Monday, February 11, 2019

Maddie's Sunday Funday 2

All the parts put together! Contains breast expansion, cowgirl tf, butt expansion, and lactation~

“You’re coming over today, right?” Maddie asked.

Yeah, of course. I just have to gather a few things and I’ll head over. It’s just you at home, right?

Madeline twirled a stray strand of hair around a finger. “Yup! Everyone else is off at the bimonthly Council meeting thing- I’m glad they let me stay here!”

Can’t say I blame you, this Council of yours sounds boring. I’m hopping in my car right now, so I’ll be over in a bit! See ya soon, Mads!

“Yup! Love ya, Evie!” Maddie’s phone beeped gently as the call ended. “Now… breakfast. What do we have in the pantry?” The witch pulled the doors open and immediately began scrounging through the shelves. She hummed. “Do we have…” Her eyes drifted around. “Aha! Bagels! Something even I can’t mess up!”

Madeline pulled one from the ziploc bag, then went back and grabbed a second. She tossed them on the counter and yanked the fridge door open, grabbed the butter and cream cheese, and lifted the jug of orange juice from the shelf on the door.

No sooner had she sliced the two bagels in half and grabbed the toaster out of its cabinet than Eveline opened the front door to the coven house.

“Hellooooo!” came the non-magical girl’s voice from the foyer.

“Hey Evie! I’m in the kitchen, getting breakfast together!”

“Oh no,” Eveline worried as she strode into the kitchen. “You? Cooking?”

“You shush, it’s just bagels. I’m about to stick them in the toaster.”

“Butter on mine, please!” Eveline replied. “I see you didn’t feel like getting dressed before I got here.” Indeed, Maddie still wore her pajamas- cotton booty shorts and a loose t shirt, no bra.

“Oh, right, sorry,” Maddie said as she snapped her fingers and a bra telported onto her chest, lifting up her bust, but more importantly, hiding her plump nipples. “Better?”

“I was only teasing,” Eveline said as she sat at the kitchen table. “But yeah, now my eyes don’t feel drawn to your tits as much.”

Madeline rolled her eyes. “Can’t believe my best friend is just like guys on the street.” She stuck her tongue out at her guest.

With a ding the four halves of bagel popped out of the toaster; Maddie pulled them out and put a generous amount of butter on Eveline’s and an equal proportion of cream cheese on hers. “Juice?”

“Yes, please!”

The witch brought both plates and glasses at once, somehow, and set them down between her and Eveline. “Oh, before I forget, one of my acquaintances texted me before you got here, asking if I wanted to visit for a bit. They’re cool with you joining, if you wanna go.”


“One witch and one shapeshifter. I don’t think they’d do anything to us, not like Cece.”

Eveline shrugged. “Sure, why not then?”

“Alright, I’ll get cleaned up after breakfast and we can head out.”

“Thanks for driving, beautiful,” Maddie said as she stepped out of Eveline’s car. The pair strode up the sidewalk and up the stairs to Gwen and Lexi’s shared apartment. Maddie knocked on the door.

“Hi, Mads! And this must be Eveline! Welcome! Come in!” Lexi stood to the side and ushered them both in. “Gwen is around here somewhere.”

“I’m back here!” came Gwen’s voice from her bedroom. “I’ll be out in a second!”

Maddie and Eveline both sank into the living room couch as Lexi sat across from them in one of their lounge chairs. “Gwen has something to ask you, apparently,” she said, looking at Maddie.


“Yeah, I wasn’t entirely paying attention when she was talking about it, but it seemed decently important.”

Gwen walked down the hallway into the living room. “The question was, Lexi, whether Maddie’s magic could affect me or not.”

Eveline’s face scrunched in confusion. “Why wouldn’t it?”

“Well, so far, only my magic has worked on me. Not even Cece can do anything to me, and she says she’s a goddess.”

“I would never let Cece forget it if I could do something she couldn’t,” Maddie giggled. “Let’s give it a try then! How big are we looking?”

Gwen shrugged. “Eh. As big as you want, I guess.”

“Hmmmm, alright. How’s… this?” Maddie snapped her fingers.

Nothing happened.

Another snap.

Again, nothing.

One more snap, followed by no reaction, solidified the experiment. “I guess not, Gwen. Darn.”

“Weird,” Eveline commented.

“Yeah,” Lexi added. “Not surprising though, I guess. Maddie’s usually pretty spot on.”

“Yeah, I know,” Eveline replied, indicating her own bust.

“Oh, are those-“

“Yup, Maddie’s handiwork. She was kind enough to shrink me after a unique game of uno.”

Gwen’s eyes lit up. “Enchanted games? Oooh, do tell.”

“I wonder if Gwen will try making her own expansion-enchanted game,” Eveline wondered, back in the coven house. She tossed her coat on the rack with her hat and scarf.

“It’ll probably show up on my doorstep soon enough. Maybe boob Monopoly. Boobopoly.” Maddie plopped onto the couch.

Eveline shivered a little. “Could I borrow a sweater or something, Mads? It’s a little chilly in here.”

“Oh, yeah, sure. Raid my closet with impunity!”

She was already halfway up the stairs. “Be back in a minute!”

Inside Maddie’s bedroom, Eveline pulled open one closet. “Ooh, nope, this must be Cassandra’s stuff,” she said, seeing all the hung-up jeans- not only did Maddie tend to avoid jeans, but there was no way her butt would fit into them. She tried the second closet and found success.

“Maddie hangs her bras up? I guess they don’t really fit in drawers… oh, this one is cute!” She lifted a white bra from its hanger and held it in the light. “It has little cows on it, that’s adorable.” Suddenly, the bra snapped itself onto Eveline’s chest. “What the heck?” Cece’s enchantment on the bra merged Eveline’s shirt and bra with it as it shrunk down to fit her smaller–but still impressive–bust. “Uhhhh… Maddie?” she called.

Eveline began growing quickly, her boobs rapidly swelling as the bra kept pace. Every second saw more flesh appear on her chest, each tit exceeding the size of her head. She grimaced as she felt pressure mount within her breasts, something she hadn’t experienced before.

“I, uhh, I- m-mooooo?” she moaned as horns grew from above her new cow ears, and a tail bobbed behind her. Eveline turned to face Maddie’s mirror, her jaw dropping as she pushed her sandy-blonde hair behind her ears. “What the- am I a… cow?”

The growing cowgirl took a jiggly step forward, her udders bouncing within the cursed bra. “I really wanna… get… milked? What the hell…”

From the top of the stairs, Eveline leaned over the banister, bracing her hands on it. “M-Moooooddie? I, uh, need your help!” By now, her boobs were resting on the railing in front of her, still no signs of the growth slowing down or the bra coming off.

“What the- Eveline! What happened?” Maddie asked, worried, as she got sight of her friend.

“Th-the bra… in your closet…” she answered through little mewls as milk began to leak from her tits.

“Oh, fuck, the one from Cece? It took me hours to get that off, but I know what to do now.” Maddie took the stairs two at a time. Standing behind Eveline, she pressed her left hand to the bra clasp and snapped with her right, and the bra came undone, fluttering down Eveline’s arms. She quickly tossed it off, but the bra flew back towards Maddie, who caught it by the gore.

“Not again, you stupid garbage!” she shouted as the straps of the bra reached out towards her. Another snap, and the straps dropped and the bra folded in her hand. “I hate Cece’s gifts. Are you okay, Ev?”

Eveline, meanwhile, had tumbled to the floor, hands eagerly milking a breast each. “Mmmoooooo…”

“I have a pump if you want to use that, otherwise, I’ll zap you back to normal.”

“There,” Maddie stated. “Back to normal.”

“Thanks. Next time I’ll let you get me a sweater.”

Madeline sighed. “At least it was just a cowgirl enchantment. Could’ve been worse.”

Eveline squinted at her. “…How?”

“Could’ve made you big enough to destroy the house,” Maddie counted on her fingers. “Could’ve turned you into a bimbo, made you forty feet tall…”

“Those are all definitely worse!” Eveline sighed. “Is it time for truth or dare yet?” she half-joked, reminiscing about the game the pair used to play in high school every time they had sleepovers.

Maddie giggled. “If you want. I could spice things up and make it Boobs or Dare. The same principle, but the longer it takes you to answer a question, the bigger your boobs get.”

“Sounds fun. You’ll zap us back to normal after?”

“Of course,” the witch answered, smiling.

The duo sat on the floor across from each other at the living room coffee table. “Let’s get ready, then,” Maddie said, grabbing the hem of her sweater and the bottoms of her bra cups with it. Her tits flopped out of the garments onto the table, nipples stiffening in the chilly February air.

“You’re the only girl who makes me feel small, Mads,” Eveline said, following suit. Her H cups were usually the biggest in any room she was in.

“I’ll ask first, Eveline. Boobs or dare?”


Maddie hmmmed. “You found any nice boys recently?” Eveline’s bust started gradually growing fuller, her boobs encroaching on the table surface.

“Well, I went on a couple dates last month, but nothing too serious. There’s a guy at work that might be worth it, if only he’d stop staring at my tits.” The growth tapered to a stop. “Boobs or dare?”

“Hmmmm… dare.”

“I dare you to… make the growth happen faster!”

Snap. “Done!” Maddie smiled. “Boobs or dare?”


“Alright… ever wanted one of us coven girls to work on you more?” This time, Eveline’s bust surged rapidly, contacting the table in seconds as she quickly grew towards rivaling Maddie’s size.

“Oh geez, you really kicked this up!” she exclaimed as she continued to grow, now surpassing basketballs. “I, uh, guess I could use a bigger butt?”

The growth continued, and Maddie eyed her knowingly. “Alright, alright! I could use some of Heidi and Alexia’s magic too!” The growth ceased, just before Eveline hit beach ball sizes.

Maddie giggled again. “The magic knows if there’s more you should tell, Evie. Alright, I pick boobs this time.”

“Oooohhh, I know exactly what to ask. Rank your different transformations!”

Madeline’s already sizable bust burgeoned forth, her tits combined with Eveline’s already taking up the table. “Number one is obviously cowgirl,” she answered as she grew larger than Eveline had. “Second is… hmm, I don’t know. Of the four, only cowgirl stands out as really, truly fun all the time. Succubus was too much of a shock to really consciously enjoy it, and being bimboed… well, I barely remember it. Just lots of cum in and on me, pretty much.” The growth continued as Maddie’s boobs reached nearly three feet wide.

“Uh, second is catgirl, I guess, I still had my normal brains in tact for that. And we’ll put bimbo and succubus tied for third.” The growth concluded, Maddie now barely able to see Eveline over her cleavage. “If we don’t want to break the table, I think we should stop…”

“Oh, come on, Mads, one more go!” Eveline cheered.

The witch rolled her eyes again. “Fine, fine. Boobs or dare?”


“Eveline, I thought your Uno size was too big for you, and yet here we are.”

“Oh, I would never want boobs like this forever, but it’s fun for now. Ask me a question, already!”

Madeline smiled behind her mountain of tit. “I know. Eveline, do you want to leave with boobs bigger than you came in with?”

Eveline was quickly fighting Maddie’s bust for dominance. “No, of course not!” she nearly shouted as she kept growing.


“Ugh, you and your magic! Fine, yes! I want to leave bustier than I showed up! Happy?” The growth ground to a halt as Maddie laughed herself to tears.

“I pick dare this time, Ev,” Madeline said, fighting through her laughter.

“I dare you to give me the boobs I want!”

“Pfft. Easy.” Snap. In seconds, Eveline shrunk down to a size much smaller than what she was, but larger than her default. Now, she was obscured by boob down to her belly button, a solid eight inches of tit between her nipples and her chest. “And as a going away gift, I’ll make all your bras the right size, too. Snap.

Eveline checked the clock above the TV. “Oh, crap, I have to get going! Paula gets lonely if I’m gone too long, you know how it is. Thanks for the boobs, Maddie!” She hugged the witch the best she could.

“Anytime, Evie,” she said, waving goodbye.

Maddie laid on the couch after Eveline left, having already shrunk herself down to normal. A new idea crossed her mind, and she smiled devilishly. “That could be fun,” she whispered, rolling off the couch onto her feet. “I am kinda pent up after all the growth… and watching Evie turn into a cowgirl…”

Inside her bedroom, she pulled the box her girlfriend had labeled “The Worst.” Maddie flipped the lid open to behold two monuments of dildos, one she had dubbed Ol’ Reliable for its penchant to get her off, and the other one Cece had sent her, the Witch Hunter. She tossed them on her bed and began stripping her clothes off, piling them up on the floor by her laundry basket.

Madeline grabbed a boob in either hand and tumbled into bed. On her back, she fumbled around, looking for the dildos; she grabbed one in each hand and nestled Ol’ Reliable between her tits and the Witch Hunter between her thighs. She sighed. “Cece’s dildo is definitely gonna do something to me… oh well.” She slid the witch hunter up to her pussy, nuzzling the end into herself, gently teasing herself with it. In a few seconds, it seemed to slide in of its own volition, then slid back out without Maddie doing anything.

“Oh, fuck,” she mumbled. “It’s gonnaaaaaAAA do this by itself!” True to her word, Cece’s Witch Hunter began to move itself in and out steadily, pumping itself into Maddie’s pussy. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” Fighting through the sensations, Madeline grabbed the other toy and began sliding it in between her tits. The toy responded, hardening to its full length and dribbling a little precum from the tip, which absorbed into her skin, pushing her boobs just a little bit bigger.

On the upstroke with Ol’ Reliable, Maddie brought her head forward and wrapped her lips around the end, feeling the dildo harden just a little more. She smiled around it, stifling a moan as Witch Hunter continued to fuck her. Maddie instinctively tightened her pussy around it as the easy dildo twitched deep inside her, a heartbeat later letting loose with fake cum. Maddie’s hips bucked as it filled her, cum leaking from her pussy as the dildo kept going and going.

She felt the growth start soon after that. Maddie’s hips lifted into the air as her ass swelled and her thighs thickened, surrounding the rest of the dildo in her pale flesh. Not to be outdone, her boobs plumped up as well, covering Ol’ Reliable in tit as she continued to tease it.

“Mmm, mmmm” she moaned as she grew. “Mm-mmooooo!” she shouted, releasing the dildo from her mouth for a second. Her horns grew in with her ears, and she wiggled her hips to release her tail from underneath herself. Milk erupted from her nipples, dousing her torso in cream. Not wanting to be stopped, she reunited lips with dildo as they plumped up, providing huge pillows for the toy.

The automation enchantment spread from Witch Hunter to Ol’ Reliable, and Mooddie’s hands drifted from the fake cock to her udders, aggressively milking herself as the two dildos worked tandem on her as Mooddie eagerly let them. One pushed all the way to her throat as the other buried itself in her pussy. Ol’ Reliable began to twitch now, and Mooddie was well aware of what was coming- it was. Fake Scott-cum poured into her mouth, and it was all she could do to swallow repeatedly, and her growth resumed again as her tits ballooned, now effectively trapping her arms under the twin mountains of boob.

Her udders gushed milk constantly even as her hands couldn’t reach her nipples, and Ol’ Reliable pulled back to work in her tits. In a few seconds, both dildos were shooting cum into or onto her, their magic working and multiplying each other. The bed creaked as Mooddie’s form blew up, the witch now buried under her tits and propped up on her booty, even as she was helpless to stop them from fucking her- as if she wanted them to.

She lay like that for an hour at least, getting pumped full of cum and growing, until Cece’s enchantment decided she was big enough… for now.

Maddie rolled over, finally back to normal after an hour-long nap. Hmmmm, she thought, rolling out of bed. The witch looked back over the mattress and then at herself. “Well… let’s take care of this first.”

A wave of her hand cleaned the sheets and surrounding… everything. “Never use cleaning spells on yourself,” Maddie sarcastically repeated her coven leader. “Ugh. Time for shower number two today, then.”

She walked through the house to one of the bathrooms, zapping any leftover cum that fell off her. Maddie turned the stream of water on, the steam almost immediately filling the room. “Perks of living with witches,” she whispered. Climbing in, Madeline worked up a lather of suds quickly, trying her best to be gentle with her boobs, cursing the permanent succubus side effects.  She washed her hair out too, making an effort to make sure she was free of any remnants of her mastrubation session.

Rinsed clean, Maddie still felt a little drained, so she plugged the bathtub and switched to the lower faucet, taking a seat to await the rising water.

Mrrrp? she heard from beside her. Maddie turned to see Salem hop up on the cabinet behind the tub and curl up on the wood. The witch twisted to rest her head in the corner of the tub, avoiding squishing her cat.

“Hey cutie boy,” she said to him. “You having a long day too?”


“Ah, of course, of course. Daisy still taking up the entire bay window?”


“Well, you can stay here with me. I’ll be here for a while.”

“Camgirling is okay as long as there’s no pussy shown,” she quoted her girlfriend. “As if the internet is deserving of seeing that, anyway. I’m just gonna get my tits out for money…”

Hoping her advertisements for it on instagram would be enough to draw paying customers, Maddie set up her camera to point at her bed; w-sitting on the mattress, the witch made sure it was recording and began her first attempt. She began with an index finger on her lip, pulling it down slightly as she made bedroom eyes at the camera; her hands trailed down to her sweater and her huge boobs, squeezing the soft masses and squishing them together while changing her expression to a smile.

Her grin turned mischievous as she hooked her fingers around the hem of her sweater. She slowly teased it upwards, steadily revealing more of her lacy blue bra. Once clear of her boobs, she tossed the garment off, resuming playing with her tits, pushing them up to seemingly overflow her bra. Maddie ran her hands over her breasts, gently squishing them on the way up, and sutck her thumbs under the straps of her bra.

The witch pulled the straps off her shoulders; her breasts sank a little from losing the support of her bra, but they were still magically perky. Maddie smirked at the camera, grabbing the bottoms of the bra cups and slowly pulling it up, bringing her tits with it. She pulled her huge boobs up before letting them slowly slide out from the cups, grinning and nibbling her lip as her breasts fell out of the garment.

Maddie tossed her bra off camera and lifted her tits up, sucking a nipple into her mouth as she made eye contact with the camera. Releasing it, she pinched her nipples and bounced her tits in her hands before dropping them and sauntering to the camera, pointing the lens directly at her hanging boobs before bringing it back to her face and blowing a kiss and shutting it off.

Maddie stretched and yawned as she sat on her bed topless. “I should get dressed again…”

She picked up her sweater and bra and gasped from finding what was under them. “My spell notes! I was looking for these!” Maddie picked up the loose sheets of paper. “I gotta copy these into my spellbook!”

The witch hefted the leather-bound tome onto her desk and flipped open to the first blank page and picked up a quill-styled pen. “So glad we don’t have to use actual quills,” she remarked, not realizing that writing the spell into her book was also casting it simultaneously.

Maddie shifted in her seat while writing, ignoring the sensations from her bust as it jostled around in her bra; she wrote it off as the usual sensitivity from her succubus week. Tossing the pen down, Madeline smiled at the inked pages. She stood up and immediately her knees buckled, and she stumbled backwards to her bed as her pussy exploded with sensation. “Ohhhhh, fuck, what- happened?” she asked between moans, clawing at her sweater to pull it up.

“My tits?” She squeezed them through her bra. “Ohhhohhohohoh, fuck, that’s good!” Madeline shimmied out of her leggings and thong as her brain devoted itself to the pleasure coursing through her body. Maddie yanked her bra off, before greedily groping her boobs and mewling from the overwhelming sensitivity.

The witch rubbed her thighs together, the pleasure nearly unbearable, but unable to pull her hands away from her breasts. She massaged her tits as the spell steadily intensified, and Maddie arched her back, pushing the top of her head into the mattress. “Hnnnnngg, fuuuck…”

“Oh, goddess, I’m gonna… gonna- gonn-aaaAAAHH!” she screamed as she hit her first climax, and her tits erupted with milk, twin geysers of cream spouting from her nipples. “Oh, fuck, I,” she stammered out, her brain short-circuiting from the pleasure; she tumbled out of bed and walked on her knees to a corner of her room.

Slumping into the rig, the Cece-brand machine took over, hooking her tits up to the pumps and starting up. There was no tank on this one; it instead had a portal to one of Maddie’s reservoirs on the ranch. “Oh, goddess, th-thank you… oh, fuckkk, milk me…”

With a crack of displaced air and the faint smell of milk, Cece appeared in the coven living room to find Maddie bundled up in more blankets than the goddess could count.

“Hey Cece,” she said nonchalantly, flipping through TV channels.

“Hey beautiful,” Cece replied, sitting down on the couch next to her. “Thanks for the milk, thot.”

“As if that pump in my bedroom doesn’t help you at all,” she teased. “Isn’t my milk one of your higher selling brands?”

Cece rolled her eyes and cuddled up against the witch, struggling to sneak into her blanket cocoon. “I actually pulled your milk from store shelves. Too many complaints about silver hair and getting shorter.”

“Pff-eh. Whatever. They’d be lucky to look like me.”

The cow goddess giggled. “I’m not arguing that.” She snuck a hand underneath Maddie, grabbing a handful of plump witch booty.

“Hey!” she responded, wishing she could swat Cece’s arm through her mountain blanket fortress.

“As if you didn’t love it.” Cece pulled her hand back, hoping Maddie wouldn’t realize she was packing on a few extra pounds.

“That butt is for Cass and Cass only!!” She wiggled on her hips. “And stop making it bigger.”

“But apparently your titties are for everybody.” The short redhead smirked. “Though I’m hurt you didn’t think to stream on my site.”

“Oh, yeah, I can see it now: ‘Coming to you next week, drooling bimbo toy Maddie!’ I can hardly wait.”

Cece licked her lips, picturing the blonde. “Maaaaybe, but I already have Dawn for all my bimbo needs. How about the big titty kitty stream?”

“Eh, I’m not super into being a catgirl, to be honest. Only for cuddling with Salem. If I was gonna do anything, I’d have a cowgirl pumping stream.”

“Deal. I’ll schedule you for every Monday. How’s two times whatever you bring in sound to start?” The cowgirl goddess was nearly drooling at the thought.

“You’re going to pay me double what my viewers pay to watch? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Cece shrugged. “I don’t really use the site to make money. It’s just a way for my gals to blow off steam and make a few extra bucks.”

“Put my milk back in stores and you have a deal. If I’m gonna pump myself weekly on camera, we might as well do something with it.”

“Perfect!” Cece cheered, stretching up to kiss Maddie on the cheek and leaving a cherry red lipstick mark. “Say, wanna celebrate over dinner? Cass and you, Rose and I, it could be a double date!”

“Sure, as long as you restrain yourself.”

The cow pouted. “Fine, but you’re the one who’ll have to tell that to Rosie. I’ve got a new place opening at the Ranch.”

“You and Rose can do whatever you want inside your throne room. I just want you to leave me and Cass out of it.”

“Alrighty. I’ll be by to pick you three up. How does seven sound?”

“Fantastic, thot.”

“Later titty princess!” And with that the goddess was gone.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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