotional, but a personal project I have enjoyed.

Our feeding journey makes me smile and brings a tear to my eye. Bowie had a double tongue tie and that was a huge part of our feeding journey. See our blog post Overcoming a tongue tie for more details. Feeding has become my passion and a complete joy. To the point I am considering a career in this field.

So seeing an email sitting in my inbox last month saying I had been selected to give some advice on camera for the social media campaign to support breastfeeding mums was amazing.

I was full of cold and a little nervous on the day, but the lovely team that came to film me made the whole experience amazing. Talking about breastfeeding really made my heart swell and as I have said has really made me consider my future.

There is some great support out there, but more can be done to support breastfeeding mums. So here they are a few tips from real mums that can hopefully help mums to keep going. Amazingly you can also access some great tips from your Amazon Alexia so mums add Breastfeeding Friend to your alexia and get boobing!!!!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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