Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ethel Paley, Champion of Nursing Home Patients, Dies at 99

By SAM ROBERTS from NYT Health

UN: Measles Cases Spike in Numerous Outbreaks Worldwide


Mama, it's not easy... but it's worth it


By Abigail Ede, Guest Writer


Endless happiness, delicious moments and a heartfelt, overwhelming connection.

This is what breastfeeding became for me – but it did not start this way!

In reality, the first 3-4 weeks of nursing were arduous and painful.

So much so, I actually dreaded feeding time.

I would find myself delaying feeding my daughter just for a few minutes.

I would wince just thinking of that first sharp pinching grasp for milk.

I would be in tears as she latched.

The lactation nurses at the hospital were great, but it didn’t help the feelings I was having.

The pain was so bad initially that I chose to feed my daughter from a syringe just to have some respite. I bought nipple cream in bulk and spent huge sums of money on silver contraptions that promised to heal my bleeding nipples.

I fantasised about using formula.

It will get better, just persevere!” people would say, but in the moment, it was hard to see how.

It was even harder to understand why something that was supposed to be natural was hurting me.

I knew friends were using lactation consultants for support, but I decided to persist on my own.


That first pinch took weeks to fade into memory but after that excruciating first month, things got easier.

I relaxed into it more, found positions that suited me better, used Silverettes relentlessly (best breastfeeding buy!) and learned to control my oversupply by hand expressing before a feed. 

The pain lessened.

Breastfeeding became everything I had hoped.

My daughter would put her little hand on my chest and look up at me and my heart would swell.

But I underestimated what it would take to get there.

I think it is important for healthcare providers not just to pump (no pun intended) out the message ‘Breast Is Best’ – but to be honest that breastfeeding can be tricky.

It’s important for women to know that just because it is natural, that doesn’t mean it will be easy.  It can hurt and it’s a learned skill for both of you.

It’s a case of putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

When all of the pieces fit together – the latch, milk supply, optimal positioning –  the experience and memories are incredible.

 It might take a little help or a little research but you can do it. 


  • Abigail Ede is a full-time mum to a 20-month-old daughter (with another baby on the way) and trained primary school teacher.  A true Welsh-speaking Welsh girl, I married my Australian/Sri Lankan husband this year and we live in Hong Kong.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

It’s Not Just Poor White People Driving a Decline in Life Expectancy


C.D.C. Reports More E. Coli Illnesses Linked to Romaine Lettuce


Moo-gic the Gathering

Liliana cowgirl etc.

“What is this new magic?!” the necromancer hissed as she felt paralyzed, her arms held to her sides. “Must be held in… some demon’s power…” 

Liliana’s purple robes burst off her as entirely unknown magic–at least to her–coursed through her body, instantly plumping up her tits and ass. She was more exaggerated already than any woman she’d ever seen, and she was still getting bigger! 

“Release me!” she demanded. “It- agh- it feels… no! I won’t give in!” The pleasurable sensations swam within her, and Liliana grit her teeth, determined not to let herself enjoy it. That became harder as she grew larger, and her bottom lip trembled as she tried to resist.

Her eyes widened as Liliana realized her perspective was changing, and the tatters of her robes fluttered around her increasingly curvaceous, yet shorter, body. “Stop this at- oh– stop- uuuunnngggghhhhh…” The necromancer continued to grow bustier; her curves seemed to be sapping her height. The last shreds of her willpower evaporated when her nipples let forth a deluge of milk, and she subconsciously felt herself released from the magic that held her, and she fell to her knees.

Her flow increased in strength as her hands shot to her nipples, her mind now taken up by only one thing- lactating. Her headdress clattered to the ground, pushed off by her growing horns. She slowly realized her udders were occupying more and more space in her arms, but hardly noticed the thick, curved horns sprouting from above her increasingly bovine ears. Liliana leaned back, letting her huge breasts spew milk wildly, and she tumbled onto her fat ass and tail, the cheeks jiggling on contact with the floor.

She fell backward, resting on her back, and her tits nearly pinned her arms down; she could barely hold them up to reach her leaky nipples. Liliana managed, for the moment, to keep working her boobs while they insisted on growing larger. She found it harder and harder to hold them up, especially as she kept getting shorter. Barely above 5 feet tall, Liliana’s udders trapped her arms to either side, but her milk kept on flowing.

“M-m-mmmoooooo,” she moaned. “S-somebody… m-milk meeeee…”

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Measles Cases Continue to Rise Around the World


Stop! Washing Your Thanksgiving Turkey Could Spread Germs


Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday, November 24, 2019

‘Public Option’ Draws Voters Unsure About ‘Medicare for All’



Melony (Pokemon Shield) gets big & milky.

“What better after a crisis than a nice glass of moomoo milk?” the gym leader asked herself as she reclined in her private rooms in the back of the stadium. “Keeping up that tough appearance for the gym challengers sure is tiring!”

Melony tilted the bottle of milk, steadily drinking down the thick cream. Easily finishing it off, she set the bottle down on the end table and laid back on her couch, content in knowing her duties for the day were over. Actively trying to relax, she ignored the faint gurgling of her chest until her generous bust began to pull at the threads of her sweater. Her hands were drawn to her chest, and Melony pressed her hands into the pliant flesh.

“What the…” She was used to having a lot of padding up top, but there was no mistaking it- she was growing. Melony sat bolt upright as the first few stitches popped, and her swelling boobs stretched out her top. “What’s going o- oh… oh…” The gym leader absent-mindedly began to play with her tits as they grew, the pleasant sensations coursing through her body. Her moans grew louder with her bust, and she tumbled back onto her couch.

Pulling her sweater and bra up, Melony freed her growing body from its confines, and it was clear her tits were already larger than her head. Her hands sought out her nipples like a frosmoth to a flame, and in moments her moans were cacophonous cries of ecstasy. There was only one thought going through her mind- the need to keep playing with her boobs. The gym leader mewled as her breasts grew closer to armfuls and her tits firmed up, her nipples thickening more rapidly as faint blue veins criss-crossed her skin.

Pressure mounted as she grew, as if her boobs were filling something more quickly than they were making space for. Melony still toyed with her breasts, squeezing her elbows into them as she played with her fat nipples.

She cried out in mirth as the pressure released, and she began to gush milk in powerful arcs. Melony, without even thinking, started working her nipples and milking herself. She clenched her thighs and her toes curled, the pleasure of her lactation thrilling through her. Her milk–thick and creamy as what she drank–soaked into her leggings and the furniture beneath her, but she didn’t care; the only thing she cared about was growing and leaking, the consequences far from her thoughts.

Her mouth hung open at this point, the stream of moans and coos nearly constant as the sensations coursed through her, almost directly from her pumping tits to her nethers. Melony’s eyes clenched as a climax mounted within her, and it was all she could do to just keep working herself up. There seemed to be no end to her milk- the streams were nearly as powerful as the first seconds of release. Her moans turned to a scream as that orgasm finally took hold of her, and Melony’s limbs hung loosely to her sides afterwards, her huge boobs still leaking milk steadily.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Journey into breastfeeding.

Many mothers have it easy with breastfeeding. But how about when it’s not the piece of cake you thought it would be? My first days breastfeeding were the hardest I ever had. Being a csection mom, I was under a lot of pain medication during the surgery that I could not breastfeed immediately.Who am I kidding? I didn’t even have my milk coming in yet. Breastfeeding was one of the experiences i looked forward to because it is a special mother and baby bonding moment.

I remember asking my older sister who is already a mom of two what it felt like breastfeeding and she told me it felt nice. “What could be so hard about a little harmless baby sucking on my nipples?” I thought to myself.
Twenty four hours after I had my baby, I could finally start to breastfeed.But, I didn’t have enough milk for my baby, so I had to stimulate my milk production with a breast pump. This was the beginning of my so painful breastfeeding. The next few weeks were filled with a lot of try and error feeds,braving through the pain because deep down I knew I had to to this for my little boy.I remember crying to my husband how painful it was and he would try to make fun of the situation to uplift my spirit and keep me going.

On one special night, while I was doing one of my usual painful night feeds, I looked at my precious little boy trying to get the most of what he could get out of my breasts. He had been in between feeding on formula provided by the hospital and my little bits of milk. I felt like I was failing him. I wanted to be able to give him enough.This broke my heart and brought me to tears.Luckily I was able to talk to a nurse who encouraged me that it takes time and it would get better.

It is so much easier now. I look back and feel proud of myself for not giving up. But my luck is not the luck of many moms out there. You need to know that you do your best. It’s not your fault that your body has not been able to make enough milk, or because of a certain medical condition, you cannot breastfeed your baby. It’s the thought that counts. In the end, We are all just getting by and doing our best. Happy breastfeeding to all the moms out there.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 New Books, 1 New 3 Book Box Set

Blacked Wives: Big Black Vacation


Star, a culinary artist of her own bistro, is feeling the stress of being a small scale business owner.

When her husband suggests she take a quick tropic get away to recharge before the Christmas tourist season begins, she takes him up on the offer, looking forward to a couple days relaxing on the beach.

But Star will get more just than a couple of days relaxing by the beach when she is caught in an exposed position by TWO STRONG EBONY NATIVES.

Read This Book…

Begging For It: Taken By The Motorcycle Gang


27-year-old Cassia leads a fairly middle-class life on the outskirts of Sturgis, South Dakota; home and hosts to the annual Bike Week each late summer.

She and her Uncle Nico eke out a decent living at the family run diner and pizzeria and are more than willing to cater to a group of new riders in the hopes of securing a full-time catering gig.

With everything on the line, including Cassia’s hidden desire to be associated with a club in more ways than one, can she push herself to her limits and ride out her darkest fantasy?

Read This Book…

Daddy & His Friends


Dan had everything a guy could wish for. He was married to a beautiful woman, had a great job, a lovely home, and a wide social circle.

The only cloud on his horizon was his stepdaughter, Clara. A rebellious child, she was now an equally rebellious, gorgeous young woman.

But although she was a bit of a tearaway, Dan thought he could handle her. That is, until football night with the guys.

Read This Book…

Expanding & Overflowing


Dr Milk is a genius. Unfortunately, the rest of the scientific community did not agree. Persecuted for his ambition, discriminated against because of a few misunderstandings, Dr Milk was forced to work unpaid for an old college friend.

But with the help of a shadowy corporation and a married woman named Hannah, Dr Milk finally achieves the breakthrough he always wanted; a breakthrough that comes with some not entirely unwelcome side effects.

Read This Book…

Bought & Trained Series (3 Books)


“When I looked up at the mirror, I saw a face I barely recognized. She was a mess of mascara and sweat and lust and her eyes were glazed. I didn’t care. I liked this. I wanted this. I wanted to be his.”

Book One: Selling Myself to Mr. Parker
Book Two: Serving Mr. Parker’s Clients
Book Three: Displayed & Humiliated

Read This Series…

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Trump’s F.D.A. Nominee Sidesteps Questions About Banning Flavored Vaping Products


Monday, November 18, 2019

Something in the Man’s Bed Was Making Him Sick

By WUDAN YAN from NYT Health

Trump Retreats From Flavor Ban for E-Cigarettes


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Trump Retreats From Flavor Ban for E-Cigarettes


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What to Expect When You're Expressing: Breastfeeding Wows and Woes

No one, I repeat, NO ONE warns you about how difficult breastfeeding is. I read all kinds of literature, blogs, books, and talked to many women and nothing gave me the inclination that I would shed many tears over such an essential life process that you’d think would come naturally. So, I’d like to share with you mamas-to-be or ladies who are looking to try breastfeeding for the first time some things that I wish I had known about.

During my pregnancy, I read up on what to expect when breastfeeding. I researched breast pumps and read endless reviews before making an educated decision to purchase the Spectra S1 pump (which I am very pleased with). I bought all the essentials: lanolin, washable and disposable pads for my bra, nursing bras and tanks, milk storage bags, shields, nipple butter, and a hot/cold pack made just for breastfeeding. I did worry about being able to breastfeed since my grandmother and mother were not successful (I do not know if this is because it’s so daggum difficult or because they just couldn’t or didn’t want to). So many of my friends had breastfed and so I didn’t think it would be too difficult. I worried about the milk production, and rightfully so.

At the hospital, the time and experience I had with the on-staff lactation consultants was not very helpful. From the beginning, I felt rushed and that it was very forceful. They wheeled in a Medela Symphony pump and basically said, “Start pumping every two hours and collect your colostrum so you can give it to him; It’s supply and demand honey so don’t forget to pump so it will come in” but there was no real instruction other than that. As for the latch training, that consisted of showing me a very uncomfortable position to hold him (while I was extremely exhausted and nervous) and shoving him onto my nipple while he screamed. He hated it. He just wanted to sleep. I hated the experience. The hospital wanted him eating every 2 hours and threatened to start pricking his foot to check his glucose levels if he wasn’t eating. The last day we were there, we had a different LC and she told us that it wasn’t necessary and that babies are born with three to four days worth of glycogen stores because it takes time to learn how to latch and feed and it takes that long for mother’s milk to come in. I suppose the hospital has protocol and doesn’t want to be liable for babies that become malnourished, but the whole process was nerve-wracking and they began to push formula from the second day. This began the woes of our breastfeeding journey.

When we got home, I tried to get him to latch with those lovely techniques of shoving his screaming face onto my breast to no success. I began to panic because I didn’t know what to do and felt like he needed to eat more than what I was giving him. We continued with the supplementing of formula against my wishes. This began the worst seven weeks of our lives.

If you can avoid it, DO NOT BEGIN SUPPLEMENTING WITH FORMULA. Not only does it screw up your milk supply, it can create a world of problems for your little one and yourself. Our son ended up with so many tummy troubles and we are 100% certain it was from the formula. I’m not against those who want to formula feed, but if you plan on breastfeeding, I learned some things that may help you along the journey if it’s really what you want to do. It took us seven weeks to get it, but I hope I can shed some light by sharing our experience.

I cried and cried because Liam wouldn’t eat from my breast. Giving in to the suggestion to supplement left us in a predicament of milk supply shortage, poop problems, hours staring at walls while I tried pumping only to get an ounce of milk, and one miserable, screaming, gassy, troubled baby. We noticed his poops became very green, frothy, and putrid, which was troubling. We were constantly having to use Gripe Water and Windis to help relieve gas and stimulate him to poop. There were nights he would cry for 8 hours straight. I thought surely he’d tire himself out, but he did not. The swing would help, but with him being so little, I stayed in the room with him and napped on the floor while he finally succumbed to sleep. I was so distraught and did not know how to soothe my baby. He kept getting formula and a minimal amount of breast milk in a bottle, but his problems kept worsening. We were then instructed to try a new formula due to him possibly having a sensitivity to cow’s milk protein. He wouldn’t even eat that formula. So, we went back to the previous and started mixing half formula and half breast milk. We saw improvement with that and I determined I’d try ANYTHING to get my milk production up.

I tried every supplement, oatmeal, lactation cookies, and other products that I could get my hands on. Whether any of them helped or not, I don’t know, but I do know that after weeks of trying and pumping constantly, I finally had a breakdown. One night I was sitting in the glider, staring at the wall in front of me and deciding if this was something I could do or not. With tears streaming down my face, I had almost given up completely. I felt utterly hopeless and did not know what else I could do. I felt inadequate. I felt like a horrible mother because I could not feed my son. I could not provide what he needed. We had resorted to feeding him something that made him writhe in pain and it was my fault. My failure to produce milk was the cause of his pain and suffering. These are are thoughts that an exhausted, helpless mother will have when she just doesn’t know what else to do and cannot get a break from what she feels are constant screw-ups. Every time I tried to get him to latch, he would fight and scream. We tried everything- pediatric chiropractor, Gripe Water, gas drops, different types of formula, probiotics, extra burping, anti-colic bottles (DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE “DIAGNOSIS” OF COLIC)- everything. I don’t know what caused a change- maybe it was my “wits-end” moment- but we finally got a breakthrough.

The next day, my husband took us for a drive and we went to a beautiful location. I fed my son his mix of poison (I’m totally calling it that because of what it did to my son’s stomach and bowels) and breast milk. When we came home a few hours later, I noticed he began nuzzling around my breast (for the first time since he was born) and I thought to myself, “I’ll try, but it’s going to be like every other failed attempt and he will get mad.” To my surprise, he did not. He immediately latched on and ate like a friggin champ. I cried tears of shear joy and just prayed that this would continue. He was seven weeks old. I was going back to work in a week. I had no milk stored, but we decided we were throwing out the formula and we were going to make this work. Now that it was determined he did know how to latch and he could do it, we began the process of learning to bond and breastfeed my baby.


In time, Liam began to desire me and prefer me over the bottle. Many mothers who have had to resort to bottle-feeding have said that the baby just wouldn’t take the to breast because it’s more work for them and bottles make them lazy. I felt this was the case in the beginning, but now, he wants me and let me tell you something- that makes me feel like the most successful mother. Now at 15 weeks old, this little guy and I have bonded, he has no problems whatsoever eating and the little smiles he cracks at me during feedings warm my heart. But before getting to this point, there were things we had to overcome. I did find the more he latched on, the more milk I was able to produce. Of course you have ZERO idea of how much baby is eating while on the breast, but when you see them “milk drunk” after a feeding, you can rest assured that he is satiated. He began sleeping better almost immediately after all of the poisonous formula had evacuated his system. He bowel movements became regulated (we were lucky if we got one poopy diaper per week) and they began transitioning back to what normal breastfed baby poop looks like (mustard yellow and seedy). There were far less gas attacks. Liam was almost a different child. I felt like the first seven weeks of his life were horrible for him, but now he is happy and thriving.

Here are things I would change if I could go back:

  1. Ditch the lactation consultants at the hospital. I know it sounds nuts, but I am convinced that had they not put the “he must eat every two hours” guilt trip on us, we could have learned to breastfeed immediately without ever supplementing. Like I mentioned, I know they have to make sure babies aren’t starving, but for crying out loud, let the child and mother LEARN. It’s all new. They’re built for this, but it takes time.
  2. I would have used my breast pump at home BEFORE he was born. I didn’t know how to work the thing and frankly, it was weird and intimidating. Finding your groove those first few weeks is HARD. Learning how to use yet another piece of equipment while you are trying to do everything else is stressful. Yes, you really do need to either breastfeed or pump every two hours. Yes, this includes during the night. BOY IS IT EXHAUSTING, but I will stress that it does get easier. Your boobs will be sore. You’ll be tired. Somehow two hours feels like two seconds during the beginning stages of this journey, but you do find a rhythm and you and baby figure it all out together.
  3. I would have never supplemented with formula. I hadn’t intended on doing it, but when the “professionals” are pushing it and you’re clueless, what else do you do? You take their advice. BUT I will say that they don’t know what’s going to work and what won’t work any more than you do. It’s your kid and frankly he/she has been with you since the beginning. You know what you’ve been eating. You know your baby best. I prepped my body before getting pregnant by eating healthy. I didn’t do the best while pregnant, but I am still convinced that my son is a keto baby who did not do well with all the sugar (there are like 4 different types of sugar in formula) and man-made supplements when he had been getting everything naturally from me and my diet. If your baby does well on formula, you do what works for you and your baby, but it was not ideal for us.
  4. I wish I had understood that my body would do what it needed to do; it just takes time and practice. I felt like I could never get ahead with my supply. Oddly enough, it wasn’t until I went back to work and had been back for a couple of weeks did I put my first bag of liquid gold in the freezer. (That day I felt like I had earned the greatest award a mom could ever pray for). My husband and I worked out a system- I woke up with baby at 5:30 to feed him. I fed him again at 7:00. I pumped at 8:00 and left that bottle out for my husband to feed him at 10:00. I then came home during my lunch break at noon to nurse him and brought home the milk I had pumped while at work. He would then give it to him at 3:00 and I would feed him when I got off work at 5:00. Then we nursed every evening for hours. This has worked out great for us. Now my milk is fattier and holds him over longer, which has allowed me to stock up a nice stash in the freezer. Our routine has allowed my body to know every two hours to let down and I pump it off or feed him if he’s with me. We have enough. We make enough. The milk is formulated specifically for his needs. He is growing, gaining weight, and thriving.
  5. The book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding changed my life. There are so many excellent tips and knowledge that I gained from reading that book. It was suggested to me AFTER I returned to work and I’m so grateful I found it. It gave me game-changing instructions on how to breastfeed at night and let me tell you, we both sleep “like babies” all night long. This is a 180 degree turnaround from the sleepless nights of screaming and writhing in pain. GET THIS BOOK.
  6. Water, water, water. AND LOTS OF FOOD. Breastfeeding literally drains you. You need excessive amounts of water and calories. Do yourself a favor and buy the biggest cup you can find and drink constantly. Eat a high fat, high protein diet and snack while you’re pumping or after you’ve breastfed. Your body will thank you and will continue producing for your next session.

There are so many things I could share, but these are the things I have learned from experience. Breastfeeding is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, but it is also the most rewarding thing. Seeing my son happy and developing and knowing that my body is supplying him with everything he needs is the most fulfilling part of it all. It makes everything worth it.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

To Drive Down Insulin Prices, W.H.O. Will Certify Generic Versions

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

New York Identifies Hospitals and Nursing Homes With Deadly Fungus


Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Finishing off the RWBY team with Yang!

The last member of Team RWBY finally stumbled into the quickly-developing orgy in Weiss’ bedroom, the air thick with the smell of milk- and no wonder, since Ruby and Weiss were both gushing everywhere. Stunned, Yang just stood in the doorway watching until Blake motioned her over.

The black-haired gal giggled a little. “No one’s had Ruby’s milk yet!” she chirped. “You should try it!” With a sudden grab from Blake, Yang felt herself pulled down to kneeling beside the milk fountain that Ruby’s tits were. Before she could react, her lips were around a gushing nipple, and it was all she could do to swallow rapidly, trying to keep up with the flow.

As much as Yang originally wanted to release Ruby’s teat from her mouth, the second she felt her body begin to change. Her loose pajamas tightened around her steadily as her curves swelled, both boobs and booty steadily growing larger. Blake slipped her hands into Yang’s shirt, giving her tits a firm squeeze. Yang moaned around Ruby’s nipple, almost melting into Blake’s hands. Everything about the changes felt good: Ruby’s milk was delicious, the growth was enrapturing, even Blake’s unexpected groping was electric.

The blonde was growing even faster than the others did, and her tits were pushing her torso up further, almost out of reach of Ruby’s boobs. The milk began to work on her muscles, making her stronger and more powerful, and as she was propped up on top of tits that kept her away from her source of milk, she reached down and pulled Ruby up to her so she could continue drinking.

Yang’s ass was blowing up like her tits were, pulling her booty onto the floor. She was quickly wedged between the two ends of her curves, boobs pushing her down into her cheeks. The rest of her–the parts that weren’t super-squishy–were visibly swelling with muscle, enough to carry her curves around easily. Her moans grew louder as her breasts filled with her own milk and released, and the newly milking-obsessed Blake stepped in to work her nearly fist-sized nipples.

Her moans intensified as Blake worked her up into a gushing fountain like the other two and, as she grew big enough, Yang placed Ruby down on top of her own gargantuan breasts. Suddenly, something no one expected began, and Yang sprouted thick, curved horns from her forehead, their dark tint contrasting starkly with her pale skin and golden hair. Yang’s eyes shot open, revealing the golden irises, and her skin began changing hue.

Starting from her scalp, Yang’s skin was taking on the same vibrant color as her hair, which brightened even further. Her skin wasn’t as intensely pigmented gold as her hair was, there was more of a subtlety to it. Beneath her, Yang’s spine lengthened into a thick tail, the same color as the rest of her changing body. She snaked the spade-tipped end around Blake’s leg, pulling her teammate closer to her as she released Ruby’s nipple and picked her up. She blew kisses at the both of them, working a power she didn’t understand as she sauntered towards Weiss…

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Facing ‘Certain Death,’ Teenager With Vaping Injury Gets Double Lung Transplant


Monday, November 11, 2019

Getting a Handle on Self-Harm


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pamela Boob-sley

Poison Ivy BE/booty/lac/bimbo~

Pamela laughed while she observed her latest creation- a new species of plant that would help her subjugate the people of Gotham. Innocuous looking, she hoped to spread it throughout the city so its spores would fill the air and make anyone breathing them in docile and receptive to her demands.

Leaning in closer to smell the flowers, Poison Ivy’s face froze in shock for a second as the blossom ejected some of its spores directly onto her face. She relaxed, knowing she was immune to natural toxins and the like. She breathed in the spores, and they set to work on her like they would anyone else. Her floral green leotard began to stretch as the first of the spores’ effects began, and Ivy’s bust and booty swelled rapidly.

The supervillainess giggled watching her boobs grow, her green-tinged skin tingling. She pressed a finger to her lips, feeling them plump as well, and she smiled at the realization of how effective it was- surely she could resist the mental effects, right?

She gave the flower a gentle caress, and another plume of spores shot out towards her face again. Ivy stumbled backwards as her body seemed to hum with the oncoming changes, and the growth of her curves sped up, tearing apart her strained outfit. Ivy’s thick lips turned rose red as they continued to swell, dominating her face. Her curves were on a similar path, obscuring most of the rest of her form.

She giggled again. “What a, like, good lil plant!” she cheered, fondling her swelling breasts. Her prominent nipples were nearly begging to be touched, and Ivy obliged. The giggling continued, and she barely noticed through the growing fog in her mind the liquid leaking from her breasts. Ivy happily worked the nubs as her milk began to drip from her boobs to the floor, and she sat on the floor against the wall, now reminded of her fattening ass.

Ivy bounced a little, taking pleasure in the padding beneath her, and she gladly slipped one hand from a nipple to her thighs. Pushing a couple fingers into her pussy, Ivy moaned loudly, just now discovering the overcharged sensitivity of her body. Her continued bouncing worked with her pulsing fingers to work her up higher and higher, and her legs twitched, toes curling.

Pamela’s breath hitched in her throat, and her thighs clenched around her hand as her eyes clamped shut, and her whole body shook as she rumbled through the most powerful orgasm of her life as she felt her mind blank. “Boobies so biiiiiggggg,” she cooed, resuming both hands’ work. Milk pooled on the floor around her as she continued to jill herself off.

“Ummm, Harleyyy…” she called. “Haaaarleeeeey!”

Her partner, Harley Quinn, sauntered into her lab not too long after.

“Harleyyyyyy!” Ivy cheered. “Smell the flower! Smell the flower!”

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Friday, November 8, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Juri from Street Fighter.

Juri laughed as she felt the changes start and her outfit began to strain around her. Her ankles showed through as she grew taller, her curves following suit, pulling her clothing tight around her body. Juri’s white sweatpants groaned and stretched, filled with her thickening ass and thighs, both competing to pack on muscle and squishy fat.

Her black and bright pink top split in two as her bust exploded in size, going from nearly flat-chested to two head-sized tits gushing milk in seconds. Juri pulled her gloves off and hastily undid her belt as she reveled in the growth, still laughing devilishly. She kept on growing taller, and by now her calves were half-exposed as she surpassed six feet tall. Tearing her pants off–they were going to be destroyed anyway–Juri slowly bounced on her heels, watching her inflating curves bounce suggestively.

“A great way to distract opponents,” she plotted, hefting her tits in her arms as milk ran down the slopes. They were almost arm-fuls at this point, and Juri couldn’t be more excited about her developments. Turning to watch her fat ass jiggle with every movement she made, Juri finally kicked off her shoes before her feet burst out of them.

Curious, Juri slowly worked through a few kicks, interested in seeing what her growing body looked like doing them now. She’d have to adjust to the exceptional new weight on either end of her, but she figured the aerial trails of milk were a nice touch. Coming to a rest, Juri held a tit in either hand, feeling the squishy weight curve around and between her fingers. One hand traveled to her booty and felt the same thing as it sunk into the pliant flesh. Letting both breasts out of her grasp, it was plainly obvious that her torso was hidden behind them; only the outer curves of her ass could be seen behind the behemoths of tits.

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