Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ultimate Power Lactation Oatmeal - you want this!

I was never an oatmeal eater.

In fact, breakfast wasn’t even really my thing – except for croissants… ALL the croissants.

But once I have birth the hunger started early, and came on hard

Partially due to lack of sleep, but also due to my body being all out-of-sorts, I needed to eat food that kept me full for a LONG time – and really pack in the nutrients.

Breastfeeding was something I was working on – but I was definitely nervous about my supply early on in the beginning.

After doing a ton of research – I found that there were a lot of natural & healthy ingredients that would help boost my milk supply! But instead of eating like, 10 different meals to boost my supply – was it possible to pack everything into ONE dish????

Well, the answer was YES and it was delicious!!!!

As such – the Power oatmeal was born!

I ate this EVERY SINGLE MORNING during the first 18 months of my son’s life – and honestly, still make a batch at least once a month – it’s so good, and sets me up for success for the rest of the day!

Make a batch on Sunday night – and eat it for breakfast every morning!

What’s great is switching up the fruit based on the season – apples in the fall, cherries in the spring, peaches in the summer!

Enjoy either heated or cold – it’s great either way!!!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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