Friday, August 21, 2015

Baby Mama Drama

So my first blood niece was born last week, August 13.. Emma Leigh Honeymar came into this world weighing a very healthy 8lbs, 1oz. (My sister and brother-in-law couldn’t be happier!)  Two days later, the nurse was examining the baby and noted a weight loss of nine ounces.. Miss Emma left the hospital at 7lbs, 8oz.  This put my post partum sister into a tail spin of course!!

It should probably be noted that my sister is a total breast feeding advocate.  She is almost entirely against bottle feeding.  And while it is not for everyone, breastfeeding is a great choice!! It affords the baby the opportunity to receive antibodies from the mother, and there are studies that show breastfed babies are less likely to develop asthma or allergies, as well as fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea. (Oh, and bonus: it’s cheaper and usually more convenient!)

At any rate, at the pediatrician the following day, Emma was down another 4oz…  (Which may have a lot to do with the fact that there’s a transition period when they’re born, and my sisters milk supply took a few days to come in.) What I find most surprising is that the pediatrician (though a self proclaimed breast feedER) wasted no time throwing a formula supply at my sister, encouraging less work put into breastfeeding.  Seriously??

Jillian was totally not on board with that so she ignored the sentiment and kept right on breastfeeding regularly, diligently.  That was four days ago.. Emma is up to 7lb 11oz and is absolutely perfect as far as the pediatrician is concerned. ON BREAST FEEDING ALONE.

I wanted to be able to help out as much as possible–overall, I can do nothing to help here. Technically speaking anyhow… But after googling and investigation, I could do a little something… Lactation cookies!! Who knew??? :-)

I did have a few recipes that I went through before I found my favorite! (I have to like what I’m baking!!) Not a huge fan of dried fruit, so I chose a recipe without– Here’s where I found the recipe:

Bottom line: breastfeeding is hard. It takes diligence and commitment. It’s work. Keep at it. You can do it!! And it is so worth it!!
:-* :-*

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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