Friday, August 31, 2018

i think my boobs are broken. (part one)

not us

The Prelude:  I always imagined myself on a beautiful beach with the bluest water you’ve ever seen, with my baby at my breast, staring into the sunset. Bliss.  (Not Julia and Jude pictured above)

I took a class before we had Jude about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding 101. I don’t think it was actually called that but you totes get it. There was only like one dad in the class with his wife. Poor guy, it was painfully obvious that he felt out of place. I let Bryant off the hook for this one, I wasn’t going to force him to come to the class unless he really wanted to. He politely declined. The class was all about the benefits of breast milk, duh; they gave us handouts and showed us techniques for breastfeeding. We we’re warned not all babies take the breast, but I was like “eh, we got this!” …

I was sick the day Jude was born. I get this thing called “asthmatic bronchitis” when I get a simple cold, it goes into my lungs thus triggering my asthma. Dude(s) and dudette(s), I sound like a eighty-five year old lifetime smoker. It’s awful. [[I’m in trouble when Jude starts going to school and gets sick every week…#funnynotfunny]] Okay. So. I mention the cough that you may fully understand my situation. My birth plan (I can hear the mom’s out there chuckling about the “birth plan”) was no epidural, but partake in the nitrous oxide, but because of the cough the medical staff thought it best I didn’t get anything inhaled. Ugh stupid cough. I did not want the epidural because I thought I had a high pain tolerance. lol thought. Twelve hours into labor and super tired at this point, I gave in and got the epidural. Giving birth to Jude was traumatic. I will not go into the gory details don’t worry. Baby Jude was facing the wrong way coming out, silly goose, and just for more fun his umbilical cord was around his neck!! GULP!!! They had to do an ER episiotomy (btw an episiotomy was a huge NO on my birth plan!!). Don’t know what that is? Look it up.

Have fun. ::insert sarcasm here::

I blacked out about the time they handed Jude to me, I barely remember it :( But I could hear everything happening. It was like being in a dream. They immediately took him away, and start oxygen on me. I could hear our doctor barking orders and nurses scurrying around. I remember hearing my Jude crying. Needless to say the birth did not go as planned…

My birth plan was to create a calm, hypnobirth for Jude. No epidural. C-section before an episiotomy. I’d plan to give birth standing up. Calming music. Pretty lights. Be calm for the baby. Truthfully, I wanted a cesarean section birth, but my doctor denied it. (grrr) When labor started I would practiced my breathing, but then a coughing fit would happen and blew relaxing out the door. My husband came through with the ambiance in our hospital room. Calm music, spa style lights and lovely scents. The nurses said they liked our room best, because it was so zen and it was a crazy night. I was (am) very proud of my honey bear! <3 Marry a man who “gets” you.! Is the lesson here everyone. ;) 

Fast forward to I finally get to hold Jude! <3 He was so itty bity and cute. I said to him “hello, it’s nice to finally meet you” and he said nothing (cause he can’t talk) just looked at me with those huge alien eyes and cooed. <<SMITTEN>> I’ve been dreaming about that little nugget since I was in my twenties, and his name was always Jude. I even knew he’d have sandy blond hair. When Jude was born he had dark brown hair. I thought well, guess I was wrong about the light hair. I kid you not by twelve months the kid gots dirty blond hair and that’s how it stayed (so far). <3

Boobs,  you’re up!

My first breastfeeding Jude at the hospital was nerve-racking. He wouldn’t latch. I thought maybe my boobs were too big and scaring the little guy. It sounds silly now but it was a real concern, people. The hospital Lactation Consultant came in showed me how to latch. He latched. Like magic! But when it was him and I, it was always the same…he wouldn’t latch or when he did latch it was so painful (for me). Again the lactation consultant would come in, of course, he’d latch perfectly. So frustrating.

One blackout and blood transition later (for me, not Jude) they sent us home. With NO user manual or anything!! At home we still struggled with latching. Our mom guru (she knows who she is) recommended we rent a breast pump from The Pump Station. Jude seemed to prefer the bottle over my breast. [rude] *Bryant spent so much time at The Pump Station the first few days we brought Jude home, he probably could have worked there.* At Jude’s first doctors visit they recommended we do a combination of formula and breast milk.

I felt like I failed my little dude; I didn’t think that would happen so soon. to be continued…



from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

A Debate Over ‘Rational Suicide’

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

Is Blue Light Really What's Keeping You Awake?

Is Blue Light Really What's Keeping You Awake?
It's a convenient scapegoat, but there are other reasons that devices mess with your sleep.

August 31, 2018 at 04:26PM
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From 0 to 10 Million: Vaping Takes Off in the U.S.


You’ll Never Guess Which Company Is Reinventing Health Benefits


The Surprising Ways Humans Are Still Mutating

The Surprising Ways Humans Are Still Mutating
From stronger resistance to HIV to the simple ability to drink milk, there are many ways humans are still evolving.

August 31, 2018 at 12:14PM
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Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Secret Lives Of HIV-Positive Men In Iran

The Secret Lives Of HIV-Positive Men In Iran
The theocrats say they want to help, but those in the Iranian LGBTQ community worry that's just a way of outing them. And so, they turn to black markets for drugs and foreign social networks for community.

August 30, 2018 at 11:51PM
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You Cannot Escape Jet Lag, Only Embrace It

You Cannot Escape Jet Lag, Only Embrace It
Learn to roll with the inevitable consequences, and the ways we will fail to adjust. You're getting on a roller coaster, except this one wasn't planned by anyone.

August 30, 2018 at 01:45PM
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98.6 Degrees Is A Normal Body Temperature, Right? Not Quite

98.6 Degrees Is A Normal Body Temperature, Right? Not Quite
Forget everything you thought you knew about normal body temperature and fever, starting with 98.6. That's an antiquated number based on a flawed study from 1868 (yes, 150 years ago). The facts about fever are a lot more complicated.

August 30, 2018 at 09:12AM
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Will Anyone Be Held At Fault Over Flint?

Will Anyone Be Held At Fault Over Flint?
As the Michigan city's water crisis drags on, the state's highest-ranking health official faces criminal charges. But he's still on the job.

August 30, 2018 at 07:58AM
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Saying No To Drugs Isn’t An Answer To Addiction

Saying No To Drugs Isn’t An Answer To Addiction
Why one Ottawa doctor believes harm reduction is the most effective treatment for drug use.

August 29, 2018 at 04:36PM
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A Few Words About Fake Breasts

A Few Words About Fake Breasts
The prospect of getting a do-over, however, brought your friends who love you enough to be honest with you to the fore in the spirit of making you feel better while also forcing you to realize that these loving critics have secretly long-pitied your god-given cup size.

August 29, 2018 at 03:33PM
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Is One Drink Per Day Really Unsafe? That New Alcohol Study, Explained

Is One Drink Per Day Really Unsafe? That New Alcohol Study, Explained
A Lancet study shows everything that's wrong with nutritional epidemiology, and the way we talk about it.

August 29, 2018 at 02:25PM
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What It's Like To Be A Regular Person Who Delivers a Baby

What It's Like To Be A Regular Person Who Delivers a Baby
A secretary in an office bathroom, an off-duty cop in a Walmart parking lot and a dad on a busy highway  —  they all found themselves face to (tiny) face with destiny.

August 29, 2018 at 11:08AM
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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

S.T.D. Diagnoses Reach Record 2.3 Million New Cases in U.S.


Inside The Slimy Underground Hunt For Humanity's Antibiotic Savior

Inside The Slimy Underground Hunt For Humanity's Antibiotic Savior
Spelunking in search of extremophiles is no mere hobby, but a last-ditch attempt to find a solution to one of the biggest global threats facing humanity today: antibiotic resistance.

August 28, 2018 at 11:06PM
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The Meat Cleanse

The Meat Cleanse
Restriction dieting can provide a sense of order in a world of chaos. At what point does restriction become a disorder?

August 28, 2018 at 07:42PM
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The Perilous, Secret World Of Steroids For Female Bodybuilders

The Perilous, Secret World Of Steroids For Female Bodybuilders
"Women who rely on steroids to sell the sports nutrition products they endorse have to pass themselves off as 'fake naturals' in a way that men don't."

August 28, 2018 at 02:04PM
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How Treating People With Brain Injuries Helped Me Forgive My Mother

How Treating People With Brain Injuries Helped Me Forgive My Mother
After a lifetime of resentment, working with other patients with traumatic brain injury finally helped me understand the riddle that is my mother's mind.

August 28, 2018 at 12:07PM
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All It Took for Me to Learn Empathy Was Repeated Agonizing Electric Shocks From a Simulated Labor Machine

All It Took for Me to Learn Empathy Was Repeated Agonizing Electric Shocks From a Simulated Labor Machine
A world-first simulation being carried out in a small clinic in a shopping mall.

August 28, 2018 at 04:06AM
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Monday, August 27, 2018

Breast-Feeding Mothers Should Avoid Marijuana, Pediatricians Say

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Health

The Pesticides on Your Produce Are Potentially Dangerous. Why Won't the EPA Ban Them?

The Pesticides on Your Produce Are Potentially Dangerous. Why Won't the EPA Ban Them?
Spoiler: it involves lobbyists.

August 27, 2018 at 08:38PM
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How Much Alcohol Is Safe to Drink? None, Say These Researchers


China Has Withheld Samples of a Dangerous Flu Virus


What's A Regular Guy To Do About His Own Butthole Eyes?

What's A Regular Guy To Do About His Own Butthole Eyes?
We asked a doctor and a beauty expert about that viral Pete Davidson story.

August 27, 2018 at 02:06PM
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A Jolt To The Jugular! You're Insured But Still Owe $109,000 For Your Heart Attack

A Jolt To The Jugular! You're Insured But Still Owe $109,000 For Your Heart Attack
"They're going to give me another heart attack stressing over this bill," Drew Calver said. "I can't pay this bill on my teacher salary, and I don't want this to go to a debt collector."

August 27, 2018 at 01:03PM
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Stop Peeing In The Swimming Pool, You Absolute Monster

Stop Peeing In The Swimming Pool, You Absolute Monster
When you relieve yourself in the pool, you're actually putting other people's health at risk.

August 27, 2018 at 11:10AM
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Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get ‘Customers for Life’?


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Quitting Smoking Makes You Gain Weight. It’s Still Healthier

Quitting Smoking Makes You Gain Weight. It’s Still Healthier
People who quit smoking cigarettes often gain weight. That's not necessarily because ex-smokers need a new habit and they enjoy eating. It's because the nicotine in cigarettes suppresses appetite to some degree.

August 26, 2018 at 01:55PM
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Saturday, August 25, 2018

What's The Most Painful Place To Get Stung By A Bee?

What's The Most Painful Place To Get Stung By A Bee?
Turns out that the most painful location for being stung by a bee is on the nostril, followed by the lip and the penis. Yup, the penis.

August 25, 2018 at 12:32PM
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Ranking Every Type of Cheese By How (Un)Healthy They Are

Ranking Every Type of Cheese By How (Un)Healthy They Are
Blue cheese? Soft cheese? … human cheese? Here's which are least likely to mess you up.

August 25, 2018 at 05:06AM
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Friday, August 24, 2018

Big Tobacco’s Global Reach on Social Media


Horrific Deaths, Brutal Treatment: Mental Illness In America's Jails

Horrific Deaths, Brutal Treatment: Mental Illness In America's Jails
These deaths are symptomatic of a bigger problem — how the country's criminal justice system treats some of its most vulnerable citizens, those with a mental illness.

August 24, 2018 at 02:50PM
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How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep
A science journalist spent months researching sleep. Here's what he found.

August 24, 2018 at 11:32AM
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Microdosing Is Touted By Shroomers And Reddit Users. Science Is Starting To Test Their Claims — And Finding Some Truth

Microdosing Is Touted By Shroomers And Reddit Users. Science Is Starting To Test Their Claims — And Finding Some Truth
"It sharpens all the senses, as if the frequencies of all of your atoms and energy field are raised a little bit and are being slightly more conscious.”

August 24, 2018 at 07:22AM
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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Purveyors of Juice-Box Style, Nicotine-Filled E-Liquids Quit Selling the Products


Russian Trolls Used Vaccine Debate to Sow Discord, Study Finds

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

How Social Media Helped Chinese Parents Hold Healthcare Companies Accountable For Ineffective Vaccines

How Social Media Helped Chinese Parents Hold Healthcare Companies Accountable For Ineffective Vaccines
After a company produced 250,000 low-quality vaccines for babies, China's government couldn't ignore the public outcry.

August 23, 2018 at 04:25PM
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A Walk In The Woods With California's Forest Bathers

A Walk In The Woods With California's Forest Bathers
Shinrin-yoku, a form of nature therapy that originated in Japan, has finally caught on stateside – but what is this outdoor business all about?

August 23, 2018 at 01:00PM
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Stroke Risk Reduction In Breastfeeding Women

Breastfeeding may be a protective factor in stroke risk reduction in postmenopausal women.

New research published yesterday in the Journal of the American Heart Association reports on an association and dose‐response relationship between breastfeeding and lower risk of stroke among postmenopausal women, after adjustment for multiple stroke risk factors and lifestyle variables.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death among US Hispanic and non‐Hispanic black women aged 65 and older. Few studies have assessed the association between breastfeeding and stroke risk before and whether this association differs according to race and ethnicity.

The Women’s Health Initiative has been tracking medical events and the health of postmenopausal women recruited between 1993 and 1998. Researchers in the new study analyzed the data on 80,191 participants. At the time of recruitment, the average age was 63.7 years and the follow-up period was 12.6 years. All the women had given birth to one or more children. 58% reported ever having breastfed and 51% of those had breastfed for one to six months, 22% for seven to 12 months and 27% for 13 months or longer.

The researchers adjusted for the factors of age, family history, education, age at menarche, health, diet and smoking. They found stroke risk amongst women who had breastfed their babies was on average:

  • 23% lower in all women
  • 48% lower in black women
  • 32% lower in Hispanic women
  • 21% lower in white women
  • 19% lower in women who had breastfed for up to six months

Courtesy of Lena Ostroff

This association of a lower risk of stroke among postmenopausal women and particularly non‐Hispanic black women remained statistically significant even after adjustment for other stroke risk factors potentially modified by or associated with lactation.

The findings might partially be explained by the fact that breastfeeding women tend to live healthier lives than those who do not breastfeed, indicating that breastfeeding is more of a risk marker than risk factor. We may still conclude, however, that breastfeeding along with other risk factors or markers during women’s early reproductive years may be associated with stroke risk later in life, and this information may help health care providers when assessing risk profiles.

Taking account of these risks, the medical and behavioral science communities may be better able to design, implement and administer culturally informed programs to help mitigate stroke risk while promoting healthy behaviors and breastfeeding in populations that are most at risk. Future studies are warranted to investigate the effectiveness of these types of intervention. Increasing public awareness of the potential impact of breastfeeding on maternal health outcomes later in life may assist in the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding for those at greatest risk.

Photo with title by


Battling Over BirthJacobson, L.T., Hade, E.M., Collins, T.C., Margolis, K.L., Waring, M.E., Van Horn, L.V., Silver, B., et al. Breastfeeding history and risk of stroke among parous postmenopausal women in the Women’s Health Initiative. JAHA, August, 22, 2018;7:e008739


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Safe Injection Sites Were Thought To Reduce Drug Overdoses. The Research Isn't So Clear

Safe Injection Sites Were Thought To Reduce Drug Overdoses. The Research Isn't So Clear
A new meta-analysis reviewed the evidence on safe injection sites. There's bad news.

August 23, 2018 at 07:46AM
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Immunotherapy Drugs Slow Skin Cancer That Has Spread to the Brain


This Danish' Self-Help' Guru Wants You To Focus On The Negative, Stop Trying To Find Yourself And Say 'No' More

This Danish' Self-Help' Guru Wants You To Focus On The Negative, Stop Trying To Find Yourself And Say 'No' More
Svend Brinkmann is critical of self-optimization movements that purport that life is supposed to be "super okay" all of the time.

August 22, 2018 at 06:11PM
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The Story Of Peggy Claude-Pierre, The Eating Disorder Healer Who Promised Everything

The Story Of Peggy Claude-Pierre, The Eating Disorder Healer Who Promised Everything
I was beset with longing: to be sick enough to be worthy of Claude-Pierre's affection, to be in a place where all one's problems could be cuddled away.

August 22, 2018 at 05:46PM
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This Is The Suicide Story You're Not Hearing

This Is The Suicide Story You're Not Hearing
For every person who goes through with it, there are 280 who decide not to. Listening to them could be life-saving.

August 22, 2018 at 02:36PM
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In Arkansas, 'Digital Redlining' Could Leave Thousands Without Health Care

In Arkansas, 'Digital Redlining' Could Leave Thousands Without Health Care
One of America's poorest and least connected states says Medicaid recipients must find work and an internet connection to keep receiving benefits.

August 22, 2018 at 01:28PM
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Fainting Is A Pretty Weird Thing For A Body To Do

Fainting Is A Pretty Weird Thing For A Body To Do
We are all walking around with a spontaneous off button hidden somewhere inside, and yet have no idea what triggers it.

August 22, 2018 at 12:29PM
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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Why Don’t We All Workout Outdoors?

Why Don’t We All Workout Outdoors?
You can substitute pretty much everything you do in the gym (especially fucking around on your phone).

August 21, 2018 at 06:43PM
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Real-Life Surgeon Attempts A Heart Transplant In 'Surgeon Simulator'

Real-Life Surgeon Attempts A Heart Transplant In 'Surgeon Simulator'
"Okay, I accidentally just ripped his lung out, so I'm just going to place it over here..."

August 21, 2018 at 05:47PM
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Do Men Enter Bathtubs On Hands And Knees So Their Balls Hit The Water Last?

Do Men Enter Bathtubs On Hands And Knees So Their Balls Hit The Water Last?
In an August 13 post on the motherhood message board BabyCenter, one commenter posited they do just that, in a posting under the subject "Testicles in warm water?" It piqued my curiosity. First, about the logistics of the balls entering last.

August 21, 2018 at 01:42PM
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Why Is The Process Of Buying Sperm So Terrible?

Why Is The Process Of Buying Sperm So Terrible?
Smart Design's Stephanie Yung shares some ideas for injecting humanity into the deeply impersonal process of bringing a life into the world.

August 21, 2018 at 09:58AM
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The Hidden Epidemic Of Compulsive Hair Pulling

The Hidden Epidemic Of Compulsive Hair Pulling
Whether hair pulling, skin picking or cheek biting, body-focused repetitive behaviors blight many people's lives. How can science help us understand and treat these distressing conditions better?

August 21, 2018 at 07:53AM
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