Thursday, August 2, 2018

An Honest Mama's Breastfeeding Journey

Hey Y’all!

Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7)! I thought we would kick off the re-launch of the blog with something I have become SUPER passionate about! Breastfeeding!

PLUS- A giveaway on Sunday!


My breastfeeding journey has been a long and super crazy one. With Layla, we had a traumatic delivery that resulted in her getting fed formula and a pacifier before I could even attempt to nurse. I was too young back then to even know what or how to remedy that situation. On our second daughter, Charleigh we ended up nursing for a week or two then I switched to exclusively pumping for around five months. My supply was low (despite medications and supplements) and we supplemented one or two bottles a day even when I was pumping.

This time, with our third I decided I was going to bring my A game. Because this time it was breastfeeding or formula, though I firmly believe fed is best I wanted so badly to have that bond with one of our babies. I knew I could not handle exclusively pumping this time so I read EVERYTHING I could on how to jump-start my supply, what to do if it was low, and accepted that I would be making visits to the lactation consultant regardless of how good it went. I started pumping once or twice a day after I hit 38 weeks (we were also trying for a VBAC so I was told it could help labor progress). When Savie was born she latched and ate like a champ. But when we got home it still took five days for my milk to come in, I began pumping after every single feeding even if only five minutes. I was determined to get my milk to come in as we watched her weight scooping down. Several visits to the lactation consultant, a few days of supplementing with formula, and many nights of promising to make it to morning and here we are four months later.


Pumping so much early on was HARD. I literally got zero sleep and syringe feeding was not enjoyable but once my milk came in on day five I felt so much relief (and engorgement Haha). The biggest push for me in those dark 3 am feedings was reminding myself not to give up on a bad day or in the middle of the night. Everything looks different the next day so I made many small goals. First was a week, then a month, then six weeks, then three months, and here we are working on making it to six months. I had an oversupply for a few weeks from pumping and feeding so much which had its own challenges too but it allowed me to regulate to normal when I started back on allergy medications and went back to work. I still pump one extra time before Savie eats in the morning because I started to donate my extra milk and I like having that cushion if things stop working for us (I typically have about 1000-1300oz in the freezer).


On Saturday I will be posting about my essentials that have made this breastfeeding journey and my life easier! It has definitely been a learning curve for us but I strongly believe that the support system I had that lifted me up when I needed it and gave me confidence to make this a priority was huge.

Her chunky thighs and belly make this journey incredibly satisfying and fill my heart 38282342_864341967069387_6728176422210240512_nwith gratefulness that we have been on it so far!



See ya soon!

An Honest Mama

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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