Friday, October 4, 2019

Baked Apple Oatmeal

About 2 weekends ago, we went apple picking. This is a yearly tradition in my family and I love it. This year it was super hot on the day we went and I was about 39 weeks pregnant so it didn’t much feel like fall, but we got good apples nonetheless. Then we had to decide what to do with our bounty! We will undoubtedly just eat most of them as what is really better than a fresh picked Ohio apple? But, I did want to make a couple of things. A friend suggested “baked apple oatmeal” and I didn’t even know that was a thing.

I did some searching for recipes on the interwebs and came across one from SeriousEats. I pretty much followed that recipe except I didn’t add nuts and obvi I added extra cinnamon – because duh.

Oats and apples before adding liquid ingredients, already looks good!

I made this on day 4 after coming home from the hospital after having our second kiddo, so that will vouch for how not difficult this recipe is. It turned out great. My husband requested me to make more of it already.

Not only is it relatively healthy, oats and cinnamon are great for me right now as I am trying to eat as many lactogenic foods as possible.

I will be making a huge pan of this, hopefully this weekend, and freezing individual portions for future breakfasts.

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