Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Finishing off the RWBY team with Yang!

The last member of Team RWBY finally stumbled into the quickly-developing orgy in Weiss’ bedroom, the air thick with the smell of milk- and no wonder, since Ruby and Weiss were both gushing everywhere. Stunned, Yang just stood in the doorway watching until Blake motioned her over.

The black-haired gal giggled a little. “No one’s had Ruby’s milk yet!” she chirped. “You should try it!” With a sudden grab from Blake, Yang felt herself pulled down to kneeling beside the milk fountain that Ruby’s tits were. Before she could react, her lips were around a gushing nipple, and it was all she could do to swallow rapidly, trying to keep up with the flow.

As much as Yang originally wanted to release Ruby’s teat from her mouth, the second she felt her body begin to change. Her loose pajamas tightened around her steadily as her curves swelled, both boobs and booty steadily growing larger. Blake slipped her hands into Yang’s shirt, giving her tits a firm squeeze. Yang moaned around Ruby’s nipple, almost melting into Blake’s hands. Everything about the changes felt good: Ruby’s milk was delicious, the growth was enrapturing, even Blake’s unexpected groping was electric.

The blonde was growing even faster than the others did, and her tits were pushing her torso up further, almost out of reach of Ruby’s boobs. The milk began to work on her muscles, making her stronger and more powerful, and as she was propped up on top of tits that kept her away from her source of milk, she reached down and pulled Ruby up to her so she could continue drinking.

Yang’s ass was blowing up like her tits were, pulling her booty onto the floor. She was quickly wedged between the two ends of her curves, boobs pushing her down into her cheeks. The rest of her–the parts that weren’t super-squishy–were visibly swelling with muscle, enough to carry her curves around easily. Her moans grew louder as her breasts filled with her own milk and released, and the newly milking-obsessed Blake stepped in to work her nearly fist-sized nipples.

Her moans intensified as Blake worked her up into a gushing fountain like the other two and, as she grew big enough, Yang placed Ruby down on top of her own gargantuan breasts. Suddenly, something no one expected began, and Yang sprouted thick, curved horns from her forehead, their dark tint contrasting starkly with her pale skin and golden hair. Yang’s eyes shot open, revealing the golden irises, and her skin began changing hue.

Starting from her scalp, Yang’s skin was taking on the same vibrant color as her hair, which brightened even further. Her skin wasn’t as intensely pigmented gold as her hair was, there was more of a subtlety to it. Beneath her, Yang’s spine lengthened into a thick tail, the same color as the rest of her changing body. She snaked the spade-tipped end around Blake’s leg, pulling her teammate closer to her as she released Ruby’s nipple and picked her up. She blew kisses at the both of them, working a power she didn’t understand as she sauntered towards Weiss…

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