Saturday, March 12, 2016

Super Yummy Lactation Cookies

Add these to the list of things I never knew existed until I become a mother myself. These tasty little morsels are so good, I’d be happy to eat them if I wasn’t breastfeeding, but even better – I AM – and they actually help increase my supply.

Let that sink in for a minute…

One of the most challenging things I encountered as a new mom was finding time to do things for myself. We’re talking basic things – showering, sleeping, eating. I’d get my daughter down for a nap and as soon as I attempted any of those, she was wide awake again. Every. Single. Time. Thankfully now, 11 weeks in, I’ve learned how to do everything with a baby on my hip, but those first few weeks were rough. I remember feeling hunger like I’ve never felt before. Not only was I burning 500-600 more calories a day simply through breastfeeding, but I was finding it super difficult to eat as much or as often as I should have. Enter these cookies (er, lifesavers). I put a tupperware next to the chair where I most often breastfeed during the day, and another next to the bed (yes, you read that right) and every time my little girl eats I pop a few. Even (and especially) during her nighttime feedings. I’ve found that if I don’t have a small snack in the night, I will wake up so hungry I’m almost unable to eat (as if that makes any sense at all) and that just isn’t fun for anybody.

So let’s get right to it. You can thank me later.

Yield: this recipe makes me close to 70 cookies using a medium size cookie scoop

Total time: 30 minutes 


3 C  rolled oats

1 ½ C  all-purpose flour

3 T  nutritional yeast

5 T  ground flaxseed

½ t  baking powder

½ t  baking soda

½ t  ground cinnamon

¼ t  kosher salt

1 ½ sticks butter (salted or unsalted, whichever you prefer)

4 T  unrefined coconut oil

1 C  white sugar

½ C  brown sugar

1 large egg & 1 egg yolk

Vanilla extract (whatever amount makes you happy)

1 ½ C  semi-sweet chocolate chips

This is a pretty forgiving recipe. You could probably get away with adding 1-2 more tablespoons of yeast, or reducing the amount of flaxseed. If cinnamon isn’t your thing, feel free to omit it altogether. Nuts (walnut, pecan, almond, etc) &/or unsweetened coconut flakes might also be tasty additions – you’ll just want to be mindful of the consistency of the cookie dough. With the recipe as I’ve written it above, the dough has a semi-crumbly consistency but holds together when balled.


In a large bowl,combine all dry ingredients minus the chocolate chips.

In another large bowl mix super soft or melted butter with the coconut oil. Once combined add the sugars then vanilla (I don’t measure mine, I just eyeball what looks good to me). Add the egg and egg yolk and stir until combined. Next\, slowly add in the dry ingredients. I do this in about 3 parts and get it all combined each time. Finally, fold in the chocolate chips.

Once combined I use a medium cookie scoop & get 12 delicious cookies onto an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake for 9 minutes. Allow to cool for 2 minutes on the cookie sheet before transferring to a cooling rack.

I’ll typically bake 24-36 cookies and freeze the rest. To do this I scoop the remainder of the dough into little balls of joy and place them on a non-stick dish (cookie sheet or casserole dish or pizza pan – whatever you have) and stick them in the freezer for two to three hours before transferring them to a freezer bag. Whenever I want to make more I simply pop them out onto the cookie sheet and add 1 more minute to the cook time.  

These cookies are pretty dense and don’t spread a whole lot. The medium cookie scoop results in a cookie that is probably only a couple of inches across, if that. If you like a bigger cookie, use a bigger scoop, or just your hands – you’ll need to increase the cooking time by another minute or two. You’ll know they’re done when the bottoms are golden brown. Keep in mind they’ll darken by another couple shades as they cool. In my opinion these are the perfect cookie – chewy, crunchy and chocolatey.


You’re welcome.

I’d love to hear how these turn out for you, or any changes you make to the recipe!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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