Saturday, July 25, 2015

Remedies for low milk supply

It pains me to hear of women struggling with breastfeeding a newborn; there is a delicate time window to get the supply adequate for the baby before supplementation is required, which inevitably results in premature weening.

There are multiple remedies for helping to increase milk supply, as there are multiple reasons why milk supply may be inadequate. I like these tips from this old book (published 1983), The Complete Book of Homeopathic Medicine, by Dr M.B.Panos M.D, and Jane Heimlich:
– use Ignatia if emotional stress is likely the causation
– otherwise, use Calc Phos as it is a nutritional tonic

In the case of boosting milk supply, I would suggest the Calc Phos in low potency, such as the Schuessler’s tissue salts.

Other functional foods can also help boost nutrition for building milk, such as oats, and herbal teas (fennel, fenugreek among others). If it were me, I’d use them all!11222966_893365920730013_2637791113811982019_n

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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