Thursday, March 8, 2018

Grey's Eight Month Update

Eight Months Old!

Eight months flew by. Grey is now closer to one year than he is a newborn which is crazy to think because it feels like time hasn’t passed at all.

(To bypass my emotional rant about thoughts that run through a Mother’s mind, skip down to check out Grey’s actual 8 month update, aha)

He doesn’t know how much I love him because what is Love really, in an 8 month olds eyes? I’ve loved him since he was just a cluster of cells within my body and I’ve not stopped in the 8 months he has grown here on Earth. The life I knew before him is impossible to remember. I cannot remember a life without him, at all. The scariest thing, for me, is how do I love him enough to still give him space for freedom and to make his own choices. How do you love something so much but still love enough that they can be their own person? As a mother, various thoughts run through my head, between his future, his present day life, and how I am as a mother to him. Will I follow my mothers footsteps? The hard thing with this is that my mother raised me with ideals that are non-American traditions. Her expectations are very much different than my views, yet I know the way she raised me, produced me to be who I am today. If I met my younger self, I’d be proud of myself. So, how do I go about raising a little person who will be multi-cultural carrying both Chinese old traditions and American new traditions? I was pounded with expectations of doing well in school to one day become a doctor. I was raised to work hard every step of the way, lectured day and night, without toys and new items that were popular culture. I did not grow up to have parties and gifts for every event. I did not grow up with cable television nor the most technological products. I did not have new shoes come every Christmas. I did not have extreme amounts of affection nor did I have countless vacations on the beach or Disneyworld. Yet, I still understand what family means; I understand what unconditional love means; I know what hard work brings; I still believe school is Valuable; and I understand the responsibilities that come with being an adult.



Grey has been nothing short of daily surprises. He recognizes faces so much that he will choose who he wants to hold him (mostly my mom-he’ll go to her before me). My little guy has not perfected crawling but successfully moves around enough to reach for what he wants. He can actually stand himself up, which I thank his things for. There is still no progress for puréed food; I honestly think he will bypass this phase and skip straight to non-puréed food. He loves his cereal puffs, sweet potatoes and apples. He will not eat anything spoon fed. So we’ve actually started baby led weaning which isn’t weaning him from breast milk, but allowing him to eat foods on his own without spoon feeding him. He LOVES to go outside. He enjoys his swing, his stroller rides, and trees, but hates to be in his car seat. He runs all over the place in his walker and wreaks havoc in our kitchen, constantly running over our poor little toes. He hated parades, yet the bands always captivated his attention. So far, he’s sleeping like an angel. He has been recently waking up around 10-11 and bounces around to convince me he’s wide awake but conks right out when I sternly let him know it’s “ time to go night night.”

He still hasn’t said “mama” but can say “mbaa,” emphasis on the B. I’m convinced he’s trying to say “ma”. He can clearly say “dada” and he can say “hey”. And he does know how to say “bad” in Chinese.

He’s ticklish, loves to be naked, and he love to make loud noises. I know now why they define boys as “a loud noise”.

He would prefer to sit/stand then lay down. He hates to lay even when he’s asleep, he’ll literally wake up out of a dead sleep and sit up and lay back down. He’s also a very active sleeper meaning he laughs in his sleep, screams, and moves around a lot.

He’s always clapping his hands.

Still NO teeth. Probably just growing his 97th percentile head.

His favorite toys as of right now is anything that lights up and sings. He puts his mouth on everything, as well. He’s also in 12 month outfits about to work his way into 18 month clothes, he’s such a big baby.

He is a happy baby. He is healthy. He’s so loved by everyone. I couldn’t have asked for more. I’m forever grateful to the Universe that all this and more is in his life.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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