Saturday, December 31, 2016

Help, I'm Leaking!

Yup, in a perfect world, that is what we would like to experience everyday. We, mothers who like to exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months or more. This is definitely attainable as I am celebrating my 100th day of breastfeeding my second son. It was definitely not all rainbows and unicorns, it was more like sore nipples, cluster feedings and naps-that-I-regretted-because-I-had-a-lot-of-chores-to-do.

I came up (again) with another list which can help you increase your milk supply.

1. water – 

This is a fail proof plan. No amount of food can ever replace water or liquid to increase the supply. I drink 1-2 liters a day, it may increase if the weather is hot.

2. Barley – 

This is definitely tested! I was originally told by my sister-in-law who breastfed her son for almost two years. And the most accessible barley is the Milo brand. It is cheap and can be bought anywhere. You need to observe your baby after this (the chocolate in Milo) gets in their system as some babies become fidgety afterwards.

3. Moringga (Malunggay or Drumstick Tree) –

If you are in the Philippines, you’re lucky as this can be in arm’s reach. This plant can be found in your backyard or your neighbor’s, in a market or in a grocery. This is usually mixed with chicken soup, called Tinola. Due to high technology, a lot of companies had powderized this and sold it in capsules.

4. Oats – 

These are healthier than barley, they contain more protein, fiber, calcium, Vitamin E and more. There was one time, I ate instant oats for breakfast for a whole week. I noticed a significant increase on my milk supply. I read though that whole rolled oats are more nutritious than the instant ones as they are not processed.

5. Clam soup –

This is another ingredient that everyone is not lucky to have. Fortunately, I live in the southern part of the Philippines where sea food is accesible. I bought a kilo of clams and cooked soup, after I drank almost all the soup, I leaked even after I fed my son! I was shocked and appalled that I need to change my shirt. LOL

6. Flaxseed – 

Flax seed benefits could help you improve digestion, give you clear skin, lower cholesterol, reduce sugar cravings, balance hormones, fight cancer and promote weight loss… and that’s just the beginning! It is considered one of the galactagogues (this means galactogogue is a substance that promotes lactation in humans and other animals) used in a lactation cookie. Flax seed is high in omega-3 fatty acids, too. So, even if you are not breastfeeding, this is something you can consider adding in your diet.

7. Brewer’s yeast – 

While there aren’t enough studies to say for sure why or even if brewer’s yeast actually works to increase the breast milk supply, there also aren’t enough studies to say that it doesn’t work. Some women report that it helps. But, of course, it won’t work for everyone. (

This yeast combats fatigue and baby blues as it has protein, iron and B Vitamins. When I ate lactation cookies with brewer’s yeast, this definitely didn’t alter my baby’s mood and I didn’t experience anything negative either.


There are more out there that I haven’t experienced or bought as what I am doing right now works for me. I noticed though that the only time my supply is at its ultimate high is when I am calm and relaxed, to make the story short, you really need to remove stress from your system to make your boobies do its thing. Breathe in and breathe out and do not forget to pray!

Watch out for my new discovery soon, I will surely update you guys. :)

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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