Monday, September 26, 2016

Lactation Consultant - Two Hour Class - The 411

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Because no one properly taught me to latch my baby while I was in the hospital for FIVE NIGHTS and I have been exclusively pumping, I researched and found a top lactation consulting firm, Premier Lactation Services , and called and hired them to help me with my breastfeeding woes.

The company has only RN-BSNs who come out to your home and start with a two hour class and assessment.

My nurse, Jennifer, came today and we started with an assessment of my breasts, medical history, current meds etc.  She said my breasts look great for making milk and they will work with me to increase my supply and get the baby latched.  I am currently making enough milk to exclusively feed the baby breast milk instead of having to supplement with formula.  If I can stay at home long enough to get my eight pumps in per day !

I have had to go to the ER daily for wound care. Now that my incision has pretty much healed to the point that it does not have to be packed any longer, my health insurance is almost done with processing my out of network request for home health care !  Go figure !!

Today, we got the baby latched right away, as she knows exactly what to do and goes for it and we have discovered that the baby wants immediate flow like with the bottle.  I was given a 1 ounce syringe with a long tube on it that slides under my nipple shield and the baby can suck the milk out and it mimics nursing, until the baby is able to cause let down.  She has a great suction, but she, like most preemies, tucker out and will not work for the milk.  By using the SNS method, the baby will have to suck and I control the milk flow, which encourages her to latch the nipple and not be bottle dependent.

The nurse gave me Lecithin to help thin out my colostrum so that the baby has an easier time getting the milk to flow quicker so she doesn’t get discouraged.  I was also given Fenugreek to take as well to increase milk production.  My goal is to pump 25 ounces a day and continue to build from there.  The baby needs 15 ounces per day to grow properly and she should be eating eight times a day at minimum.  I was given a list of meds that my OB can prescribe if need be, but we are going to start here and see if I can get my supply where it needs to be.

In other news:  My mother is still in the hospital and has a staph infection.  The infection was found in the fluid that pooled in her abdomen that collected when the drains were removed.  They now have her hooked up to some kind of machine that drains the fluid and they discard it.  The machine is attached some kinda way up under her skin and the hoses have to be removed and the machine and area has to be cleaned every so many days.  When she is allowed to come home they will send her home with a skilled nurse.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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