Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Outer Boobs

My latest video game darling Ellie Fenhill (from The Outer Worlds) gets a nice hourglass with some milk on the side.

Ellie took a deep breath as she prepared the syringe full of what should be a nearly miraculous compound for healing wounds. Looking at the self-inflicted cut on her hand, she steadied her breathing and stuck herself with the needle and pushed down on the plunger.

“Here goes nothing,” she quipped. In seconds, the compound worked, and her skin knitted itself back together.

“Huh,” Ellie muttered. “Better than I expected, honestly, I-”

She was cut off as her jacket bulged and she quickly looked down at herself to find her clothes steadily constricting her. Tossing the needle to the side, Ellie pulled her jacket off as the sensation of growth thrilled through her. Lifting her shirt up, the doctor got a better view of her tits bulging around her bra cups. The shirt quickly joined her jacket, as did the bra, once she got the clasp undone. 

The doctor had been decently busty beforehand, but this was entirely new territory. Her boobs were beyond handfuls now, and her stiff nipples- they were bigger as well, swelling to keep pace with her breasts. When Ellie could finally pull herself away from her bust, she noticed her pants were tightening around her ass too. Tossing her pistol holster and unbuttoning the fly, she shimmied her way free, and her booty wobbled each time she shifted her weight.

“What the- where the hell are these curves coming from?”

Her tits continued on with their growth, and she slowly brought her hands to them, feeling the weight and heft. A playful grope made Ellie’s knees shake, but she caught herself just in time to notice the droplets of milk running down from her nipples.

“What… the… auugghhmmmfffff…” She trailed off as her hands–possibly disobediently–began to squeeze with abandon, starting up her expression of milk. In moments, even without stimulation, she was leaking. “It feels… so good…” Ellie stumbled and fell to the floor, sliding a little after her plumped booty cushioned her fall. Skittering over to one wall, the doctor leaned against it as the growth ebbed away, but she couldn’t help but keep working herself. Her tits–by now larger than her head–were so full of milk she couldn’t think of not emptying them. The flow of cream soaked into her remaining clothes as she trailed a hand down to the tatters that used to be her panties…

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