Sunday, March 24, 2019

Animal Coven

Cece plays a prank on the coven and transforms (almost) all of them. BE, lactation, various mostergirl TFs.

“Oh, what the hec- mooooo!” Maddie shouted as unknown magic pulsed through the coven house. In moments, her t shirt was torn apart and her bra exploded as her tits–udders–burst through in their haste to swell. From basketballs they plumped up, past beach balls, past yoga balls, almost down to her knees by the time they stopped growing. Mooddie’s nipples swelled up as well, the fat nubs eagerly leaking milk as her additional cow features grew in- horns, ears, tail.

Dammit, Cece,” the newly bovine witch grumbled. She heard murmurs of surprise and discontent from elsewhere in the house and stalked out of her room topless- Mooddie knew her magic probably wouldn’t reverse Cece’s easily. Leaving a trail of milk behind her, she went first to her neighbor Rose.

The door opened quickly after Mooddie knocked. “Like, nya~! Hi Mads!” Rose’s golden, fluffy ears twitched around as her tail shook from seeing one of her best friends. “You’re changed too, nya?”

Mooddie rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure it was Cece. Who else?”

Rose’s eyes scanned Mooddie’s body, slit-pupils landing on the cow’s nipples and hugely dilating. The catgirl licked her lips watching the creamy liquid drip.

“No, Rose- control yourself. Please.”

“Buuuuut, nya, I’m a cat! I want milk, nya!” She stepped towards Mooddie, hips wiggling, before she pounced, landing on top of the cow, her lips quickly latching onto her target.

“N- Rose! Stop- mooooo!” Mooddie was helpless as her body fought against her will, her muscles relaxing and letting cat-Rose happily suckle milk from her, not stopping until one of her huge tits was drained. “Now that that’s settled,” Mooddie said weakly, “Can we go find everyone else.”

“Nyaaaa~, sure!” The duo headed down the stairs to find Cass-newly a kitsune–curled up in the bay window seat with Daisy. Mooddie gently shook her awake.

“Hun?” she whispered. “Cass, wake up, sleepyhead.”

Foxandra slowly opened her eyes and stretched, yawning. “Hey Mads. Rose. What’s up? Why are you both animal girls?”

Rose waggled her eyebrows. “We’re all animals girls, Foxy. Nya!”

“What?” Foxandra replied. She caught her reflection in the window beside her. “Pointy ears? And… how did I not notice this giant tail?”

“Your teeth are kinda pointy too, babe.”

“Huh. They are. So, what’s our plan?”

Mooddie and Rose both shrugged. “Find everyone else, first. After that, I’m not sure. Darcy will probably have ideas.”

“I found Heidi,” Rose commented, staring out the window. “I think she’s a… plant? Kinda green and basking in the sun.”

“Hmm… you two go get her. I’m not gonna stroll out into the front lawn without a shirt.”

Foxandra kissed her on the cheek. “Good plan, hun. Look for the rest of the girls while we figure out what to do with Heidi.” She and Rose stepped outside as Mooddie climbed up the stairs back towards the rest of the bedrooms.

“Hey girl,” Rose called out. “You know, I figured I would be a plant girl, because, you know… Rose.”

“Hiiiiii,” Heidi slowly, breathily, said. “It’s so niiiice out here.”

“We’re tryna gather everyone up to figure out what to do about all our developments, Heidi,” Cass stated.

“Oh, that’s okay, I don’t mind being like this. The sun feels so goooood.” Heidi started kicking her feet around, digging into the dirt, then buried them up.

“Heids, you can’t just stay out here and photosynthesize all day.”

“Mmmm, watch me.”

Cass sighed. “Let’s just get everyone else and bring them out here. We’ll find a shirt for Mads somewhere.”

“Heeeey?” Mooddie called out. “Anybody around?” She suddenly tumbled onto her butt without even realizing she slipped. Once sitting, she realized the floor around her was slippery- not from her milk, but a translucent green liquid. “What the heck?” Mooddie slowly got up, holding her arms out to balance, and followed the splotches of slime the best she could.

Standing at the foot of the ladder leading to Portia’s lab, Mooddie braced herself for the slimey way up- and the squeeze of getting through the hatch. With some effort, and a little help from the mysterious liquid, the cow-witch popped into the alchemist’s lab. “Porsh?” she called out.

“Oh, hey Maddie! I hope it wasn’t too hard getting up here with the slime and all. I don’t have legs right now.” She gestured to the mass of goo that made up her lower half. “This is kinda fun, to be honest.”

“We’ve all been hit with what I assume is a Cece prank,” Mooddie explained. “I’ve been gathering everyone to figure out what to do.”

“Oh, I guess that’s fair. Hold on, let me sprout legs again.” The goo shifted around and split, giving Portia two drippy legs. “I hope I don’t lose mass from this,” she laughed.

“Alright, let’s go!” Mooddie tried to pull herself back down the ladder, only to get stuck on her tits. “A little help, goo girl?”

“Hmmm,” Portia replied, before sliding over and surrounding Mooddie with herself. “Let’s go, cow,” she teased. The pair slipped through the hatch, tumbling off the ladder onto the floor.

Portia reformed and sucked herself back into her usual shape, walking in circles around Mooddie to reabsorb all the goo she’d left on the floor. “Hehehe,” she giggled. “I’m the T-1000.”

“Who are we still missing? Jen, Alexia, and Darcy,” Mooddie counted on her fingers. “Any ideas?”

“Knowing Darce, she’s totally immune to whatever happened. Probably still in her study.”

Just like Portia thought, Darcy was in her study, completely unaware that anything had happened.

“Hmm?” she asked when the pair walked in. “Madeline, could you put a shirt on?” With a wave of her hand, Darcy clothed the top half of the cow.

“Thanks, Darce.”

“Portia, you are looking… gooey.”

“Cece hit us with a prank spell. We figured you’d be immune to it.”

“I am generally unaffected by the cow’s meddling.”

“We still need to find my sister and Alexia, then hopefully we can sort everything out.”

“No need to worry about those two,” Cass said as she walked into the study. “They’re outside with Heidi. C’mon.”

“Where are they? I don’t see them,” Mooddie stated.

“Nya, like, up there,” Rose pointed into Heidi’s boughs, “And up there.” She pointed to the roof.

“Heidi sure has gotten bigger,” the cow said, staring at the tree-like girl, now verging on twelve feet tall.

“The sun feels so goooood, I toooold youuu…”

“Hi girlssssssss,” Alexia nearly hissed from Heidi’s branches.

“Lex, are you a… snake?” Portia asked.

“Yessssssss. I’m not the only one with sssscalesssss, though.” She pointed a beefy arm towards a coiled up, sleeping Jenny.

“Is she a- I can’t really tell from here,” Mooddie asked as she squinted.

“I think she’s a dragon,” Foxandra added. “And a huge one at that.”

“Huh. Well, she needs to get down here if we are going to fix this,” Darcy huffed.

“Hey Jen!” Mooddie shouted. “If you don’t come down here I’m gonna sell all your baking equipment!” Jenny’s eyes bolted open and she half leapt, half flew down from the roof to tower over the other girls- save Heidi.

“Wow, even your tits are bigger than mine,” Mooddie observed, shocked. “Cece doesn’t usually skimp on my boobs.” Her titties doubled in size instantly. “There’s the Cece magic we know and love.” Her magic, Darcy-created shirt stretched with her boobs, although the weight pulled her to the ground. “So, how do we all get back to normal?”

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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