Friday, August 21, 2015


By now, you have heard of “THE RABBIT WHO WANTS TO FALL ASLEEP

I tried it last night, and it worked.

Performing hypnosis on my child = good, so far.

Results may vary, but:

Every night, for more that two years, she has suckled herself to sleep.

Since she was 9 months old, she has used her teeth.

The last six months or so, she has been grinding her teeth on my nipples in order to fall asleep.

This takes over an hour.

It cannot be substituted by any other means (by me) such as rocking, driving around, walking around with her, reading more books, etc.  Her father can utilize these methods as he does not lactate.

But this very boring, hypnotic and rhythmic book, read in gentle tones, following the directions….at first M was mad and wanted her “TIGEY BOOK” (daniel tiger, going potty, natch) but she settled in to this story and was asleep before I finished.  News at 11.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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