Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Milk Supply Problems

At the beginning of my breastfeeding journey, I didn’t have much problems. It was almost smooth-sailing, save for an occasion of engorgement that resolved quickly. However, come six-months postpartum (May 2016), my period returned.

My immune system weakened, and I also came down with the flu and pneumonia. At first it was only the feeling of malaise that I usually get before my period, then came the flu. A few days after, I was diagnosed with pneumonia in the ER, since my temperature was not going below 38 degrees C. Two days after that, my period came and my milk supply almost dried up. My son, Raffy, lost weight, but we persevered with constant latching. He lost weight, but we were still in the safe zone. He was able to gain his weight back (and more) two weeks after my sickness.

At first we associated my supply problems with my sickness, but come June, my period returned again, and my supply reduced drastically. Raffy lost weight again, then he started getting orange spots in his diaper – a sign of dehydration. I devoted all my time to nursing him. We did some research and it turns out that I need more calcium and magnesium. We ordered lactation goods, ate well, pumped regularly, and latched often.

Come July, when my period returned again, we were prepared. This time, we did not encounter any problems, so I guess that what we did last June was very effective.

In case any of my my fellow breastfeeding moms out there are experiencing the same problems, here is the list of what we did to help me increase my supply:

Lactation Goods: Mother Nurture (twice a day) | Mother’s Milk (twice a day)

Food: Paco Salad | Tinola Soup | Malunggay Soup | Oatmeal

Pumping: Twice a day

Nursing on Demand

Virgin Coconut Oil

Have you ever had lactation problems? Share in the comments the problems you’ve encountered and how you overcame them.

Happy breastfeeding!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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