Thursday, August 31, 2017

Dear Society, Sincerely Breastfeeding Mother

Dear Society, 

   My name is Breastfeeding Mother, and I am trying to understand what has made you so insensitive to my hungry child. My breast is out for good reason. My child is starving and unfortunately her adjustable hunger settings are broken. Society, why should I apologize that the nourishment my child requires happens to spill from my breast. Why should I be ashamed of this beautiful gift. This gift gives my baby quality life, this gift aids her in developing far beyond her time. Do you not realize the power i poses as mother. I can fill my child’s belly with the best quality milk known to man. My milk replenishes to the custom need of my baby so there is always just enough. My milk supports her immune system making her stronger and better ready when its time to go to war with bacteria. My milk can transform itself when my she is sick, producing more of the healthy organisms necessary for battle. Society are you not impressed? Well okay, I get it. Just for you I will struggle to cover up as my baby screams…

                                                                               Sincerely, Breastfeeding Mother

If I were asked to write society a letter about two months ago it would have looked something like that. Breastfeeding is a very loaded topic and people always have so much to say about mothers and their feeding methods. Ive decided to add my two, maybe even three cents in and be a advocate for breastfeeding. I am so damn tired of being stared at in public by men and women when i take my tit out to feed my child. I expect it from small children but you adults should be ashamed of yourselves. I wish people would get educated on all the benefits of breastfeeding and realize how normal it is. Stop sexualizing breastfeeding. The issue in society today is that people associate breast and women as sexual beings, instead of acknowledging all the true magnificent capabilities the women body has. These breast that sit upon my chest are not here to be ranked on a scale of one to ten, they should not be stared at, or squeezed. Please understand when you see my nipple stretch as my baby cliches her jaw turning her head the opposite direction I am so not trying to be sexy, and that maneuver is not meant to get you excited in anyway. Understand that these boobs are fulfilling their main purpose which is to provide. Why is it such a big deal that i breastfeed in public. Im minding my business you should do the same. 

Breast feeding is normal, natural, and necessary. You should embrace me because i am a mother who has chosen better for her child. A mother that has taken the time to research. I am a mother who has sacrificed a set of perfect perky breast just to ensure my kid gets what is vital for her health. Embrace me as mother, goddess, queen, protector, and most importantly provider. Not all but most of the public has placed an expectation on mothers that completely disregards the spectacular job well done she has done. There is nothing gross about breastfeeding. I should not have to apologize for providing my child with a meal while shopping. Commend me rather then looking down upon me. Breastfeeding is not easy. When I m not dealing with the butt hole named Society, I am spending much of my time missing sleep, pumping, and catering to a baby that is dangling from my boob. Its not easy give me some credit . 

My letter to society is now different. I see breastfeeding for what it is instead of what it looks like. I don’t care about Society frowning, or whispering about me. In fact I am no longer asking society why they have such ignorant views about breastfeeding. I’ve even written a new letter to society and it reads … 

Dear Society, 

        My name is Breastfeeding Mother. I am writing you to say grow up! I no longer care to figure out why you speak on something you know nothing about. If me nourishing my child offends you I am not sorry. Society open your mind a little and realize I choose to breastfeed because its all about giving the best to my child. I don’t care that you are uncomfortable. Now give me 10 minutes ill be done soon. 

Sincerely , Breastfeeding Mother. 

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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