Saturday, July 4, 2020

Breastfeeding Basics Class, do you need it?

Yes, if you’re willing to learn or just want to have an idea on breastfeeding in general.

About a month before giving birth, my husband and I attended a Breastfeeding Basics Class hosted by The Medical City. It was the only breastfeeding class left that I could find and most of the organizations I’ve contacted no longer have scheduled sessions as it was already almost the end of the year.

The session lasted for about 3-4 hours and it wasn’t as expensive as we thought. In fact, it was really affordable at only Php500/couple. Here’s a quick link to the event page from last November 2019.

The event reads a quick description that lecturers are Pediatric and Lactation specialists from the hospital.

Did we learn something from the class? That would be a definite yes, most especially the lecturers were Pediatricians! We were given some pamphlets to read and keep as a guide. The class started a bit late due to some technical difficulties, which made the speaker start without her presentation and resulted to some topics not discussed thoroughly. But despite that, the topics ranged from the very beginning (pregnancy), how the milk comes, what kind of milk comes out first, signs of hunger, how long do we feed, how to store milk, how to latch, what are the different holds, and so much more. For me, the class was very, very helpful to both first time and experienced moms, most especially if the person attending has not read or researched much about breastfeeding. If you are like me who reads and researches beforehand, the class served as an affirmation of the things I’ve read, as the speakers were experts of the field. The most important part was being able to ask lingering questions and get “mommy” tips, which I might not have encountered in my readings.

In a way, attending the class made me more confident in myself as I started my breastfeeding journey. Everything that I’ve learned sort of prepared me when I gave birth. I wasn’t as scared and everything I learned was like a subconscious reflex which kept reminding me that “this is okay” or “this is normal, don’t worry”, most especially during the first day when it’s common to think “I don’t have milk”.

I’m very happy to have been able to attend the class and go through it with the support of my husband. I personally think it helps if husbands attend classes such as childbirth preparation (or anything related to pregnancy) with their wives to give them an idea and feel of what we women go through. It definitely helped my husband understand the challenges and hardships we face pre and post natal. This greatly improved our relationship because he knew how to support me, and in his words, loved me even more.

Whether or not you decide to pursue breastfeeding, I think attending the class would be beneficial for first time moms, and even for experienced moms who were not able to breastfeed the first time. The class is educational and would definitely make you appreciate the beauty of pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, and the human body most especially. It would make you wonder and marvel at how our body is able to create such nutritious food for our babies.

Our body is truly marvelous, just how God made it.

You may also check out Latch Philippines at . They also hold scheduled breastfeeding classes.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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