Monday, September 21, 2015

Premama Lactation

Hi! I was lucky enough to receive a sample of Premama Lactation drink mixes from Mary at MomSelect. I recently had a baby and breastfeeding was NOT what I expected. I had a really hard time getting my milk to come in. I tried every remedy I could find. That will be another post. I received 5 packets of mix. They mixed really well with my water. It wasn’t gritty like some mixes. It almost had a raspberry taste. It also had a licorice taste which I’m guessing was fennel? I’m not a fan of licorice so It was a litte hard for me to drink. I did seem to help some when I drank it. I went from pumping 4 oz to about 5 or 6. You can try this at CVS or

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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