Thursday, August 31, 2017

Short Answers to Hard Questions about Health Threats from Hurricane Harvey


Dear Society, Sincerely Breastfeeding Mother

Dear Society, 

   My name is Breastfeeding Mother, and I am trying to understand what has made you so insensitive to my hungry child. My breast is out for good reason. My child is starving and unfortunately her adjustable hunger settings are broken. Society, why should I apologize that the nourishment my child requires happens to spill from my breast. Why should I be ashamed of this beautiful gift. This gift gives my baby quality life, this gift aids her in developing far beyond her time. Do you not realize the power i poses as mother. I can fill my child’s belly with the best quality milk known to man. My milk replenishes to the custom need of my baby so there is always just enough. My milk supports her immune system making her stronger and better ready when its time to go to war with bacteria. My milk can transform itself when my she is sick, producing more of the healthy organisms necessary for battle. Society are you not impressed? Well okay, I get it. Just for you I will struggle to cover up as my baby screams…

                                                                               Sincerely, Breastfeeding Mother

If I were asked to write society a letter about two months ago it would have looked something like that. Breastfeeding is a very loaded topic and people always have so much to say about mothers and their feeding methods. Ive decided to add my two, maybe even three cents in and be a advocate for breastfeeding. I am so damn tired of being stared at in public by men and women when i take my tit out to feed my child. I expect it from small children but you adults should be ashamed of yourselves. I wish people would get educated on all the benefits of breastfeeding and realize how normal it is. Stop sexualizing breastfeeding. The issue in society today is that people associate breast and women as sexual beings, instead of acknowledging all the true magnificent capabilities the women body has. These breast that sit upon my chest are not here to be ranked on a scale of one to ten, they should not be stared at, or squeezed. Please understand when you see my nipple stretch as my baby cliches her jaw turning her head the opposite direction I am so not trying to be sexy, and that maneuver is not meant to get you excited in anyway. Understand that these boobs are fulfilling their main purpose which is to provide. Why is it such a big deal that i breastfeed in public. Im minding my business you should do the same. 

Breast feeding is normal, natural, and necessary. You should embrace me because i am a mother who has chosen better for her child. A mother that has taken the time to research. I am a mother who has sacrificed a set of perfect perky breast just to ensure my kid gets what is vital for her health. Embrace me as mother, goddess, queen, protector, and most importantly provider. Not all but most of the public has placed an expectation on mothers that completely disregards the spectacular job well done she has done. There is nothing gross about breastfeeding. I should not have to apologize for providing my child with a meal while shopping. Commend me rather then looking down upon me. Breastfeeding is not easy. When I m not dealing with the butt hole named Society, I am spending much of my time missing sleep, pumping, and catering to a baby that is dangling from my boob. Its not easy give me some credit . 

My letter to society is now different. I see breastfeeding for what it is instead of what it looks like. I don’t care about Society frowning, or whispering about me. In fact I am no longer asking society why they have such ignorant views about breastfeeding. I’ve even written a new letter to society and it reads … 

Dear Society, 

        My name is Breastfeeding Mother. I am writing you to say grow up! I no longer care to figure out why you speak on something you know nothing about. If me nourishing my child offends you I am not sorry. Society open your mind a little and realize I choose to breastfeed because its all about giving the best to my child. I don’t care that you are uncomfortable. Now give me 10 minutes ill be done soon. 

Sincerely , Breastfeeding Mother. 

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Trump Administration Sharply Cuts Spending on Health Law Enrollment


*Important* Come on along to The Black Rider

My daughter emailed me from school with *important* *urgent* in the subject line, asking me to book her tickets to see The BlackRider: The Casting of The Magic Bullets. She had told me about this play earlier in the week and had been surprised that although I knew nothing about the play, I did know all the songs from the album The Black Rider by Tom Waits. I admit, it’s always weird when  your mum knows your music, but I must admit, I was equally surprised to learn my eleven-year-old daughter was into Tom Waits, in particular, the noir album The Black Rider. 

All can be explained, however, since the play itself features the clarinet in the musical score, and my daughter and her friend had been trying to develop a clarinet/piano duet of ‘Just the right bullets’ in their self-directed music class at their alternative school, where, as her friend quipped, “everyone’s so weird that weird is normal”. (I concur. I visited the other day at lunchtime and saw a boy strolling sedately in a top hat and a girl dressed in a unicorn t-shirt galloping around the quad. No one batted an eyelid.) I wasn’t so sure that a play featuring the music of The Black Rider was going to be suitable for eleven-year-olds just out of primary school, but my daughter’s friend had been at all the rehearsals, and tonight’s performance was especially for school-age young adults. 

So, newly united in our fascination with Tom Wait’s music, we joined her friend at The Free Theatre for the NZ adaptation of The Black Rider, directed by Peter Falkenberg and featuring noir country singer and troubadour Delaney Davidson. From the first few moments of interaction, the cast were incredible: those on the door were already in character, faces painted white and black, moving jerkily like puppets. The stage was eerily lit and sloped impossibly towards the audience, punctuated with poles that mimicked the trees of a German forest — but also handily provided something to hold on to for the cast as they acted on this unusual surface. As the music began, and Delaney Davidson launched into the opening ‘song’ of ‘The Lucky Day Overture’, my face broke into the hugest grin of enjoyment that stayed firmly fixed as the cast went straight on to the title song ‘The Black Rider’. On the one hand, I am transported back in time to my teenage self, cross-legged on the floor of the hippy neighbour’s house, as I explore their tape collection while the duly baby-sat kids slept soundly. Before smart phones and ipads, when all you had to do when you baby sat was go through the music collection of your employers, and do your homework of course. That is where and when I discovered The Black Rider, and I remember the fascination and enjoyment with which I heard something that was nothing like anything I had listened to before, or since (except, perhaps, for some similarly wacky songs in Pearl Jam’s Vitalogy album).

But the grin was not just in place because of nostalgia — the pieces were just so brilliantly performed, with Pegleg/Davidson’s crazed face matched only by the craziness of the lyrics, the set, the sound, and the puppet-like movements of the entire cast around him, and of course the ‘magic’ of the tiny curtained cubicle from which and entire cast emerges and disappears. The plot is summarised in its entirety in this piece, with Pegleg – the devil – manipulating the desires and characters of the cast for his own evil and pointless amusement. The play is based on a German folk tale, with a wonderful piece of opera in the middle performed by Emma Johnston as Kätchen, apparently based on an opera based on the same folk tale, and an even more powerful performance by Aaron Hapuku as Wilhelm in an adaptation of a scene, where he breaks into Te Reo Māori in his deepest distress. 

The grin leaves my face, of course, in these and other places, because the themes of the play are the crushing and impossible expectations of others and the power of addiction. I can see why this *is* an appropriate play for teenagers, because those themes are timeless. In attentive silence, we are serenaded by Pegleg, in an achingly beautiful reindition of ‘November’ (is it just me, or does it feel like Davidson/Pegleg looks into your soul as he sings this?). We hear the desires of the parents Bertram (George Parker) and Anne (Greta Bond) as they argue about whether their daughter should marry a pen-pushing clerk or Robert-the-hunting-boy (delightfully played by Marian McCurdy, in a form of over-the-top manliness that perhaps only a female actor could portray, reminding us of the fact these behaviours indiciated ‘manliness’ are learned). We see Kätchen and Wilhelm fly around the stage as they sing of their love. We see Wilhelm give in to the pressures of hunting-style ‘manliness’ and seek to prove himself. At this lowest moment of self-esteem, we see Pegleg enter with his sly offer of magic bullets. We see Wilhelm revel in his new powers, and the depths of despair when the bullets are finished. We see him beg and plead in deepest shame and humilation as he asks for that 7th bullet, the one which will belong to Pegleg. We see, in the end, the devastation wrought by that bullet.

 At some point, I forget when, Bertram makes an appearance down in the audience — a kindly father figure played by George Parker, and moralises a bit with the teens. I don’t know if this is part of the normal performance, but it breaks the tension, and provides some space for reflection — he says, ‘you might think you can handle marijuana, but then it leads to heroin and you can’t get out’, among other things, bringing forth the theme of addiction for an audience that might not perhaps immediately make those connections unless they have been unlucky enough to have witnessed them already.

Then the cast return to their puppet-like movements, and Pegleg sings them off stage with his insanely scary open mouthed grin (I’m pretty sure Davidson must be in pain by the end of the performance). 

And then, surprisingly, Pegleg/Davidson stands up straight and says in an ordinary unscary kiwi voice ‘Well that was nice wasn’t it, to hear all those old songs again?’. For some reason this jarring leaving of character is also comforting: the devil we imagine tempting us is sometimes just an illusion, the bargains we make can be broken, the puppet master is no master, but a monstrous mask, a puff of smoke, a fly in the ointment of healing. I think of all the times a person looms large, or an expectation looms overwhelmingly — and how often this is our own fears and self-doubt. 

What I am left with is the thought that addiction begins not with the offering of the magic bullet, no. Addiction begins when we are overwhelmed with fear and doubt, when we cannot accept ourselves as loved or fundamentally enough. When these needs are not met, when we do not know our own state as beloved, as ok, as good enough, well, it is then that magic bullets become attractive to block out all the cruel voices. 

Kindly, the cast and crew stayed on afterwards to talk to the audience, especially the drama kids and musos like mine. I found that a bit difficult — I wanted to think on what I had experienced and savour the play without meeting the actors. I never know what is appropriate to say after that kind of powerful performance — perhaps Delaney Davidson’s kiwi-understatement of ‘well that was nice wasn’t it?’ might not seem so appropriate to a group of actors and musicians who have just poured their incredible talents and energy into a couple of hours of tight performance. What could I possibly say without revealing my absolute ignorance of the craft, the play, the theatre? But for the young people, this was appreciated. They could talk clarinet and Tom Waits, top hats and fedoras, horror and noir with a bunch of people who, I suspect, were once affected in the same way by elders in their craft. 

So folks, there is one more night of the show — will you come along for a ‘gay old time’??

The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets presented by The Free Theatre has returned for the Christchurch Arts FestivalTickets available on Eventfinda. Friday 1st September is the last show.

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via Lactation news on mothersmilk4babyshealth

US Clears Breakthrough Gene Therapy for Childhood Leukemia


F.D.A. Approves First Gene-Altering Leukemia Treatment, Costing $475,000

F.D.A. Approves First Gene-Altering Leukemia Treatment, Costing $475,000
The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved the first-ever treatment that genetically alters a patient’s own cells to fight cancer, a milestone that is expected to transform treatment in the coming years.

August 31, 2017 at 07:33AM
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Will Smoking Pot Make Me Vomit Forever?

Will Smoking Pot Make Me Vomit Forever?
Cyclic vomiting syndrome is on the rise among adults, and marijuana use may be partially to blame.

August 31, 2017 at 07:33AM
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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How Do I Talk to my Five-Year-Old About White Supremacy?

How Do I Talk to my Five-Year-Old About White Supremacy?
We’re supposed to explain the world to our children—but lately that’s been harder than ever.

August 30, 2017 at 11:54PM
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Medicare to Foot the Bill for Treadmill Therapy for Leg Pain


465k patients told to visit doctor to patch critical pacemaker vulnerability

465k patients told to visit doctor to patch critical pacemaker vulnerability
A year after calling advisory "false and misleading," maker warns patients to patch.

August 30, 2017 at 05:45PM
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F.D.A. Approves First Gene-Altering Leukemia Treatment, Costing $475,000


New Fathers Are Older Than Ever


Ibu Menyusui Dilarang Diet

Kenaikan berat badan saat hamil dan pasca melahirkan membuat sebagian besar wanita terutama mama mud

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

'The Daily Show' Reconciles The Evils Of Football With Loving The Game

'The Daily Show' Reconciles The Evils Of Football With Loving The Game
Despite what he says, senior sports correspondent Roy Wood Jr. is a pretty big football fan. But even he has to accept the truth: football is bad for people's brains. Thankfully, Wood and Trevor Noah came up with some solutions to fix the NFL.

August 30, 2017 at 10:16AM
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The FDA says MDMA is a ‘breakthrough’ drug for PTSD patients

The FDA says MDMA is a ‘breakthrough’ drug for PTSD patients
It's a big step forward for a controversial treatment.

August 30, 2017 at 08:30AM
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Picking Potatoes at the Farm

My garden continues to produce bounties of beautiful fresh vegetables. Yesterday, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, and my longtime housekeeper, Laura Acuna, harvested the potatoes. Potatoes are from [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Could Your Next Doctor Be Your Dentist?

Could Your Next Doctor Be Your Dentist?
A two-step plan could help address the physician shortage and lack of access to dental care.

August 29, 2017 at 08:11PM
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The Death of a Teenage Quarterback

The Death of a Teenage Quarterback
It isn't supposed to happen here, in Hometown, USA. It isn't supposed to happen anywhere, but children die after playing football more often than you know. And Evan Murray's family wants you to know the story of his final game.

August 29, 2017 at 05:55PM
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Peter Thiel Is Bankrolling An Unapproved Offshore Herpes Vaccine Trial

Peter Thiel Is Bankrolling An Unapproved Offshore Herpes Vaccine Trial
The project is part of a larger libertarian movement to speed up medical innovation by pulling back consumer and test subject protections.

August 29, 2017 at 01:03PM
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The Many Apple Trees at My Farm

This season's apple trees have been producing tons and tons of fruit. We won't be picking apples for several more weeks, but here at my Bedford, New York [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Monday, August 28, 2017

F.D.A. Cracks Down on ‘Unscrupulous’ Stem Cell Clinics


I Doped Like Maria Sharapova And It Was Actually Pretty Great

I Doped Like Maria Sharapova And It Was Actually Pretty Great
Did the drugs actually help her performance? When a friend who had been traveling in Riga jokingly brought me back a box of a Latvian brand of the generic drug meldonium, it seemed like a good way to find out.

August 28, 2017 at 12:51PM
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A New Skin Lightening Procedure Is Short on Evidence


Deaf Music Fans Are Finally Starting To Be Heard

Deaf Music Fans Are Finally Starting To Be Heard
Deaf music fans want more than viral fame. They want the access — and independence — of the hearing-centric music world.

August 28, 2017 at 07:41AM
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Decorating with Flowers at Skylands

During my stay at Skylands, my home in Maine, beautiful flowers fill nearly every room. I love decorating my homes with fresh, colorful blooms. In Maine, we grow [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Sunday, August 27, 2017

ANR... A Loving Story

My husband is 53 and I am 62. Amongst our life we have searched for love from the heart without success. We had reached the point in our lives where we just stopped looking. The nurturing that he needed in his life, he just couldn’t find. The nurturing I needed to offer, I could not find. We started interacting with each other not knowing each other’s needs. We got close enough to be open with each other and after honesty we realized we were looking for the same comforts. And with that being said, this is where we’ll start. We will try along the way to back reference. So here is how we set the stage for our relationship. We created a 3 hour nursing schedule and we purchased a nursing bra and gown. This let’s him know I’m available at any time and it gives me the nurturing feeling I was looking for. I started taking Fenugreek right away which helped me start having the let down feeling.

It seems everyday we are adding a new gift to our ANR (such as playtime). Body contact is very pleasing for your bond.

At this time we are just trying to plant a seed to help everyone that is in or wanting this type of bond. Our plans are to update everyone daily on how our relationship is growing with an ANR. We hope this will help someone aquire the bond that we have developed understanding each other’s needs. Please feel free to ask any questions at any time.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Drug Aimed at Inflammation May Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer


A Day In The Life Of An ANR Woman

The past couple of days my husband has been out of one of his many meds for anxiety. This makes him more anxious and his thoughts ramble. That makes it harder for him to calm down to nurse. I was able to get him to nurse at 2:30pm for around 30 minutes. The person that is up walking around now is a calmer more level headed person.

I was only able to get him calm enough to nurse 3 times today. We typically have 5 sessions. Without the bond we have I would not have even gotten those 3. He knows as well as I do that the nursing helps. We get 2-3 hours calmness from each session. This is the first time I’ve seen him without his medicine. He’s not a hard person. His mind is just hard on him. But being able to help makes me feel needed in his life as he is in mine. I think the most important part of our relationship is we have a vocal bond on top of the bond from the heart. We talk about everything. I know his thoughts and he knows mine. The biggest thing that we find great about each other is that he loves me with all his heart and soul and that allows me to give him my heart and soul which is an important part of a good ANR. When we nurse I feel loved on. I never felt that with any sex I ever had. I can *feel* the love radiate from him and directly into my being.

Our 3rd nursing session was me nursing him to sleep. It took about an hour but he finally fell to sleep. It feels so good to help him calm and drift off to sleep.

The biggest thing we hope to achieve from this blog is to teach others to love from their heart and soul.

Always remember what my husband says:

You guide your mind, you follow your heart.


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Is McGregor Safe Fighting Mayweather? Ringside Physicians Say No

Is McGregor Safe Fighting Mayweather? Ringside Physicians Say No
The president of the Association of Ringside Physicians said he was surprised the Nevada athletic commission sanctioned the bout.

August 27, 2017 at 01:39AM
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Trump’s Threats on Health Law Hide an Upside: Gains Made by Some Insurers


Why Obamacare Didn't Implode

Why Obamacare Didn't Implode
All of the law's empty counties have been filled.

August 26, 2017 at 09:10AM
via Digg

Blog Memories: Make Paella This Weekend!

If you're planning a late summer party, why not prepare a fabulous paella that's brimming with tender chicken, pork, seafood and vegetables? This paella recipe will have all [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Friday, August 25, 2017

Dr. Marshall H. Klaus, Maternity-Ward Reformer, Dies at 90

By SAM ROBERTS from NYT Health

Brazil May Face a New Threat, This Time From Biting Midges

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

You Need To Stop Chugging Water, And Other Facts

You Need To Stop Chugging Water, And Other Facts
Welcome to What We Learned This Week, ​a digest of the most curiously important facts from the past few days. This week, chugging water is bad, truckers love public radio and slime is back.

August 25, 2017 at 07:30AM
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Blog Memories: Great Food at Skylands

Warm-weather dining calls for tasty meals made with summer’s bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden, delicious juicy meats grilled to perfection, and light refreshing desserts. [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hunting a Killer: Sex, Drugs and the Return of Syphilis

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

Blog Memories: Pickling at Skylands

Snacking on a cool, briny pickle straight from the fridge is one of the simple pleasures of summer. And pickling is a wonderful solution for preserving some of [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lab-Made 'Mini Organs' Helping Doctors Treat Cystic Fibrosis


If You’re Chugging Water to Hydrate, You’re Doing It Wrong

If You’re Chugging Water to Hydrate, You’re Doing It Wrong
Chugging water leads to more peeing, which leads to dehydration.

August 23, 2017 at 03:12PM
via Digg

Blog Memories: A Skylands Reception for the COA Champlain Society

Congratulations to America's "greenest" college. The College of the Atlantic, which is located on Maine's Mount Desert Island, was just named the #1 green college in the country [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Night Weaning @ 13 Months

Saturday night was the first time ever in which I did not breastfed Elizabeth during the night. And

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

How AIDS Changed Art Forever

How AIDS Changed Art Forever
Three recent exhibitions show that though HIV is no longer a death sentence, the art world is still grappling with its psychological toll.

August 22, 2017 at 04:17PM
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Am I being punished for attempting to breastfeed my child? 

Tongue ties and small mouths…

I’ve had some heartbreaking disappointments with breastfeeding as I’ve written about before.

 The pain of not being able to breastfeed my daughter consumed me and to the day I still consider what went wrong and what I could have done differently! 

Although never diagnosed I do wonder if my oldest had a tongue tie. My daughter’s inability to latch was dismissed with that she had a “little mouth” and that I had a “large chest” and as a young, first time mother who already doubted herself I didn’t even question the logic behind that statement- a statement that stopped me from questioning and made me just do as I was told. 

As I spent months trying to breastfeed my baby girl I kept hoping her mouth would suddenly grow bigger and with this new super mouth she would latch on like a pro.

Ridiculous as it sounds, I was told very matter of fact by a midwife, that this child my body had grown was somehow incompatible with her mother. That although I was able to grow her from a tiny cell in to a beautiful, perfect baby, nature had been terribly cruel and made sure that we weren’t a good fit! What’s the likelihood of that

Of course, it’s not impossible that we simply were a poor match! But as I’ve gone on to learn more about breastfeeding and completed my breastfeeding peer support training, I feel more inclined to believe that my daughter was indeed born with a toungue tie which went unoticed despite the endless hours spent at a breastfeeding clinic. It wasn’t even considered nor fully investigated although she had some of the more common symptoms associated with a tie! 

She struggled to take a bottle of expressed breastmilk, had terrible eosaphagues reflux and even struggled to “latch on” to a soother. 
If a mother explained this type of scenario to me, the first thing I would have questioned is if the baby had a tie and I feel this is a question which isn’t asked enough.

A breastfeeding health professional once told me to not pay too much attention to the “current hype“, if tougue ties. Ties were dismissed as the new “trendy” breastfeeding issue and was to be somewhat ignored if she was to believe. This I find confusing to say the least as well as concerning. If this is the attitude of those who are supposed to support breastfeeding journeys, it’s no wonder we have breastfeeding rates that are pretty much non excitant. 

So is it really that ties are a sudden hype or have they infact excisted for as long as humanity but as with a lot of breastfeeding knowledge, its been somewhat forgotten. Knowledge which would have been passed from generation to generation has been almost completely erased as a result of the socially pushed, “bottle feeding culture“; and as such we are having to relearn the most basic response of human nature. 

Breastfeeding hasn’t gotten harder- we have forgotten how to do it.

I’ve read  several accounts for historical “tongue ties” or the medically correct term ankyloglossia. It has been documented that in the past a tie would have been assessed soon after baby was born! The midwife would have been able to recognise it instantly and would even have separated it there and then, likely with a long, sharp finger nail. 

Sounds primitive, doesn’t it? Yet it seems that this was actually a more efficient way to support both mothers and babies to have a healthy breastfeeding relationship! 

The tie’s were separated and the babies went on to nurse effectively. Today you need to have pain, and issues. Baby need to have slow weight gain or excessive weight loss and some even display symptoms of reflux and excessive wind. Both mother and baby must almost be at breaking point for a referral to be made to have the tie assessed and possibly separated. 

This often take a few more weeks, if you’re lucky enough to get one at all. No wonder women reach for the bottle in these times. 

If it used to be so easy and resolved with little fuss, how come ties are now destroying breastfeeding relationships leaving us with lover rates, distressed mothers and babies who are missing out on their mothers milk? Why are we making things harder then they need to be?

I live in a part of the world where breastfeeding is pushed by health agencies. Where slogans have been invented and repeated to us on loop. We are told about the so called “benefits” of breastfeeding (instead of simply being told It’s  what’s optimal and natural for humans). We are overloaded with information on how important breastfeeding is, but not realistic expectations and how to do it! where is the support to back the encouragement up?

The advice is hugely contradicting with what’s seen as socially acceptable! Socially, breastfeeding is stigmatised and abused. Ridiculed and sexualised. Mothers who are breastfeeding can face harsh criticism and then there is only minimal support to find from health professional when things get tough.

Medical professionals who are fully capable in supporting breastfeeding mothers are few and far apart! 
The feeling of being pulled in all corners, and criticised by all camps, is a difficult one! This ongoing pressure to do what’s optimal followed by a lack of support is affecting new mothers mental health and confidence. 

You give birth to your child, this innocent little being who becomes your entire world. You get adviced to do what’s best for you both and breastfeed. Some mothers go on to have a difficult journey, some may have excessive pain, and inefficient latch others may end up having to be treated for mastitis or other breastfeeding related issues. You can feel something isn’t right but as a devoted mother you push through the pain with minimal support. 

Everyone tells you the latch looks fine and that it will pass. You get told it’s normal. Many start questioning themself. Should it hurt this much?
It shouldn’t. 

Sometimes I feel strongly that as a society we encourage mothers to breastfeed yet at the first sign of trouble we retract the encouragement and withold the support. Its almost as though mothers whom choose to breastfeed and have any type of difficulties to do so, get punished with lack of support and medical intervention. Suddenly many suggest to give a bottle of formula to the baby!

But how is it, that before a mother need any type of support breastfeeding is all the jazz, but with the first little glitch she get told a bottle of formula will do the trick? Suddenly “fed is best”! 

Its easy to see why many new mothers end up confused and distraught.
I truly believe that mothers are at risk of mental health issues; not as a result of pressure to breastfeed but I believe the contradicting advice and hypocrisy mixed with a hefty dose of “no support” is what has a negative effect. Its like telling someone to fly an airplane with no wings. The support should be instant and constantantly available.

Imagine if we recognised that ankyloglossia isn’t a trend, but a real and limiting condition likely as a result of labour interventions and inductions. What if we trained enough professionals to fully be able to support and recognise a need to “snip“! What if we made these professionals available on  maternity wards to assess babies and mothers who were potentially struggling. 

We can’t keep pushing breastfeeding as the optimal way to feed a baby yet not support mothers when there are issues restricting the success! 

A baby’s  mouth size shouldn’t be a valid excuse to deny support to a new mother

If you enjoyed this blog, please give us a follow on @Facebook or instagram ❤️

You can also find the option to share, below:) 

Much love x

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

My Summer in Maine, Part Two

Whenever I go to Skylands, my home in Seal Harbor, Maine, I like to fill the days with as much as possible. During the second week of my [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Dying At Home In Pain Doesn't Keep Relatives From Stealing The Pills

Dying At Home In Pain Doesn't Keep Relatives From Stealing The Pills
The opioid crisis is forcing hospices to consider how to control drugs in the home.

August 22, 2017 at 07:43AM
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Engineering the End of Malaria

Engineering the End of Malaria
Intellectual Ventures has put some of the profits from licensing patents into developing breakthrough health-care technologies that nobody else has been able to pursue.

August 22, 2017 at 07:43AM
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$417 Million Awarded in Suit Tying Johnson’s Baby Powder to Cancer


Monday, August 21, 2017

Letter to Price and Verma

By Unknown Author from NYT Health

Love big milky juggs? Meet Da1ryQueenoo

Today in the limelight: the Pennsylvania born BBW who goes by the name of Da1ryQueeno. Originally gaining popularity on Instagram for her large, natural tits, she has since expanded her repertoire to include lactation videos, girl-on-girl videos, and boy-girl videos. Her breasts are around a 40G cup size. She’s a horny girl, stating: “I love love love cum so swallowing and receiving a load to my face is my most favorite!” in an interview with Be sure to check out her content and support her by following the links below!



Check Da1ryQueeno out:

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

How to Prevent Deadly Infection in Babies? Good Bacteria

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Hospitals Are Clogged With Patients Struggling With Opioids

By STEPH YIN from NYT Health

Are Husbands and Doctors Conspiring to Sew New Moms Up Too Tight?

Are Husbands and Doctors Conspiring to Sew New Moms Up Too Tight?
The much-feared extra suture, supposedly used to tighten the vagina after childbirth, has long been the rumored result of handshake deals done between husbands and doctors.

August 21, 2017 at 05:17PM
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Debunking The Supposed Condom Replacement That's Just A Sticker

Debunking The Supposed Condom Replacement That's Just A Sticker
The "JIFTIP" looks like a sticker you place on the tip of the penis... and it's about as good a form of birth control/STI protection as if you actually just took a regular old sticker and slapped it on.

August 21, 2017 at 02:04PM
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via crafterdiy

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Smoking Versus Edibles

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What is the lowest-risk route of cannabis administration? (Please don’t come at me with a vape pen.)

August 21, 2017 at 01:15AM
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In Tennessee, Promoting Enrollment in Tenuous Health Care Plans


Pediatricians say Florida hurt sick kids to help big GOP donors

Pediatricians say Florida hurt sick kids to help big GOP donors
When he was 11 years old, LJ Stroud of St. Augustine, Florida, had a tooth emerge in a place where no tooth belongs: the roof of his mouth. But just days before his corrective procedures were to take place, the surgeons' office called to cancel them.

August 20, 2017 at 07:31PM
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Pregnant, then Ruptured

Pregnant, then Ruptured
I’m instructing sixth-graders when that blue flash of pain rips through me. I stop talking. I freeze, hand on belly, and wait to find out if I’ll vomit.

August 20, 2017 at 05:40PM
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Iconic Plague Images Are Often Not What They Seem

Iconic Plague Images Are Often Not What They Seem
Many images that have been traditionally used to depict the Black Death are, in fact, not images of the plague at all. Now, a group of dedicated historians are trying to correct the record.

August 20, 2017 at 04:34PM
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The Opioid Crackdown Is Making Life Miserable — Even Untenable — For People With Chronic Pain

The Opioid Crackdown Is Making Life Miserable — Even Untenable — For People With Chronic Pain
The pendulum has swung too far in the other direction.

August 20, 2017 at 09:44AM
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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Pill Cures Peanut Allergy For Four Years In Limited Study

Pill Cures Peanut Allergy For Four Years In Limited Study
Scientists in Australia report that a trial of probiotics mixed with peanuts lasting four years lead to a peanut tolerance.

August 19, 2017 at 02:29PM
via Digg

Being A Journalist Is Terrible For Your Mental Health

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"It felt like the parts of my brain that contain motivation, energy, and the ability to arrange ideas had been injected with novocaine."

August 19, 2017 at 12:54PM
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My Summer in Maine 2017, Part One

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from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Friday, August 18, 2017

Super-producing mom donates 600 gallons of breast milk

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

The Appointment Ends. Now the Patient Is Listening.

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

Autostreaming: my new dilemma

He turns a desert into pools of water,
a parched land into springs of water.
And there he lets the hungry dwell

– Psalm 107:35-36a

Gentlemen, imagine walking through your favorite garden, the most beautiful garden of all. Further imagine that in this most beautiful garden are some water fountains. Now picture the fountains gushing not water, but milk. Warm, sweet milk overflowing till your cup runneth over. All over this lovely garden. Stop dreaming, start tasting – or at least making moves towards tasting. You can easily make this fantastic dream a reality, depending on the woman you marry.


Autostreaming is the automatic spraying of milk from a woman’s breasts. This happens when they get so engorged that the slightest stimulation forces the milk out in a way that resembles a shower head in use, and her breasts literally become mini milk fountains. Hands-free. Fully automatic. Locked and loaded and good to go. Super Soaker everyday. And also incredibly erotic, arousing, exciting, beautiful — and even godly.

I’m strongly convinced that God doesn’t like dry wells, arid conditions and deserts. When listening to the radio earlier this year, a young woman working with a Christian charity — I believe it was Compassion International — said poverty was foreign to God’s original creation. It entered the world after Adam and Eve fell. She described how in the Garden of Eden, everything was available for our ancestors to eat and enjoy. I completely concur. That’s why I think breasts that are overflowing and leaking actually glorify God and point back to his original abundance prior to the Fall. Indeed, God exhorts me to let her breasts drench me at all times. Yeah, God is not at all fond of dryness.

But I have a new dilemma. Ever since the Fall, productivity/bountifulness have declined and dryness, vanity, unproductivity and waste have become our new reality. In fact, the two verses that immediately precede the italicized ones above state “He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants.” So although the original dilemma mentioned in Skydiving without a parachute has been resolved, a new one has replaced it: how can I be certain that even if the primary hurdle of having her agree to an ANR has been cleared in the first place, that she would also be capable of meeting my erotic fantasy* of autostreaming, upon which I’m convinced God smiles when used as an “outlet” for a wife’s blessing?

What if I finally find her, and she gladly agrees to an ANR only to produce a few drops? This has cost me some worry and concern, even major sin. An agreement to an ANR isn’t sufficient. The couple must also agree to do whatever it takes to maintain a good supply.

I’m reminded to keep things in perspective. “Son, you’re jumping the gun,” God seems to warn me at times when I get anxious. “You’ve never even been married and don’t know for sure if you’ll eventually be in an ANR. You just might die tomorrow.” I’m worrying in the present about not worrying in the future. Silly me.

True, only God knows the end of my days and I just might die tomorrow. But I do know that statistically, I’m likely to live a few more decades and get married. As discussed in Skydiving, faith without works is dead, so I did some research in order to maximize my chances of finding a woman who meets my preferences. I have investigated some non-sinful sources (and most regrettably, some sinful ones too**) and will present my findings.

Another reason I feel I should be rest assured — but I’m not always — is I know that if future Mrs. Prov519 and I don’t give up, nurse often, she drinks lots of water, uses all the herbs available, we stick to a strict nursing schedule, (as lactation operates on a supply and demand basis), we’ll have some success getting her supply up. And if all else fails, there’s Domperidone.

For those of you who don’t like taking prescription medications, I listed it as a last resort precisely for this reason. It undoubtedly produces results, though. I’ve heard and seen pictures of the difference it makes.

But prevention is better than cure. Before even getting to that stage, it’s critical to discuss this with your would-be spouse. From now on, I’ll augment my three-point plan mentioned in Skydiving. There, I said I’ll only bring up the topic of ANR once, and if she agrees, that’s it. No more testing the boundaries by discussing it before marriage.

Now that I’m a little more mature and experienced in discussing this erotic lifestyle with potential wives, I feel more confident in talking about some of its more erotic aspects. So on my next date, after she agrees to an ANR, the next hurdle would be to ascertain that she will be able to autostream or is at least likely to. And how on earth did I go about finding that out without sinning? I’d like to think I have the profile of the ANR-likely woman nailed down by now, but what about that of the autostreaming-likely woman? This question cuts to the heart of my dilemma over the past 12 or so months.

From my research, I’ve seen that the key to a woman’s ability to autostream is engorgement. It’s her having such an excessive milk supply that she’s easily and frequently engorged. Having very responsive breasts, nipples and areolas is also of secondary importance. Henceforth, I plan to tell future dates about this concern. I’ll mention that having an overabundant supply is important to me, a discussion that would have been inconceivable back when I was a legalistic Puritan. Of the last four times I introduced Couples Nursing to ladies, despite being godly women, two had no problem mentioning the word “nipples.” Sigh of relief. Not all Christians are a bunch of uptight prudes.

I have struggled with this new dilemma, albeit to a lesser degree than the original. I was especially concerned about a potential slippery slope, since the flesh never quits. If I’m wondering how responsive she is in her erogenous areas and wanting to discuss it on the first few dates, who knows what’s next, perhaps I’d want to see those erogenous areas and “find out for sure,” and you and I know the progression from that point on won’t be pretty. God won’t be smiling.

As I just said two paragraphs above, I have been on a date with a godly woman who has volunteered some of this information about her own breasts. While considering my ANR proposal, she candidly told me some things that might be considered inappropriate by some believers, especially for the first date. No physical boundaries were pushed, however, and nothing sinful happened. When we parted ways, I was able to exhort her to purity (by advising to only visit sites like Christ-centered ANR : ) and she really liked the idea of Couples Nursing. So this gives me confidence that it’s possible to take the conversation to this slightly higher level without sinning.

My renewed struggle makes us revisit the fact that Christians can sometimes be caught between a rock and a hard place. Almost all of us have certain desires, kinks or fantasies that are best left out of corporate worship and ecclesiastical discussions, especially when kids are in attendance. But unfortunately, they get left out of the church completely. I believe that in mature, small group settings, we should be able to discuss such struggles tactfully. When it comes to sex within marriage, God is extremely liberal, while He’s ultra conservative with regards to sex outside marriage. So that outside-inside tension and the dramatic shift in God’s disposition toward sex depending on one’s marital status can create bewilderment and confusion for those of us believers with uncommon bedroom desires. “What if you marry someone then later find out you don’t like the sex?” asked a very liberal coworker that teaches Sunday school classes in a very liberal denomination. My response was that God in His matchless wisdom has equipped us to discern who we’re more than likely to greatly enjoy sex with, even before marriage. But those of us with less common desires like Couples Nursing are more in a quandary, more so if we also desire features like autostreaming. In God’s design, marriage is only meant to happen once, thus the importance of making a careful decision and ensuring that our non-negotiables are met can’t be overstated.

In my quest to resolve this new dilemma, I’ve recently realized that the bottomline is doing some honest, Spirit-led introspection by asking myself how marrying a woman capable of autostreaming enhances my marriage biblically. What advantage would such a woman have over a godly one who makes enough milk but lacks this ability? How does an autostreaming wife make my marriage godlier, and paint a better picture of Christ and His sacrifice for His Bride?

My answers are as follows. First of all, in the Old Testament, God repeatedly refers to the Promised Land as the land flowing with milk and honey. (Exodus 3:8; Numbers 14:8; Deuteronomy 31:20; Ezekiel 20:15) [1]. Secondly, as mentioned in the third paragraph of this post, an ANR that entails autostreaming would enable us to better appreciate God’s providence and bountiful blessings on the marriage relationship. Consider Isaiah 66:11, where God says: “That you may nurse and be satisfied with [Jerusalem’s] comforting breasts, that you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom.” We have even more examples of God doing things like raining down manna on the Israelites and Jesus feeding several thousands and having 12 basketfulls leftover.

Further, in John 2:6, Christ turned water into wine. Between 120 and 180 gallons of wine to be precise. If God weren’t a proponent of overflowing abundance, why would He choose to bless a brand new marital union by miraculously creating between 454 and 681 liters of wine?

Therefore, we can surely conclude that God views an abundance of nourishment as a great blessing.

Because Christ has ransomed His Bride from death with His very own blood, she owes Him her complete allegiance and must bear fruit for Him, see Ephesians 2:10.
In an analogous way, after a long hard day’s work providing for her, I’d like a wife who reciprocates by raining down her best on me. It truly is a beautiful thing when a wife wants to bear abundant fruit for her dear hardworking husband who loves her like Christ loves the Church.

Also, keep in mind that one of my biggest reasons for desiring Couples Nursing is to have my wife physically becoming part of me. The more of her in me, the better.
Likewise, the Spirit of Christ doesn’t partially indwell me. God doesn’t believe in half-hearted efforts. The only reason observers are able to see partial Spiritual fruit is my sin. My rationale is ‘why settle for a wife who can partially fill me if I can marry one that can fill me to the brim?’

And to put it quite simply, autostreaming is fun and exciting and a woman who can do that has an advantage over one who can’t.

I hope I’ve been able to convince you of the divine, biblical validity of engorged, overflowing, autostreaming breasts and how they are a sign of God’s blessing.

Single guys, from doing some** non-sinful research, I can confidently tell you that the women who produce the most milk and can therefore autostream more than the rest are Oriental Asian. But don’t book your flights to Tokyo just yet. They seem to make a lot more thin, watery foremilk than creamy, nutritious hindmilk, which I’m guessing is related to their diet. (DISCLAIMER: gentlemen, this useful bit of info is only meant to provide guidance to the single Christian man who longs for a solid Christian woman capable of autostreaming. If it causes you to lust or objectify Asian women, I can’t be held responsible.

I think the rules can be bent in this case for the sake of mercy and prudence, to prevent the believer from being sexually unfulfilled for the rest of his life after getting married. My study Bible notes about 1 Samuel 21:4-5, where the priest gave a famished David the holy bread which was only for consumption by priests: “Ahimelech was bending the rules, since only priests were allowed to eat the bread, and only in a holy place. However, Jesus endorsed Ahimelech’s judgment in putting mercy before ceremonial law.”)

When with my future wife D.V., I would love her autostreaming often, and us making it one of the highlights of our Adult Nursing Relationship. I want to take pictures and record videos : ) I want to drink from her overflowing abundance.



*I’m cautious about using the word “fantasy.” Elder T advises against holding on to any fantasies due to Philippians 4:8: “…whatever is true … think about such things.” He has my vote, except for one qualification. I agree that the Bible teaches to focus more on the here and now rather than worrying about the unknown future, but I think some fantasies can be realistic. Ladies, if you’re waiting for an extremely handsome and godly multi-billionaire to sweep you off your feet and tell you how much he loves you every hour on the hour, 24 times a day, that’s probably not gonna happen. Guys, neither is the desire to find a Baywatch babe turned Christian who wants to have sex with you seven times a day. But if you hope (without obsessing) for an attractive Christian gentleman who wants to drink your essence daily, or a godly, well-endowed woman who would love to drench you everyday, then you’re on solid ground. They do exist. I’ve met some. I could be married to one right now if it weren’t for the inadequate chemistry. There’s a difference between exotic but realistic, and wild and imaginary.

** Christians looking for resources on ANR are often in an exceedingly difficult position. It’s a beautiful gift that’s biblical but also sexual and not highly looked upon in our day so it’s a challenge to avoid visiting disgusting sites. We need a lot more clean and Christian ANR resources so we can forgo any “insights” that the dirty ones may offer.
1. Why was Israel called the land of milk and honey? Got Questions

See also:

Super-producing mom donates 600 gallons of breast milk

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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