Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mama's Special Brownies

*Fair warning: these brownies are delicious and easily rationalized when you eat six in a row. Oh, and you might need a million milk bags…

Everyone talks about these magical methods to increase milk supply. I’m pretty crunchy, but I’m also skeptical. So, I conducted a pretty basic experiment. I already take Fenugreek twice a day and Mother’s Milk tea three times a day. Neither of which are particularly delicious, but these pale in comparison to the lousy taste of brewer’s yeast. With my usual routine I produced 14 extra ounces within a 24-hour time period. This is my average lately. Then, I made my version of “special brownies.” By 7 am the next day, I produced 18 extra ounces. Eighteen. 👏🏼 Extra. 👏🏼 Ounces. 👏🏼 By the end of my 24-hour period, I made off with 25 extra ounces. I kept track again the following day and I got another 25 ounces! These truly are magical.

While different bodies respond differently to brewer’s yeast and flaxseed meal, my body clearly ate that sh*t up and took off running. The best part? They taste like actual brownies! You can’t even taste the brewer’s yeast. I used brownie mix because I can’t bake to save my life usually. I like to experiment in the kitchen and baking isn’t usually conducive for my flagrant abandonment of all instructions.

So, here’s the recipe!
Annie’s organic brownie mix
1/2 cup butter, melted
Two eggs
3tbsp water*
3tbsp Brewer’s yeast
2tbsp flaxseed meal

Mix super well! *The mix only calls for two tablespoons of water, but you need three.

Bake as per instructions on the box. I did an 8×8 glass pan greased with crisco for 38 minutes. Every oven is different though, so start checking at 35 minutes to be safe.

Let them cool, cut, snack, enjoy, and make sure you have extra milk bags!


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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