Monday, April 1, 2019

Increase lactation through Carom seeds|Breastfeeding mother

Breastfeeding is a beautiful blessing for newly born babies, but in today’s busy life most of nursing mothers are suffering from low production of breastfeeding. Newly born babies can suffer from lack of essentials nutritions which is directly get from breastfeeding. As, we know that breastmilk consider as first natural ” immunization” for newly born baby. It helps in increasing immune system in them and also baby does not get sick easily. To increasing breastmilk in nursing mothers we can find the solution in the grocery items.

Did you know that carom seeds are one of the beneficiary home remedies for nursing mothers.

As we already know that carom seeds basically helps in digestion, weight loss, lower the cholesterol level, but did you know it also helps in enhancing the production of breastmilk in nursing mothers. It contains thymol and natural phytochemicals. Thymol has antiseptic properties, not only it does help nursing mother, but also her baby through breastfeeding. And it is necessary for a nursing mothers that they should include these carom seeds in their daily meals.

Follow the below method of taking carom seeds;

1) Take a spoon of carom seeds, start roasting them in a frying pan, then crush it, and after that add crushed seeds into boiling water and keep it boiling for 5 m, after cooling down of carom seeds at room temperature, sieve it. Breastfeeding mothers should drink it almost 2 ltr in a day. It will not only keep them hydrating in whole day but also will enhance the production of lactation in them.

2) Mix some roasted carom seeds with jaggery and chew it at every meals or in between whole day. You can make micro laddo (medicine sized) from these two ingredients and eat during whole day.

3) You can add roasted and crushed carom seeds in boiled milk, and drink it before asleep. At this time your body does in relax position, due to which your lactating muscles start making more milk, which will be enough for your lactating baby during night time.

4) You can mix these carom seeds in wheat flour( flat bread, brown bread) and put it into your foods for good production of breastmilk.

5) Make some carom seeds based cookies and snacks at home

Note; Above information based on experiences and research

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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