Friday, January 31, 2020

CPR, by Default

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

Bonnie Burstow, Psychotherapist Who Rejected Psychiatry, Dies at 74


The Ganges Brims With Dangerous Bacteria


U.S. Imposes Coronavirus Quarantine on Group in California Evacuated From Wuhan


Doctors on TikTok Try to Go Viral


‘It’s Rampant’: Disposable Flavor Pods Are the New Thing in Vaping


Pharmacists Make Mistakes. You Can Protect Yourself.


How Chaos at Chain Pharmacies Is Putting Patients at Risk


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Lactation Biscuits

Firstly, congratulations on the arrival of your precious little one. Breastfeeding can be challenging at the start (or throughout), remember if you are concerned about your breast milk supply, you should speak to a medical professional. If you have any issues at all – please contact the Australian Breastfeeding Association (free) or get a lactation consultant (worth the money).

Galactagogues are found in brewer’s yeast, as well as flaxseed and oats. Galactagogues are foods, herbs or medications that may help to increase breastmilk supply. These biscuits are suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding women… actually, they are suitable for most people! You can ask your friends to bake them and bring them over. Something to add to your meal train request (meal train- organise one- it takes a village). The biscuits may not work for everyone, but definitely worth a tasty try. Of course, a well balanced, nourishing diet is always suggested, especially for new mums, and these biscuits are still biscuits.

In our fourth trimester, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may help with many symptoms and changes to our bodies. If you have any of the following concerns, please get in touch: low energy, constipation, night sweats, anxiety, depression, pain, headaches and so on. Phone consultations are especially handy during the fourth trimester. And remember to come in for your 6 weeks post partum treatment and bring your bubs. Jane will look after bubs while you have your acunap (Acunap = the nap that you take during your acupuncture treatment, when you are neither fully awake or fully asleep, yet when you are finished you feel fully refreshed).

Lactation Biscuits Recipe

Prep time: 15 minutes (1 hour and 45 minutes if you are trying to do this with a baby)

Cook time: 12 minutes

Oven temp: Preheat to 170C

Makes: 15(ish) biscuits


  • 1 cup self raising wholemeal flour (if you only have plain flour, just add 1/2 teaspoon baking powder)
  • 110g butter or organic virgin coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons of brewers yeast (must be brewers yeast – non negotiable)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 & 1/2 cups oats – organic, steel cut oats or rolled oats

Lactation Biscuits Method

  1. Cream the butter and sugar.
  2. Add the egg and vanilla. Mix well.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the flaxseed and water, let them sit for a few minutes before adding to mix.
  4. Add the dry ingredients (apart from the oats and your optional biscuit ingredients) and mix well again.
  5. Stir in the oats and your additional ingredients.
  6. Using a dessert spoon, scoop the mixture into your hand and roll it into a ball.
  7. Place the biscuits onto a lightly greased baking tray.
  8. Flatten them a little
  9. Bake for around 10-12 minutes (depending on how well cooked or crunchy you like your biscuits).

*Do not eat uncooked dough if you are pregnant – raw egg! But do eat if you are breastfeeding, it seems to be even more effective at increasing supply.

**When making these lactation biscuits, please try to source organic, local ingredients wherever possible. Please contact us, as Acupuncture Fitzroy now stocks brewers yeast and organic oats and will post to you.

***Trying to be “healthy”, however, lactation biscuits need to be sweet enough to hide the very bitter taste of some of the ingredients.

****For the low carbers, you’ll have to play with coconut flour and you might need to add an extra egg.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency as Wuhan Coronavirus Spreads


Administration Offers Plan for Medicaid Block Grants, Long a Conservative Goal


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

(C97) [Milky souffle (Shisyo)] SUCCUEEZE/

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Researchers Are Racing to Make a Coronavirus Vaccine. Will It Help?


F.D.A. Warns Purell to Stop Claiming It Can Prevent Ebola or Flu


Does your breastfed baby need vitamins?

Not just any vitamin.  Specifically Vitamin D and iron.  Have you ever wondered if you should be giving your baby extra anything?  I mean, as adults it always seems like we need something extra, right?  I could probably name several vitamins or nutrients I am deficient in as I sit here and type.  Does that mean your baby needs something in addition to breastmilk?

The short answer is NO.  The long answer is that there are always exceptions.  Read on.

Your breastmilk has whatever the baby needs.  In addition, the nutrients in your breastmilk are bioavailable, which means that the baby is able to absorb them better.  For example,  iron in breastmilk is absorbed into the baby ‘s system much more efficiently than iron from milk based formulas.  Basically, the baby’s body “likes” the iron from the breastmilk much better and hangs on to it for safe keeping.  Iron from other sources is foreign to babies’ little system, and they kick that stranger to the curb instead of letting it in.

It’s true that Vitamin D is low in breastmilk, but do you know why?  Because it is low in everyone.  It is not a negative on breastmilk, but a wake up call to all of us to make sure our Vitamin D is where it should be.  There are options – supplementing your baby or supplementing yourself.

As I said, there are always exceptions.  Premature babies, medical problems for either mother or baby…this is where things become cloudy.  Talk with your provider about specific issues or questions.

Do you want to hear more about this and learn the science behind it all?  Check out the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast this week and become informed.  Education is power.

127 – Vitamin D and Iron Supplements For Breastfeeding Babies


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

U.S. to Expand Screenings for Wuhan Coronavirus


Monday, January 27, 2020

Haakaa Pump Review

Guys- if you are a breastfeeding mama, you NEED a Haakaa pump in your life.

As a mom who always struggles to maintain milk supply, I have an overflowing freezer stash of milk, all because of the Haakaa’s passive let down collection. By catching letdown milk as I nurse baby, I have amassed over 40oz of expressed milk in my freezer.

I love that the Haakaa is food grade silicone and BPA free. I also appreciate that it doesn’t have any cords, plugs, batteries, etc. And it isn’t increasing demand; it’s simply collecting for storage what otherwise would have been wasted in a nursing pad! It is very comfortable, and doesn’t elicit uterine cramping. The passivity of its design is fabulous. The cute little flower stopper and suction cup bottom prevent spilling that liquid gold! I don’t have to schedule extra pumping sessions- I just keep baby’s regular feeding pattern.

Here’s a video explaining how to use the Haakaa!

I’m not affiliated with Haakaa, I just love the product. It’s a game changer, especially if you’re a working mama; you can build up your milk stash quick and easy. This is my new “go-to” baby shower gift for mamas who plan to breastfeed.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Sunday, January 26, 2020

More lactation treats

Look what my Amazon Delivery guy left at my doorstep today! My sissy sent a sweet surprise my way. Her recommendation “eat in the morning and drink tons of water all day”. So… I’ll be trying these out this week! If anything, I already love them because of the name

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Lactation Cookies review

The lactation cookies I wrote about a few days ago were better than I expected. The package included 6 jumbo sized cookies meant to last 6-12 days (mine lasted 6). They are really tasty, hence me finishing the box in 6 days. And I’m not exaggerating… I saw more pumped milk the same day. They will give you a free product for leaving a review on Amazon also, so I’ll be trying their cookie mix once I receive my complementary product.

Now, I can’t buy them every week because lactation cookies are not cheap! But every once in a while I will splurge on some cookies… anything for my baby girl.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

100 Days with Erwin, day 78


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

California Patient Is 3rd US Case of New Virus From China


Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola. Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding.

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Friday, January 24, 2020

Preparing For Life With Your Baby

How to use your antenatal period to understand breastfeeding.

copy-of-copy-of-copy-of-copy-of-copy-of-copy-of-affirmation-29319-made-with-postermywall.jpgYou are pregnant, congratulations!! There is a lot to think about and it can become overwhelming. You may have already started to look into your birth choices and are envisaging the type of birth that you would like to experience.  You may also start thinking about names, buggies, where your baby will sleep and what kind of parent you are going to be.

Have you started to think about and prepare yourself for how you will feed your baby?

Breastfeeding is natural, it is the biological norm for mammals and therefor humans.  It is not our cultural norm though.  We don’t grow up seeing it, immersed in it as a normal part of life.  You may have gone your whole life not actually seeing anyone close to you do it.  So while it is natural it can be challenging but completely worth it.

It is important to prepare for breastfeeding as much as you prepare for the birth of your baby.  Thinking about it and knowing what to potentially expect during your pregnancy can take a lot of the surprise out the whole situation when it comes.


We plan for birth.  Are you ready to plan for breastfeeding?

How to prepare for breastfeeding?

It is important to do reading around the subject.  Amy Brown’s The Positive Breastfeeding Book: Everything you need to feed your baby with confidence is a good place to start (her other book Informed is best: How to spot fake news about your pregnancy, birth and baby is well worth a read too).  The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League International is another book you may find helpful. Or The Mindful Breastfeeding Book: Preparing you for calm and connected feeding by Anna Le Grange  These are only a few and there are so many, you need to find one that speaks to you.

You may also want to book onto breastfeeding specific antenatal classes.  These are another way of receiving information.  Gathering information in different media sources is important.  You may feel that you learn one way, maybe you are logical and analytical but hormones in pregnancy may change the way that you learn, so watching videos of breastfeeding, looking at pictures, going to workshops and reading will give you a full scope of different ways to learn.  Antenatal classes can be one to one or in a group.  Group classes can a good way to meet other mums and gain a support group.

A good place to start is thinking about how you want to greet your new baby, learning about skin to skin contact and why it’s so important for the newborn.  I wrote about this in ‘The Golden Hour’ – The most important hug you will ever give.


Through reading and research you can learn what breastfeeding is like and what your newborn baby may behave like. One of the biggest surprises is what your baby will be like when they are born.  They are unlikely to sleep regularly for long periods of time (in fact this is not normal for breastfed babies), they need a lot of comfort and cuddles, they breastfeed incredibly regularly.  The average baby will feed as little as 8 times in 24 hours, it can be up to 16 times in 24 hours, this is normal. I wrote a bit about normal baby behaviour in Help! My Baby Is Normal!.

Then I think it’s time to ask yourself some questions and be truthful with yourself.  You are going to grow into being a mother.

Start to think about your Goals:

What does breastfeeding your baby look like to you?


What do you know about breastfeeding and is it accurate.  You will hear lots and lots of stories about breastfeeding.  Some may be helpful, most will not.  It’s important to get in your mind a clear picture of what breastfeeding means to you.  Learn about and think about:

  • The initiation of breastfeeding
  • The journey to exclusive breastfeeding
  • Your own thoughts, feelings and motivations on breastfeeding

How long do you want to breastfeed your baby for?

The World Health Organisation guidance is exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, after 6 months complementary foods should be introduced and breastfeeding should continue to be a part of the baby’s diet up to 2 years and beyond.

That can sound daunting but if breastfeeding gets off to a really good start then it can be a natural progression to continue on.  But things you may want to think about:

  • The best way to get breastfeeding off to a good start
  • Learn how breastfeeding changes as your baby grows, it doesn’t stay the same
  • When do you return to work?  How do you think breastfeeding will look at that point for you?

Then it is important to look at the Realities:


As I said above breastfeeding is natural and the biological norm but not necessarily normal for our culture which makes it hard, it is important to do the research and learn as much as possible about normal baby be

What are the realities of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can be intense to start, the first 8 weeks can be time consuming, you and your baby are learning a skill like driving a car or riding a bike.  Think of a skill that you have.  Do you knit? Sew? Play an instrument? Did you learn that skill in a day? A week? A month?  The intensity of breastfeeding doesn’t last for the duration of your breastfeeding journey.  Your reading will highlight what you might expect during the beginning of your journey.

What are your own responsibilities in your journey?

It is important to own your journey, to learn to advocate for yourself, and know when you need help.  This resource from Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative which can help you understand when feeding is going well and when to seek support.

What could stand in the way of your ideal outcome?

There are vary issues that can create some challenges in your breastfeeding journey.  I say challenges because a lot of issues in breastfeeding can be overcome or adapted to with time, practice, perseverance and the appropriate support.  These can include:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions e.g. PCOS, hypothyroidism, diabetes
  • Antenatal conditions e.g. gestational diabetes, medicated high blood pressure
  • Labour and birth e.g. medications such as pethidine or epidural,induction medication, instrumental births, abdominal births
  • Postnatal e.g. low birth weight, premature birth, missed opportunities to learn

Being prepared and understanding breastfeeding will help to mitigate many of these challenges.

You might want to explore your options:


What appeals to you and what would serve you best?

Again you want to think about what breastfeeding looks like to you.  Between exclusive breastfeeding and bottlefeeding there is a lot of variation in feeding but how that looks and comes about is up to you and what will work for you and your family.  You have to decide what works for you.  You then have to decide what will work for your family and your situation.

Do you have the details of local support?  What form of support would appeal to you?

Find out where your local voluntary support is.  There are a lot of variations of the breastfeeding drop in such as Baby Cafe. Some are run by midwives, health visitors, breastfeeding counsellors or International Board Certified Lactation Consultants often with peer supporters, mothers who have breastfed and had extra training to support you.

Many hospitals run specialist breastfeeding services facilitated by their Infant Feeding Lead in a clinic setting, they may or may not offer frenulotomy services as well.

You can always find local private support from breastfeeding counsellors or IBCLC if you would like personalised support in your own home but this often comes at a cost, but you are paying for specialist and tailored support.

Finally decide on your will to do this:


Exploring your options and deciding on what will work for you also depends on your will.  This is going to be the most flexible part of your plan.  It will change depending on your lived realities once baby is born

What is the first step?

As discussed above, it’s important to be as prepared as possible.  In being prepared and knowing what you want but also what may be a challenge will help you overcome what you may face.  Getting to know where your local support and building your village will help you feel that you have people to talk to.  Writing down your plan helps to make it clear in your mind but also makes it easy for you to share with your husband, wife or partner.

Realistically how do feel your commitment is to your goals?

Breastfeeding takes a trust of your body and your baby, a commitment to the time that it will take to build the relationship with your baby and learn a new skill.

How does your plan sound and feel to you?

Your plan has to feel right for you, you don’t have to do anything that you do not feel that you want to do.  If your plan doesn’t feel right then change it.  Goals can always change and should always change.  With the Grow model of preparation you should review your plan in a cycle.  As your ideas change, as new information comes to you, as you face little challenges, as your goals move you can review your plan and adapt it.  It should build and grow in a spiral of preparation, grow like a tree.


I hope this has been helpful for you, even if just for the links to the information on breastfeeding.  This way of preparing isn’t the only way and if it doesn’t speak to you then find one that does.  But if it does speak to you I hope it helps you….




Adapted from the GROW model


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Trump Administration Threatens California Over Abortion

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

Chicago Woman Is Second Patient in U.S. With Wuhan Coronavirus


100 Days with Erwin, day 76


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Insys Founder Gets 5½ Years in Prison in Opioid Kickback Scheme


Many in China Wear Them, but Do Masks Block Coronavirus?


As New Virus Spreads From China, Scientists See Grim Reminders


Surgeon General Says ‘Shocking’ Portion of People Aren’t Told to Stop Smoking


Coronavirus Is Spreading, but W.H.O. Says It Is Not a Global Emergency


China Silences Critics Over Deadly Virus Outbreak

By LI YUAN from NYT Health

Dear Mom of a newborn |

Dear Mom of a newborn,

congratulations, you are finally holding the love of your life in your arms. No matter, if you delivered vaginally or by Cesarean, you have quickly realized everybody expects you to take care of that baby regardless how much you hurt or how tired and smelly you are.

Welcome to motherhood

I know how you feel as I’ve been there a few times myself. Some days I couldn’t stand the way I looked. My body ached, my boobs were gigantic, and my nipples cracked and bleeding. Every time my baby latched, I had to grit my teeth. Thankfully that part only lasted a week.

Despite the fact I am a lactation counselor, my breastfeeding journey didn’t begin easily. Both of my children were tongue-tied and one of them had torticollis. None of the hospital nurses noticed or helped me at all.

Help is available

Later I was often too proud to ask anyone, so I was stuck with learning by doing and this is why what I am about to say is important:

1. Your baby needs to feed. It doesn’t matter if you decide to breast-or bottlefeed, you have to feed your newborn every couple of hours. Watch for feeding cues as that will give the baby a sense of assurance he or she isn’t alone.

2. Your baby needs you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is saying to you, Mama. You will not spoil your newborn by snuggling plenty. Your household and cleaning tasks could be delegated to someone else. Consider making a list of helpers you can call.

3. Your husband or partner needs to help you. If he or she needs guidance, please consider making a list of things and how you want them done BEFORE the baby arrives. That way you don’t get frustrated with each other.

4. Your intimacy will change. Your body changed. Your hormones are changing. You are tired. You are adjusting. It isn’t forever and it isn’t uncommon for intimacy to take a backseat. If it doesn’t, well hurray for you, but do not think for a second that you are alone in that department.

If you have any questions or concerns or need help, please reach out. I am a certified lactation counselor and glad to have a look, help out, listen and recommend.

Contact me by clicking HERE

What every mom of a newborn should hear before birth

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

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More lactation cookies

I am trying a new lactation cookie. I love the ones I make myself but baking cookies from scratch is time consuming and. It always practical. I ordered these off of Amazon. My sister has tried the mix and said she sees an increase in her supply. I also saw that this particular brand and cookie had great reviews. I’ll see how they work and let you know!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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Lactation Cookies

“How do I increase my breastmilk supply”? is a common question in breastfeeding Facebook groups and online parenting/motherhood forums.

Recently, I came across a discussion citing that “Lactation cookies” are rich in oatmeal, fenugreek that helps augment breastmilk supply. Having read raving reviews on amazon, I ordered it.

Man!! It tastes so delicious, besides being loaded with all the goodness! My only feedback is they could reduce the size of each cookie. I am currently breaking down each ginormous cookie into four pieces for four different days of consumption.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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As New Virus Spreads From China, Scientists See Grim Reminders


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Saturday, January 18, 2020

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Rey Starwars

I think this my third Rey story. Fight me. Hourglass/lac/mini-gts.

Rey deeply exhaled in her training space on Ahch-to, centering herself. She stretched out one hand, pointing out over the vast ocean, and willed the Force to flow through her- she would master the lightning, one of these days. Continuing her steady breathing, Rey gathered up energy, feeling it coalesce in her fingertips. 

“Let the Force flow through you,” she told herself. With another slow exhale, Rey attempted to release the gathered energy in her hand, and visualized the bolt of lightning arcing out over the waves. The jedi felt the built up power release, but not how she expected. Before she could react, Rey’s form-fitting robes stretched with her growing form. The ground fell away as she stretched even taller; she was already above average in height, but now she was far and away at least a head above a fellow human.

The tears in her robes became more pronounced as her curves filled in, both top and bottom. The fabric crossing over her chest bulged out and apart as Rey’s tits swelled, surpassing handfuls in the blink of an eye, then beyond head-sized in a few seconds. Without even thinking, she pulled her tunic apart, freeing her huge–and still growing–breasts. Rey didn’t have much time to dwell on her outsized chest as she felt her pants tear as well, and her focus was temporarily drawn to her ass.

Threads popped around her thickening booty, the darker fabric sprouting holes just like her top. Rey sank a hand into one of her pillowy cheeks, discovering the contrast between her figure now and what it had been moments ago. The leather belt around her waist twisted and groaned, finally snapping from the force of her widening hips and plumping ass. With nothing left to hold them up, the remnants of her pants fell to the ground, leaving her in just some undies and what was left of her shirt.

Rey’s attention was brought back to her chest- it hadn’t stopped growing while she was focused on her butt, and now her giant tits nearly covered her torso. Beyond that, there was an intensifying pressure building within them. Rey cradled her breasts in her arms; there was almost too much to hold. Her dainty hands absent-mindedly sought out her fattening nipples, gently grasping them, and a tremble ran through her, tempting her to play with the thick nubs.

She couldn’t resist, even as her whole body was continuing to change, what was left of her clothes didn’t fit in any direction, and she was only getting bigger- taller, curvier. A subtle panic set in, growing stronger, as her tits overwhelmed her arms, her nipples growing out of arm’s reach.

Trying to calm herself, Rey repeated her mantra: “Let the Force flow through you, let the Force flow through you, let the Force flow through you, let-”

The pressure in her tits was finally relieved as milk gushed from her nipples. Rey moaned aloud and tumbled to the ground, finally overcome by the sensation. “Let the Force flow… out of you?!”

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Percentage of local moms breastfeeding drops to 16.3 at six months

Breastfeeding, universally acknowledged as best for baby, is practised by an alarmingly low number of local moms, according to a new health unit report.

It shows the rates here are “significantly lower” than the provincial average.

The numbers start out poor and get much worse. While 54.4 per cent of women were exclusively breastfeeding at the time of hospital discharge in 2017 (the provincial percentage was 61.2), a mere 16.3 were exclusively breastfeeding by the time their baby reached six months, the report says. The health unit couldn’t provide provincial statistics at the six-month point, but an official said local numbers are significantly worse.

“I wish I knew why our rates are so low, I think if I did know than we probably wouldn’t have low rates,” Nicole Dupuis, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s director of health promotion, told reporters Thursday following a meeting of the board of health.

And really, there’s no better nutrient for a baby than breast milk.

Even the numbers at discharge are concerning. By 2018, the percentage had dropped another five points. So about half of women are leaving the hospital not exclusively breastfeeding. Supposedly, they opt for using formula instead.

Dupuis said there are a lot of women who are deciding before they even give birth that they’re not going to breastfeed.

“And really, there’s no better nutrient for a baby than breast milk.”

The World Health Organization and Health Canada recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, and continuing with breastfeeding for up to two years or longer. Some benefits include: decreased risk of sudden infant death syndrome; reduced risk of childhood illnesses; and healthy brain growth and development. It also contributes to lower risk of chronic diseases later in life for both infant and mother, the report says.

“There are a lot of benefits to breastfeeding,” Dupuis said.

She said that key factors in boosting the breastfeeding numbers include educating people on the benefits and having the right supports for women who encounter problems.

The report highlights several new initiatives including:

  • A new collaboration between the health unit and Windsor Regional Hospital to offer monthly breastfeeding classes before the baby is born “to prepare women to navigate common breastfeeding challenges within the first 24 hours and beyond.”
  • The health unit will offer nurses in the hospital birthing centre breastfeeding training so they can better assist new mothers.
  • Improving access to the health unit’s lactation consultants by adding one more consultant to the two currently working and doing home visits to women who can’t get to the health unit offices.
  • Increasing awareness about breastfeeding services with a 2020 campaign.

“Our hope and plan for this year is to do a larger campaign to raise awareness about the services that exist,” said Dupuis. “Some people just aren’t aware that we’re here, so I think it’s upon us to do a better job of getting the right information to the right people.”

The health unit also has a popular breastfeeding hotline (519-258-2146, ext. 1350) staffed during office hours by a public health nurse, and a page on its website listing local breastfeeding resources.

“It’s an overwhelming time, for anyone who’s had children, who’s had a baby, it’s a really busy time, and to remember all the things you need to do and numbers you need to call, it’s understandable,” said Dupuis. “So we have to do a better job getting it out to the community.”

[related_links /]

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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My girlfriend's secret

I was so excited for the year ahead. My girlfriend Angela was seven months pregnant, and somehow even more beautiful than ever. She was absolutely my type – supportive, loving, affectionate, funny and sexy as hell. She was one of those ultra voluptuous women you may see from time to time, with large pillowy breasts, heavy hips and thick thighs.

I’d met her on the street, literally bumped into her, and she seemed as struck with me as I was with her. A couple of years later, we were all loved up in a committed relationship, living together and expecting. Our sex life was wild – I’d never met another woman who wanted to fuck as much as she did. Thankfully my stamina was up to the job and we were at it daily.

She knew her body drove me wild and often used to dress up just to turn me on. Flashing in public, sexy underwear, private strip shows, naughty pics and videos sent to me through the day at work. It all just fuelled my desire for her. And I worshipped her – her sweet pussy, her beautiful ass, her pretty face, those incredible breasts – she knew how I felt.

I thought when she told me she was pregnant that it might tail off a little, or at least slow down… Instead the opposite happened. She was even more voracious, and as her body changed she found new ways to turn me on. I was entranced by her growing belly, by her swelling breasts.

She would often fuck me using her tits, and as we headed into the sixth month the saliva she so tenderly spread over my cock when I straddled her was joined by a dribble of milk from her darkened, leaking nipples. I swear that however sexy I found this, the delight on her face was a sign that she was even more excited than I. Angela gripped and kneaded her tits around my shaft, tweaking her tests until she orgasmed, shuddering, beneath me. She would invariably guzzle down my cum, slurping it off her breasts and hands, wiping it into her mouth when I splashed her face with it. God, we were in love.

At seven months, we made a journey to visit Angela’s best friend Kayleigh. If Angela was physically astonishing, Kayleigh was off the charts. She was a little older than Angela, and maybe a little less cute and more womanly in terms of her face. Her breasts were immense – almost impossible to believe. They were full and shapely, rounded and fat. Without a bra – and she frequently went unsupported – they protruded far further than breasts that size and weight could reasonably be expected. My head was never truly turned – I knew what a great thing I had with Angela – but in my idle fantasies I wondered what it would be like to fuck her. It was crazy enough that the two most naturally voluptuous women I had ever seen were best friends. Despite some flirting from Kayleigh, I didn’t want to ruin anything.

When we arrived, the two women fussed and complimented each other, and soon Kayleigh was checking out Angela’s pregnant body. “I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten! Look at the size of your boobs!”

Angela pulled up her top – I thought to show Kayleigh her rotund belly. But she didn’t stop, hoisting it right over her enormous, braless breasts! Kayleigh did the same, although she had on a supportive bra. I felt myself get hard as they began squeezing and comparing their tits. I knew the two were close, but this was something else!

Giggling, they turned to me. “Honey,” said Angela, “we’ve got something we need to tell you.” I thought they were about to confess to a lesbian affair. I was wrong. It was so much stranger than that.

“Kayleigh and I aren’t like other people. There’s a reason we look this way… Why we behave like this. Why I’m horny all the time…” Angela trailed off. She gulped nervously. “… and there’s a reason I fell in love with you.”

“We’re witches. Earth guardians, daughters of Mother Nature,” explained Kayleigh. “Our bodies are abundant with her gifts. And now Angela is pregnant, there’s going to be some things that need to be explained. For example, your baby is more than two months away. A lot more.”

“We can carry for up to five years. I’ll reach a point soon when I can’t really grow much more, and I’ll slow right down. But our baby will still be growing, safe and happy.” I was stunned! A five year pregnancy? “And it’s likely to be a long pregnancy because you’re one of us too, by birth.” I had never known my biological mother.

“How can you know that?” They told me that they can see people differently, that Angela knew my heritage and physical preferences in women before she bumped into me. It was insane.

“I loved you straight away because I understood you,” said Angela. “Now you know, come with us and we’ll show you what this means.” They led me to the bedroom and began to strip my clothes. Kayleigh kissed me passionately. Then Angela did. “It’s okay. Everything is shared. We want you to give Kayleigh a child today.”

This was weird. It was a whirlwind. I was confused about what they were telling me. But I was also turned on and I just wanted to go with the flow. The idea of pumping a baby into Kayleigh, my cum flooding her unprotected pussy, her body swelling beyond even her already insane proportions was beyond thrilling. I let them undress me. Angela rubbed her huge, leaking breasts over my face. I captured a nipple between my lips and began to suck, a creamy reward flowing across my tongue. Kayleigh knelt between my legs and began to passionately kiss my erection. She hefted up her breasts to rub them against my heavy, straining balls. She took hold of me and began wanking me into her hot mouth. Just when I thought I was going to ejaculate I heard the two of them simultaneously say “not yet” in a tone which was both soothing and yet unlike anything I had ever heard before. My boiling semen seemed to halt it’s rise and return to a simmer.

I heard giggling and the two withdrew, laying on the bed, holding hands. “You’re going to cum twice more,” said Angela, “only twice. Once for Kayleigh, and then again for us both. Then something incredible is going to happen.” She winked. I jumped in, pressing my face into Kayleigh’s sweet, womanly pussy and finding her prominent clit with my tongue. I slid my thumb into her depths as I licked, and heard a muffled moan in response, felt a hand in my hair holding me in place. Bending my neck to look up, I realised that Kayleigh’s mouth was filled with Angela’s milky tit, and my girlfriend was the one pressing me into her friend’s cunt.

Kayleigh was grunting and moaning in earnest, but I wanted her to orgasm on my cock so I left her pussy and moved up to her breasts. In many ways these were the prize for me, and I went to town licking, sucking and groping them, matching the passion she was showing to Angela. I reached over to my girlfriend’s hot, pregnant pussy and stroked her gently in a way I knew she liked. She wailed and began squirting on my hand in seconds, screaming “Hoooly fuuuuck!” Kayleigh must be a hell of a tit sucker to send her so far along the path to pleasure. I could see Kayleigh’s cheeks reddening, and the tell-tale flush of approaching orgasm on her upper chest.

I lifted her legs, held them apart slightly, and slid my dick into her. “That’s so fucking good,” she said to Angela through gritted teeth. “He’s going to do it… he’s going to give me a babeeeeee!” Kayleigh was cumming hard, squirming, and I held her thighs tighter, fucking her through her orgasm and closer to mine. The sight of her huge tits sloshing on her chest, rolling, rippling and undulating as I thrust into her, her head cradled between my girlfriend’s swollen breasts was too much.

“I’m… I’m going to cum…” I managed to squeak out.

“Yes, yes… Knock me up! Breed me!” There was a mad look in her eyes. I checked with Angela, who had me fixed with an uncanny glare.

“Do it baby. Go on, fuck her and fill her up! Pump it into her… Fire your cum deep inside her and make her pregnant. Do you know what she’s going to look like? How enormous those huge tits of hers are going to become? What we’re going to be like, plump and milky together?” She slid down the bed so that she was level with Kayleigh. “Are you ready to be a mommy? You’re gonna be fucking huuuge…”

“Yeah…” moaned Kayleigh. “So fucking big… I feel so fertile… I want it so much!” The girls kissed, long and passionately, as I let go with the most intense orgasm of my life. I could feel my balls pull tight against me as I fired blast after blast deep into my girlfriend’s big, busty BFF. I withdrew, still hard, and Angela bent Kayleigh’s knees and drew them up to her chest. She held them there and they continued to make out. I dropped to Kayleigh’s other side and began to kiss her neck.

I soon realized that the girls had stopped kissing and were moaning into one another’s mouths, a strange unified chant almost under their breath. “…maloyamandouta… barammannabada…” I could barely hear them but it echoed in my head, bubbled at the back of my throat, a song I wanted to sing along with but couldn’t quite remember the words. After a few minutes they began giggling and kissed again.

“It’s done. Kayleigh is pregnant,” Angela said, smiling. Detecting my scepticism, she stroked my face. “It’s our way to know… This is our way. And yours too.”

“All that stuff about being witches – really?” I shook my head.

Angela smiled, kindly. “Three hundred years ago, there was a coven of nine. They were hunted, and six of them fell… may the Earth bless our sisters.”

“May the Earth bless our sisters,” added Kayleigh, nuzzling my chest.

“When only three remained, and they were frightened and isolated, they came up with a plan to escape. One would conjure all their power and send the other two into a sleep within the Earth. They would be nourished and protected by Mother Gaia, and released after many years. The third would die in body, but her essence would find a new host and be waiting when her sisters awakened.” Angela cupped my cheek. “We are the two that slept. Nearly three hundred years in the deep, warm earth, the milk of our dear planet flowing into us. It’s how we got so big.” She jiggled her boobs in demonstration.

“And the third is…” My lips felt dry.

“It’s you, dear sister,” Angela said. “It’s hard to explain, but I knew when I saw you. I bumped into you on purpose. I wanted to bring you to us… But first I wanted you to give me the thing you never could when we were sisters – a child. A pure-blood earth-witch child. Kayleigh wanted the same, of course.”

Even though my first instinct was to protest, defend my masculinity, I heard myself agreeing with Angela. “The pull I’ve always felt to your body, so abundant, fleshy, fertile… Our instant attraction. Kayleigh too. It makes sense…”

Kayleigh was now stroking my cock. It was diamond hard. “Will you come back to us, Katerina? Will you take your old form and make us a coven once more?”

Angela climbed over my legs, her hand joining Kayleigh’s. They were pumping my dick perfectly, dragging my foreskin up and down, up and down. “Come back to us, sister-lover. Assert your power over this vessel and emerge.” I could feel old thoughts coming to the surface – my love for these two women intensifying, changing. I remembered a bright point inside me burning as my whole being collapsed into it.

I reached out to my two sisters, touching them with wonder. I did remember them, remember our coven. They were now jacking me urgently, and my dick seemed big, bigger and harder than it had ever been. Or… was my body becoming smaller? Was I shrinking? Kayleigh and Angela were mumbling to each other, the strange low chant reverberating through my body. An old spell, I realised now, combining an incantation to draw out a spirit and one to mold flesh. I was falling into another personality – Katarina was emerging from within me. I wanted it.

“Yes my sisters! Bring me back! This body has had its use for us but the time of the coven must begin again. Pump that cock… Pull out every drop of cum and capture it.” Angela moaned and clamped her mouth over my erection. I looked down and I could see myself slimming down, my arms and legs narrowing even as my hips spread. My hands lost their mass… became graceful… feminine. I could feel my masculinity slipping from me, but it didn’t feel like a loss. Instead it was like a shroud being pulled away, revealing my true self.

Kayleigh mashed her breasts into my face, trapping me, and rubbed them around. I could feel my face changing under the pressure and I willed it – I remembered the beauty I’d once had and I wanted it back. My hands joined hers, giving my face a rough tit-fucking as my features settled. My dirty blonde hair was now tickling my shoulders. On my chest, succulent round breasts were bulging, nipples hard. I clenched the toes of my now dainty feet, held Angela’s head in place and blew the last remnants of my manhood into her mouth. An orgasm strong enough to kill the old me, and birth the new.

My balls were already gone, and my spent cock dwindled away in seconds. I felt myself open up and let my fingers dance down to my hot, wet vagina. I was a woman, Katerina, most powerful of the coven. I didn’t have the exaggerated bodies of my sisters, gifted to them over three centuries in our mothers embrace, but I was beautiful and still blessed with a figure all would desire.

Angela beamed at me, or at least as much as she could with her cheeks bulging with sperm. I lay back, spread my legs wide and held open my pussy. “Put it inside me, sister. Use your mouth and make me pregnant with the last issue of my old body.” She ducked and hoisted up my hips so that my body curled from my shoulders, pussy pointing upwards. She drooled the cum directly into my hole, so fucking much of it. Gloopy and hot, I could feel it running into my depths. When the last drops were inside, Angela placed her lips around my fresh clitoris and drove me to my first female orgasm in centuries.

Then, holding me as we had done Kayleigh, we began our spell of conception, calling the sperm to the egg and allowing their joined nature to take root in my belly. Murmuring together in reverence for Gaia, our call was answered. Now I was pregnant too.

I loved my new/old body. Modern clothes and make up were a delight, and I loved my manicured nails after my sisters and I visited a salon. I even loved shaving my long legs. It was so easy to be beautiful in the world of the now –

Our sisterhood did not stop my passion for Angela or for Kayleigh. We lived together, joining in praise of the earth, helping where we could, and – yes – luxuriating in one another’s bodies. I loved their big, beautiful tits even more than when I was a man.

Then there was my pregnancy. I was so thrilled when I began to lactate. The first dribble, oozing from my nipple was a lovely feeling, but I felt a vital sexual thrill when I sprayed all over the kitchen floor.

Soon I was showing, and my sisters were overjoyed. They gave me as much attention as I’d given them.

It felt so good to be that way, and my fundamental bond with Gaia grew with each day.

As I’m writing this, I have been pregnant for almost three years. Angela is approaching four years and feels close too giving birth. Kayleigh conceived on the same day as me and is beautifully heavy now.

And I love being this way: a knocked up, milky, sexy mother with a body to die for. I could stay this way forever…

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