Sunday, July 17, 2016

Life in the Nothing

Throughout the course of life, “Nothing” happens a lot. You try so hard to achieve your breast-feeding goals; nothing. The promotion you’ve always dreamed of is given to the person who didn’t really deserve it- nothing again. How do you refocus and refresh when nothing threatens your world view.

  1. Remember why you are doing what you are doing: For me, it’s because I have a deep desire to help other mamma’s become the mamma’s they were created to be. Let me tell you, it isn’t always easy. I don’t always want to reach out to people I don’t know. It’s often uncomfortable, people aren’t always kind to me.
  2. Find Strength in the ones that have gone before you: This can sometimes be tricky. People don’t advertise their struggles- ever. So to be able to find someone real enough to identify with you , and then trustworthy enough to handle your concerns with care, is rare! You MUST find them, seek them out, and then honor them! You receive a blessing from being a blessing.
  3. Continue to take the steps you know how to take until God shows you a new one: It will happen! For me, God urged me to share my life. This is COMPLETELY foreign to me! I had isolated myself so much that I truly believed no one cared about my struggles, which led me to a place of despair. I was scared to make any decision at all, which is equally as dangerous as reckless decisions my friends!

I adopted, loosely, this idea from church this morning. The message was completely for me, so I know somewhere out there, it is for you as well. Reach out, keep doing what you know how to do, and keep praying for what you don’t know how to do. God puts people in your life so that you have resources! If you refuse to use these people as the gifts that they are, we run the risk of learning invaluable information.

Are you having a breastfeeding struggle? Are you scared the other mom’s will shame you for not knowing what to do?! Newsflash- NONE of us know what to do all of the time! Today I encourage you to follow a blog; mine would be a great start ;) join a Facebook group, look for a small group at church; do SOMETHING to reach out to the community God has provided, and talk to your neighbors!

I’ll be waiting!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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